Defeating Adventism 48 – Seventh-day Adventists Phantom Sunday Law

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Seventh-day Adventists are mentally tormented with the Adventist teaching that their Protestant friends and neighbors will at some point in the future hunt them down and either imprison or kill them and they are forced to observe Sunday and forsake the Sabbath. Well, my Adventist friends your mental torment is now over. Your prophet Ellen White has given you instructions on what to do in the face of national Sunday laws and your freedom and safety are assured. You will see in this video; Adventists now have no basis for any worry about a National Sunday Law.

National Sunday Law – Fact or Fiction
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Yea, I hate to admit this, But when I was fully duped by the SAD organization, I believed that we would be arrested if we were found at the church building on Saturday..That there would be a role call of the Sunday church to see if anybody was missing and that anybody missing would have a knock on their house front door and be arrested for not attending Sunday services..
And to avoid arrest, just get to Sunday church now and don't let it happen again!!
For as much as the USA government is fully against anything religious. Separation of church and state is absolute..If a law such as being described here was enacted, it would be struck down by the supreme court within hours of it's passing ..
It is always OBEY..Obey..Obey the sabbath..You could almost here in there words.."Bow Down to the sabbath..Bow Down..


One would think that if Sunday worship had such damning consequences that SOMEONE in the NT (Jesus, Paul, another author) would have at least MENTIONED if not ardently warned us to under NO CIRCUMSTANCE to NOT do it...point this out to them or ask for supporting scriptures and it's crickets. Absolute silence. so sad and crazy. Poor deluded sdas. May God lead them out and into His Light. Amen. Sean's wife


After coming out of the SAD organization and before our divorce, I started attending a local Lutheran church..The time was right around Christmas..I invited my wife to a morning church service to see what it was all about..The church was all decked out with the Christmas decorations, etc...She wouldn't do it..She wouldn't go..WHY? To be in a Sunday service was the worst thing you could do in her brainwashed mind..You might as well asked her to jump into a active volcano!!
But get this..She said yes to a 5:00PM Advent service held that night..Why did she accept that invite?? because it was already sunset..Which means it was Monday..
Sunset to sunset is the dividing time..That Advent service was on Monday!!..
Gigantic brain washing..


I kept asking the SDA where is the Sunday law in the Bible. One told me it's not. It is in the SDA writings. We as Christians knew this already, but I respect this SDA person gave me an honest answer.


I am so glad someone made a video about this! Growing up Adventist I was always afraid of the Sunday law, fast forward now, I am so happy I no longer believe this lie of a Sunday law.


Well, well, well. I don't have more synonymous for your presentations. Good, excellent, spot on, wonderful. Oh boy! You already succeeded in defeating SDA doctrines, EGW, and all the nonsense of SDA organization.

SDA are not willing to challenge their own beliefs. They approach others believing their doctrines, and their prophetess are Biblical, while all others are wrong and in need to come to the truth which for them is the church nor Jesus.

The unwillingness of SDA to consider they can be wrong doesn't allow them to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit calling them to repentance, and to get out of the confusion there are in.I gave my testimony already about me being in this Cult for more or less 15 years, but my testimony doesn't end here. My husband was a third generation SDA, and to the glory of God by prayer and supplication he considered that all he believes could be wrong. He allowed the Holy Spirit to be his teacher, and by reading the bible God showed him all the lies, and the heresies he once was so eager to defend.

I praise the Lord, and thank Him from the bottom of my heart that through Bible studies, and allowing The Holy Spirit to be our only teacher He took my husband and I out of this heretic cult called SDA.
Thank you Sr for your ministry. God bless you.


The SDAs in Saoma and other south sea islands decided to trade more with Australia the governments there left out wednesday making the seventh day sunday . As a result the SDAs on these lands now worship on sunday with all other christians and was approved by the general conference of SDAs. A breakaway group do worship on Saturday


My Serbian family lived through occupied Europe. They experienced how quickly and thoroughly social conditions can change for the worst. Comfortable Americans who have never known total war cannot conceive what it is like.


