Why is Calvinism so Controversial? Dr. James White & Samuel Nesan respond to Ps. Kong Hee

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*Introduction* - 0:00
*Is Calvinism the Gospel?* - 13:58
*If you’re Calvinist, why would you pray for the lost?* (Includes an address on Prevenient Grace) - 22:49
*Calvinism affects how one does Apologetics* - 25:00
*Defining Total Depravity* - 28:04
*Defining Calvinism* (simply) - 31:00
*Responding to first clip on Total Depravity* - 32:36
*Defining Unconditional Election* - 43:54
*Responding to second clip on Unconditional Election* - 45:36
​*Does unconditional election imply that God also 'elects' individuals to hell unconditionally?* - 55:54
*Defining Limited Atonement* - 1:01:18
*Responding to the third clip on Limited Atonement* - 1:14:35
*Defining Irresistible Grace* - 1:25:00
*Responding to the fourth clip on Irresistible Grace* - 1:27:37
*Defining Perseverance of the Saints* - 1:35:40
*Is the offer of salvation extended to all? If atonement is limited, is telling all people that the gospel is available to them a lie?* - 1:44:58
*Understanding 1 Samuel **15:11**, 35. What does God repenting mean?* - 1:53:34


Bula 🇫🇯 from Grace and Peace Fellowship Bible Church in American Samoa 🇦🇸 our Elder is a Fijian born brotha and we actually fellowship and have ties with the the Bible Church in Lautoka. Praise the Lord we have some more brothas out there in Fiji to fellowship with. Dr. James White is one of the few men we follow here so this is awesome to see praise the Lord 🤙🏾🙏🏾


I really appreciate this conversation. Thank you! I once was a flaming free-willer but now I’m Reformed! 😊


Thank you Samuel and James for your time unpacking these objections!


Great video! Enjoyed the discussion and insight on the topic!


I follow James White - for lack of a better term - religiously.He really helped me to get consistent Biblically in my total theology about the sovereignty of God, the nature of man and soteriology.I had already been convinced by someone who taught me exegetically that the Bible teaches the doctrine of divine unconditional election.But it wasn't until I was taught by James White that Biblically the doctrines of grace are absolutely true.It was his teaching on the unity of the trinity in salvation that convinced me that particular redemption is the only thing that can be logically true if you believe in unconditional election.Of course he also taught me that exegetically there are clear passages that teach that as well.

This was excellent.Thank you so much.God bless you all.


James white didn't really answer the question "If you are Calvinist, why would you pray for the lost?".

What he did was just pointing out why it's unreasonable for Arminian to pray so.


Because it's so convictingly true.


This popped up due to the Algorithm (I watch a lot of Dr. J). This is such evident providence as we work heavily with some ministries out of Fiji, and I would love to connect the next time we're there or in Malaysia. Didn't know there were serious Reformed brothers there outside of some in the Bible Churches (TMS association).

While this argument surrounding Reformed (Biblical) thought and theology will go on until the return of Christ, I've come to find out that scripturally and historically, no other group of believers have such a wonderous full-orbed view of God and His glorious plan of redemption. When we submit to what the scripture teaches, we are most at rest and come to worship God for who He is.

Coram Deo (All of Life, for All of Christ)


I tell you it is not easy to explain Reformed theology, especially when it comes to Calvinist theology. But as Dr. White puts it, we normally start with our "traditions" ~ that is this is we have been taught or heard all our lives, which preach and "make" people believe. Looking back, I realized that though it was through the gospel that I believed, it's the Holy Spirit that drew me to the Lord. Having been born in Anglican family, there are a lot of folk religious people there who actually following the tradition and are prominent but actually not regenerated; yet the gospel is preached in that Church.
Another point is that many judge Dr. White before and are offended without hearing him explaining this difficult-to-explain Subject and just stop at - he teaches double Predestination and double election. Nothing less.


God doesn't save anyone against his will? So he just roofies them, so they WANT to believe! That sounds like love!


Calvinism is controversial because God is in charge. Humans hate that God is in control because of our sinful nature. Arminianism is natural because you decide that you are saved. The big question is, does God save or does man save?


Grace is unmerited. Chance is no-thing. It can not do anything. It does not have the power of being. It is an actual/particular atonement. Jesus saves whom he will. SDG


This is all pretty nice but why hasn’t there been an episode of FACTS with Dr. Stephen Boyce for ages??? I can’t wait.


Dr. White's beard his becoming Calvinistic


The Goat of Calvinism is here....Woohoooo


It would be really great if JW could explain what he means by the "Glory" of God. What, from the reformationist perspective, is meant by "God Glorifying" himself?


I explain this way. If what scripture says about our condition is true concerning all men, then we must accept our inability to choose Him. It’s like a funeral director bringing out a selection of clothes and asking the corpse to select what he wants wear. He’s dead and unable to.


@Genesis 12:3 = Matthew 25:31-46
Abraham's Descendants
Jesus the Christ
goats sheep

Matthew 6:20, 21. (20. But lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven....(21.
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. God bless you on your journey!!!


I would disagree with Dr White on equal ultimacy. I think the Bible does teach that. It says God makes vessels of mercy and vessels of wrath. It is not just a lack of God extending grace. He actually makes them for that purpose.
