'Jesus' Is Not Happy With Voddie Baucham For THIS...

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"Jesus" is not happy with Voddie Baucham for this.

I was shocked to hear what Voddie Baucham and John MacArthur said about the chosen tv series.
With Dallas Jenkins, John MacArthur, Jonathan Roumie, The Babylon Bee, Voddie Baucham.
John Henry and the gospel of Christ.

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God Loves you...
He sent His Son Jesus Christ...
To die for you and I at the cross...
He carried our sins so that we might be saved...
From the wrath of God and have eternal life...
If you don't know Jesus then what are you waiting for...

With love in Christ
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God Loves you...
He sent His Son Jesus Christ...
To die for you and I at the cross...
He carried our sins so that we might be saved...
From the wrath of God and have eternal life...
If you don't know Jesus then what are you waiting for...

With love in Christ


If people would spend more time reading the bible versus needing to be entertained, we would be in much better shape as a nation.


Watching "The Chosen" made me start doing more research and reading more books, including mostly the Bible. From there, something clicked and it became an unquenchable thirst to gain more knowledge and wisdom. It has brought me SO much closer to God, to the point where I get signs and have been directed by Him to a calling. I understand if someone starts to see Jonathan as Jesus, they should probably stop watching. But if it makes you more interested and intrigued to learn more about Jesus Christ, I see nothing wrong with it. That's just me.


I was an atheist/agnostic until June of 2023, since then I have come to Christ, almost finished the New Testament (with the full intention to read the Old Testament next), and just started going back to Church. I've bought all 3 seasons of The Chosen, and it has absolutely played an instrumental part in my love for Christ. Granted, I haven't watched it for months now, and I'm not sure if I will continue to watch going forward after the legitimate controversies it's attracted. However, as a "beginner" after 10 years of apostasy, The Chosen really brought to life the Gospels in a way I had never experienced before, and certainly gave me a new perspective of the cultural, political, & religious reality of many of Jesus' works throughout the 4 Gospels.

I want to emphasize: The Chosen is not "my jesus" nor was I ever tempted to feel so. The Chosen was also *not* why I came to Christ. I discovered the show about a month and half of finding my faith again. I never struggled to keep in mind that liberties were being taken, but instead chose to focus on the message being illustrated, and in that sense I can confidently say for me that the show hit the mark. The best way I can liken it is to a movie adaptation for a book, usually (if done well) fans of the movie will check out the book and come to understand the differences, often times resulting in an even stronger affinity for the book. Only difference is that in this case, pretty much everyone knows the "book" is much more authoritative than the director's preference.

My last tidbit: People are creatures who learn best by stories, that's why we love them! Is it a coincidence that Jesus himself taught through parables? If the Chosen is the modern day parable that brings people to the Living God, I don't see a big problem here.

I will admit that there is a line of going too far with "taking liberties", but I'm not the one fit to draw it. All I can do is give my personal testimony.


This will sound like heresy to a lot of Christians, but I was a hardcore atheist for many years. I watched "The Last Temptation of Christ" one day and, for the first time in all those years, I was moved to purchase a Bible and began reading it. I became a new believer from then on. That was 33 years ago. The Lord works in mysterious ways, so be careful not to be an impediment if He happens to works in a way in which you may not approve, personally.


Jesus did not say "Follow Christians, " He said "Follow Me" Who are you following?


Amen for the stand that is made by John MacArthur and Voddie Baucham!


I’ve been a Christian for over 45 years. I refused to watch ‘The Chosen’ because of all the negatives heard about Mormons and Catholics being involved. Then I thought I should just watch an episode. I now love it. True there are extra biblical things portrayed in the film. But the producers never said this is another version of the Bible. It is a film and is able to be used of God to inspire people to maybe look into God’s word. The man that portrays Jesus, in my opinion has done an excellent job. Of course when we are finally with the Lord it will be much better than any actor “playing” Jesus. But I must say, and I don’t want any arguments but the Jesus portrayed in “the Chosen” is the best portrayal I’ve ever seen. I actually love almost all those movies about Jesus. Just remember it’s not a Bible Version it is a film. I also love the portrayal of Peter and his wife. I cry every time I watch an episode. (Disclaimer: I’m adding that if you truly want the real Jesus then read and study your Bible. The Jesus in “The Chosen” is a depiction and not the real Jesus of the Bible)


In our church community group once someone said “yes lime when Peter said such and such”. And everyone was like “uh that’s not in the bible”. She was referencing the Chosen thinking it was scripture


Voddie Baucham is an awesome teacher of God’s word. He teaches of Jesus Christ on the cross, salvation and baptism. He teaches on the wonders of Heaven AND the horrors of hell. Definitely not a Joel Osteen who rarely talks about sin and hell.


I think Mr Dallas and his team has pour so much that pastors should appreciate the great work l, because people are coming closer to God. If you have image of people in your prayer you should pray for that person…
Let support people doing things for the kingdom of God. The world already fight for the chosen not to be globally. Please let us Christians tear it apart.
Thank you.
Mr Dallas
God bless you and your team


As a pastor I have been contacted by multiple people that do not identify as believers. They contacted me after viewing "The Chosen". God worked on them through that show. So thankful that it was created.


The Chosen got me hungry for The Word of God! Not just me several people I know.


It never fails. When someone speaks truth or stands up for what's right we're outnumbered by others who have a different opinion.


I was saved by the Lord around the same time “the chosen” came out. I was tempted to watch it however, I felt a check in my spirit. I realized I didn’t want a TV show to tell me who Jesus is. not when the Lord tells us who he is in his word. Time will tell what kind of fruit comes out of “the chosen” but doesn’t look good so far.


Thank you Voddie Baucham for standing for truth !!!


I never seen the movie chosen and im with Voddie Baucham and i stand with the true gospel of God ..


I have never seen the "Chosen". That said, the word os sufficient.


When I pray and worship God I don't picture an image or a face. I pray and worship HIM for the supreme creator, sustainer and ruler over all. The God who sent HIS Son to die for me so that I may find salvation in Jesus Christ. ✝️🙏


I agree with VB. The Bible isnt a book to be made into a movie. Theres no "filling in-between the lines" when it comes to the Bible. It is what it is, end of. It's not entertainment, it's not to be added to, or subtracted from, it's not a story book...it's a book of transformation and of life. Your soul depends on it.
