Rethinking the “PERFECT” Kettlebell Workout Plan (3 Ingredients)

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If you need some resources, here are some that will “fast track” you for the New Year, I’ll leave links to the following…

👉 [1] Single Kettlebell Skill Training Course

👉 [2] Double Kettlebell Skill Training Course

👉 [3] “Fix” Yourself Course
As we enter 2024, my hope is that as you look back on the past, you’re stronger, leaner, and better conditioned than you were this time last year.

And if you’re not?

We’ll address that in a moment.

If you’re in the first group, hopefully, you found and followed a plan that “worked” for you, even if it wasn’t “perfect.”

And if you’re in the second?

Or in the third - which is a “Net Zero” - nothing gained but nothing lost -

The “Treading Water” group?

Well, regardless of which group you find yourself in, it’s the concept of “perfect” that what I wanted to cover in this email today so you’re set up for maximum success in 2024:

3 Ingredients to Crafting the “Perfect” Kettlebell Workout Program

Take a look at this Venn Diagram:

In the middle, where the 3 circles overlap, we have “Optimal Results” - the Perfect - or “Almost Perfect KB Program.”

But what do each of those 3 circles represent?

[1] P_______

[2] F_______

[3] O_______

Let’s start with the “P” in this email and work our way left.

The “P” has 3 components to it:

[+] Skill

[+] Frequency:

[+] Volume

1] Skill = Your ability to perform the kettlebell lifts of your choice

This is based on:

[a] Actually knowing what the correct technique is for each lift

This is obviously something that needs to be learned through trial and error.

[b] Your body allowing you to perform those techniques

Many of us come to KB training from other sports - MMA, BJJ, Powerlifting… Or “hard charging” careers - Military, Law Enforcement, First Responders…

And as a result, we have pretty high mileage and are pretty banged up.

And that means we have sore, stiff, achy, even painful parts that don’t move as well as they did or like they did when we were kids.

And that limits what we can and should do with our KBs.

Examples: Bad lower backs, bad knees, bad shoulders, bad elbows to name but some.

The problem is, our hard-charging “Hoo-rah” attitudes will only make these areas worse.

But the good news is, our bodies are incredibly adaptive and resilient and we can reverse much, if not all the “damage” we did to ourselves in our youth.

It just takes a little bit of time, patience, and perseverance.

2] Frequency = The number of workouts / training sessions per week, per month, per quarter, per year you complete

Many of us come from a sporting background, where we had practice 5 days a week, and competed usually one day on the weekends (barring tournaments).

And so, as a result, we equate “more” or “faster results” by working out “more” -

As in “more days per week.”

Although this can work, as we’ll see when we get to the “F”...

But that’s not always the case.

The frequency of your workout, apart from the “F,” is usually based upon:

Personality: Some people love to workout - to train.

Higher frequency training - near daily training is for them.

Conversely, people who “hate” to workout, but know they should, may do better with the traditional 3x a week approach.

Stress Mitigation: Some “high stress” individuals train to alleviate stress.

Training releases endorphins - those “feel good” chemicals in the brain and it also gives you a sense of accomplishment.

If that’s you, you already know who you are.

Conversely, if you’re someone who eats or drinks (or both) to alleviate stress, you may want to exchange one or both of those for daily workouts.

Schedule: How often CAN you train vs. how often you WANT to train.

Many people don’t think they have “enough time” to train the way they “should.”

Yet, we all have 168 hours in a week.

Here’s a quick itemization of the major “time sucks” in an average week:

Sleep: 7 hours / night = 49 hours
Work: 50 hours
Travel to/from work: 10 hours
Shuttling kids: 10 hours
Kids’ activities: 3 hours
Average social media use: 2.7 hours/day or 18.9 hours/week

HOURS LEFTOVER: 27 hours per week (FREE)
Did I fail to include some activities?

Of course I did. But I don’t know your schedule.

3] Volume = Total work performed measured by sets * reps * weight used

Typically, the more work you can do, the faster / better your results…

WHEN accounting for the “F” and the “O,” which we’ll be covering in upcoming emails.

But too much volume is detrimental, especially when we’re talking about “P________” or -


PRACTICE then is “showing up” - which some coaches have said is 80% of the battle.

Building your Practice (think of this as your “workouts” or “training sessions”) on Skill, Volume, and Frequency is a major part of building your “[Almost] Perfect” KB program.
Рекомендации по теме

The perfect workout plan is the one which gives results by getting closer to one's goal. KBs are great IF that satisfies the determined goals.


Maximorum as a 3 times a week program + SJS is working great for me. Cheers Geoff.


Great stuff as always Geoff, thanks. So the wife and I had one of those "surprise!" babies a couple months ago, and I'm turning 48 next month. Seriously man, taking care of a newborn at this age is freaking crazy! :) But I still find time to exercise a few times a week, though let's be honest, it's basically treading water. Energy levels are pretty depleted at this point, can't wait for this little fella to sleep through the night!


Can u make a course on the five pillar model of yours ??


Hi had private 1-2-1 lessons with a strong first instructor here in London (Ali Dali - absolute beast and a legend). Helped me immensely, highly recommend anyone to seek out 1-2-1 instruction. Think of it as an upfront investment


"Stronger AND Leaner" really don't go together, do they? You have to eat a lot if you want to get stronger. You can maintain strength while getting leaner but getting stronger without a surplus of calories is difficult to say the least. Sure, there are certain genetic freaks who can do it. But do you really commonly encounter clients who can get stronger without bulking? Not talking about the beginner adaptation phase.