It's fascinating that those who insist on keeping the Sabbath allow the curse of the Law to have such a hold on them. Although the Law was given to provide guidance for Israel, it was NEVER to continue IN THE PLACE OF JESUS. I guess that's the problem with the keepers of the Law.

Jesus destroyed the Law, and we do Him a disservice by trying to piece it back together. I am beginning to see why Paul was so strongly opposed to the Law and those who would impose the Law's restrictions on others. It simply got in the way of the Grace of God.

While all other things crash and burn around us (EGW, KJV, Inv. Judg., Scapegoat, 1844, Sabbath, Law, Mark of the Beast, the most Holy Catholic and Apostolic Seventh-day Adventist church, etc., etc., ) Jesus remains the Solid Rock, yesterday, today, and forever.

Allow yourself to be lost in the Sabbath of Sabbaths, Jesus Christ Himself. For when you come to that Sabbath, the Son will rise, never to set again. For in that Sabbath, there truly is no end.


I don't believe there is even going to be a Sunday law in this day and age. And I keep asking sdas, what does Sunday worship have to do with not being able to buy, sell or trade? I get no answers. Here's another question for all you sda, do you truly believe that God is going to annihilate people who love and worship him everyday but attend church on Sunday? If sda are right in their doctrine, then I don't want to spend an eternity with a monster that's a billion times worse than Hitler. Thankfully the God I know and worship is not limited by Satan or man's ideas.


How people can believe that is beyond belief.


I just re-watched this video and found very informative.

Adventists worrying about a Sunday law is so 19th century and US centric. Adventists do you really think there will be a worldwide Sunday Law in this day and age when many former Christian countries are now secular? And what about the Muslim countries where Friday is observed? Do you think the Muslims will readily submit to a Sunday law?

In my opinion, if there is going to be a law to force a day of worship, it will be Friday due to the rapid rise of Islam--a factor EGW completely neglected.


I think SDA's will tell you Daniel 7:25 is the bible verse that relates to changing the sabbath. Of course, the problem is, the verse does not specify what times and what laws, but people can build their own religion by inserting their own meaning into many texts in scripture.



The very first such law was enacted in the colony of Virginia in 1610, and read as follows:

"Every man and woman shall repair in the morning to the divine service and sermons preached upon the Sabbath day, and in the afternoon to divine service, and catechising, upon pain for the first fault to lose their provision and the allowance for the whole week following; for the second, to lose the said allowance and also be whipt; and for the third to suffer death."


When I was 15 and went off to Monterey Bay Academy I was so surprised that we had to go to church not once but at least twice every Sunday. I called my parents and told them I had to go to church on Sunday. My mom told me that wasn't " keeping Sunday " and to do it. My dad told me the SDA church is all a bunch of hypocrites and the next year I could go back to public school and be over with them.


I've been through phases of being quite preoccupied with the idea of enforced Sunday Laws but it never made sense to me that EW said we weren't to go against them....! On anothee note, I started studying Historicism last year and found it really fascinating, learning how the Jesuits had invented Futurism and Preterism, seemingly to deflect attention from Rome...would really appreciate your thoughts on this matter, and also the Chiastic structure of the Book of Revelation. Thanks and God bless


Sometimes family members celebrate (honor) a family member's birthday on a convenient day either just before or just after their actual birthday. (Who has a birthday party on a Wednesday). Yet the family member is never enraged by this. It's hard to imagine that God Almighty would be so enraged at people because they worshipped Him 6 days too early. It's hard to imagine that this is a great Satanic ruse and a deception in the making for thousands of years. It's absurd. Refuting these teachings is actually entertaining and amusing.


I try not to do things that are loud outside on Sunday because i know there are people going to church or just keeping quiet themselves. I wouldnt want them to think I'm an Adventist who is disrespectful of their quiet day.


Ha! So I was in Battle Creek, MI today, so I had to stop at the EGW gravesite. Yep, it’s really there. After all these books I’ve read about SDAs (my wife is SDA), it was strange to actually stand on top of the grave of Mrs White. Probably the safest place to be when the rapture happens. 🤔


In one of the academies my friend went to, they would literally practice escaping to the mountains “from the churches of Babylon”. They’d literally act it out to prepare. So cultish
