CPTSD & hyper-vigilance

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#cptsd #trauma #hypervigilance
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Thank you so much. Your content is how I advocated for myself and realized I had complex ptsd. I received a diagnosis of chronic ptsd from my childhood after 4 years of therapy. I'm just so glad to not feel so abnormal anymore. I had 2 therapists who didn't spot it. I sought out a trauma therapist and boom. They saw it. Relationships are so hard.


I just found your channel. I am going to go and watch all of your videos. Omg you get it! CPTSD, hyper vigilant… all of it!! Thank you Dr. Sage. It is like you know me!!!!


God bless you and all the people making videos on CPTSD. It’s a slippery slope and hard to comprehend while experiencing.


Thanks, I was the Scapegoat of two Narcissistic parents, my father was violent, and my way to survive was to supress memories from this dark childhood home, so I don't remember any Birthday or Christmas, my trauma tells what was going on and I also got OCD symptoms as a child‼️◾🔺JazzyT.


Thank you for your content! I have CPTSD and sometimes (often), when it gets too much, I have the strong urge to drop everything and to disappear into the woods forever. I don't want to talk or see another person ever again, and maybe then, only then, if I sit by the beach for a couple of years, I might feel better.


This is why i cannot work.

Happy families remind me of the fact that i was NOT a beloved member of a family, just "another pet" as far as my adoptive mother was concerned. The actual pets were considered family more than I was.

Single moms remind me of the fact that I was robbed of my chance to be a mom by my own family because my adoptive mother was jealous of my "healthy white daughter" because she was forced to make do with me, a mixed adoptee.

Happy couples remind me of how difficult it is for me to establish and maintain relationships.

Being around people reminds me that I'm nowhere close to where a 45yr old should be, because of the uphill battle my life has been since getting abandoned at 17 with a couple bags of my clothes on the next state over. I was forced into the car (under threats of physical violence and police involvement) by my adoptive mother and stepfather because she'd "fulfilled her obligation to the adoption agency" and raised me until I'd graduated from HS, "NOW GET OUT".

I swear I'm the poster child for complex PTSD


May💚 God❤️ Be 💛With💙 You💜 Always ❤️Much 💛Love 💙Blessings💚 Always ☺️ 🎇 🌈 🌐 💯 ✌️💯💛❤️❤️💜💜💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Omg yesss! Thank you for sharing this 🙏🏼💕


Peace ❤️and💜 Blessings 💚Too💙 My💛 Brother 💜May💚 God 💙Bless💛 You ❤️Always 💜May 💚God ❤️Bless 💜You💚 Richly 💙with💛 Everything❤️ You 💜need💚 Always 💛Much 💜Love💚 Blessings 💜Always ☺️ 🎇 🌈 🌐 ✌️💯❤️💛💙💚💜💜💚💙💙💙💙❤️❤️❤️❤️💜💜💚


I don't like seeing people and I don't like when people put music on, even if there's just two of us because I can't be vigilant can't hear all around me. The music seems really invasive maybe that's why. Just realised that after watching your short vid. Thankyou
