Defeating Adventism #23 – Ellen White forbids Interracial Marriage (Seventh-day Adventist)

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This is the twenty-third video in the series of Defeating Adventism and the second in a row on racism in Seventh-day Adventism as expressed by Ellen White. Ellen had the bad habit of uttering unbiblical racial statements. This video show the “prophetic” words of this false prophet and how God supposedly instructed her to speak against interracial marriage.
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Thank you for all you do. I was blinded by this cult for many years. Thank God i am saved now


I was asked to accept the 28 beliefs before I was baptized. I told the pastor I was not comfortable doing that. Then he said "OK, just accept the 4 most basic beliefs". I don't think they knew what to do with me. I always asked too many questions for their comfort level, and I think they were actually glad I did not stay.


Again I want to applaud and recognize the industry, hard-work and effort you have deployed in publishing these presentations👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏


My grandmother was the Treasurer of the SDA church in Mexico, she made it impossible for my light skinned father to marry my dark skinned mother. My grandmother, who raised my sister and I from age 2-7, would tell her congregation we were adopted and even made us call my father by his first name.
In the end her hatred caused my father to abandon us in America, and we were ultimately placed in foster care. Till this day no one has heard from my father.
My grandmother lost her son, my mother lost the love of her life and her daughters and my father lost his mother, his children and his first love.
Nevertheless, thanks to my grandmother, I have faith in Jesus Christ and know every story in the Bible and I forgive her.
The last time I visited my grandmother, she informed me of her exit from the SDA church and advised me to make my home my church. I’m just glad she seen the light before her death.
Unfortunately, my sister did return to the SDA and at times gets upset when I remind her the hypocrisy in that religion, nevertheless, we are still very close and without one another it’s like a bird without wings.


i am hoping you can help me find which of your videos about ellen giving instruction for sda's to NOT openly admit to being sda until the "mark" is suitablly convinced they are christians having no different doctrine?? I am doing battle with a sda who, of course tells me i misunderstand what ellen said, that my understanding is skewed by those who twisted her words....I have given her links to you and Former Adventist channel. Your work is inrefutable proof that their own words are damning, all 'misunderstandings' aside. Thank you and God bless you in this important work of waking these duped souls so that they may find the true and simple gospel of grace and find the one true Jesus!! Sean's Wife


when i left the sda cult erm church.... i mean. i confronted my ex pastor about the baptismal oaths. at the time of my baptism i was so excited to be baptised in christ that i ignored what he was saying to me and just went along with the yes and yes at each statement he made. i didnt give it any thought as to what i was agreeing to. mybad. had i a chance to go back i would have stopped the ceremony. i never believed in ellen white as a prophet etc. i felt i was betrayed by my pastor as he had me believe i was in the real christian church. when confronted about this he simply said it was my fault for going along with it? he takes no responsibility for ensnaring the unsuspecting that take the vows. i asked him to release me from the vows i took and he refused. it makes me feel dirty to take being baptised in christ with conditions. i sent to him and the elders an email denouncing my membership and vows. i feel like i need to get rebaptised in christ with no conditions.


Thank you so much for all your videos and the research you have obviously placed in your work. My husband and I were raised SDA and have been “deprogramming” now for about 3 years. We both attended SDA universities and were steeped in SDA doctrine. I lived for about 15 years as what I’d probably call a deist (I believed God existed but didn’t think he cared about me individually or took an active part in the world—which is how SDA teaches). Reading Hebrews just 4 years ago was what was the final nail in the coffin for me and Adventistism. Particularly Hebrews 10:12 because that verse demolished SDA belief in an investigative judgment. God used that verse to set me free. Not many people really understand the dangers of Adventism and you do. Other great resources we like are the Former Adventist Fellowship and the Dale Ratzlaff and Mark Martin stuff. Thanks again for all your work!


BTW, I’d love to see you do a video on SDAs obsession with their “health gospel”...SDAs are way more concerned with pushing their health message than with Jesus’ effectual work in the cross. Sad. They think that keeping certain things out of their bodies will let the Holy Spirit communicate better with them, lol. EGW makes this nonsense assertion in one of her writings—I don’t know where.


Was E White mixed race? She looked it.


There’s so much ignorance inside this thread and it’s was so disheartening to read and see the many who are LOST including the one who made the video . People can say what they want to about one of the truest servants of GOD because Ms. White has hundreds of books and writings and I’ve read much of them and what I do know is that she never neglect to refer the reader back to the greatest Source of knowledge . Ellen was used by GOD in a way that many of us will not ever understand and this is why it’s so easy for people like @AcademyApologia to sit behind a camera and open ignorance in the form of his lips ! GOD Himself has a chosen people IS THAT RACIST OR WHAT ? He told us not to intermarry and I guarantee you that today many who should have heeded the warning of GOD have had to find out the hard through bitter hardships and divorces ! The Adventist are a people who uphold the commandments of GOD and they keep His true Sabbath day . I testify to anyone right here that satan has a work to do and it’s a mission that he has been on since his eviction out of Heaven and he encourages anyone to listen to the person on this video so that you will be pulled away from the TruTh of the servant of the LORD and Ms. White is that servant. If I was ole boy in the video I’d seek repentance because we are so warned about speaking against GODS ELECT 🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙏🏿🕊️♥️


This one hits me hard. I'm technically an Adventist. But I'm white and my wife is Dominican.


The legacy of regional (black) conferences is an indictment on the leadership of Ellen White and historical and contemporary SDA leadership.

If the heaven Adventists are striving for will not be segregated, why should the will of God not be done in their cult as it is in heaven?

Why do we need a segregated earth if heaven will not be segregated?

On the issue of racism, Adventism had no redeeming qualities relative to the secular world.


Good evening sir. I really need your help!!! I have a bi-racial great grandson and his family are SDA minimally (thank goodness for that.) I mean they dont go to church but watch christian videos on Saturday. My son in law definitely teaches them that the Sabbath is what is going to get them to Heaven. My question to you is this: I was on the non-SDA web site and I went to the interracial section and there was a statement on there that "EGW said that everyone would be as white as Christ in Heaven." To verify this statement I went Gospel Herald Mar 1901 para 20 on the egw writings website. Are you by chance familiar with this statement. Does she teach that God, even though he made all of us in his image and likeness, turns everybody white before they go to heaven? To me it sounds like they are trying to make the God I love prejudice. My great grandsons- great grandmother(SDA) on his grandfathers side wont even acknowledge him. she has never held him, said I love you, barely looks at him. As a great grandmother of this beautiful sou, l tares my heart out thinking he has to change colors before he can go to heaven. I would be given 10 times H_ _ _ if my son in law ever found out I asked this question.


Truth endures. It’s never obsolete. So to justify what she wrote saying it was for the times she lived in is moot


The truth of the matter is we are not leaving Seventh Day Adventists but we are getting in the Seventh DayAdventists


The one who made this video pls tell me all you know about the SDA and there secrets make it easy to understand pls im only 14 years old, I don't have that much vocabulary words . I'm starting to think I got the mark of the beast because I went to church on Sunday yesterday. And can you pls also answer these two questions 1. The Sabbath day is Saturday how come not all Christian go there? 2. Can someone get the mark of the beast if they go to Sunday worship? And can blashempy against God can be forgiven? This all started when I was just going my regular day be watching video about God because I like learning about him alot until I saw a video from bible flock, I been struggle alot with SDA I don't know if they're telling the truth or not, and I feel like God forsake be even tho I love him alot I never want to denie Jesus I believe he is Lord and that he risen. I need these question to be answer please


I guess she didn't read where Moses married an Ethiopian woman, and what happen when mariam and Aaron spoke against it under the old covenant.


"Be ye not unequally yoked together in marriage with a person of a different skin color."


You can't defeat adventistism. Being an adventist means looking forward to the coming of Jesus. The Sabbath was created by God. Ellen G White never died for us nor founded the Church. The Church already existed long ago. The Church refers to people who accept Jesus and obey the commandments. It started right from Adam n it will end in the coming of Christ. Ellen White herself said her writings are a lesser light compared to the greater light which is the Bible. Any true seventh day adventists understands the word of the Lord, the Bible can only save. Her writings are called words of Inspiration in the Church. She is a prophet not Jesus nor God. She had a gift n she shared it for the progress n development of the Church. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the beginning and the end of every true seventh day adventist. Man or woman cannot save. We believe only God can save.


Hey, do you remember the quote regarding Ellen white where she takes Jesus’s place in Hebrews 1:1-2
