This Is How You Avoid Being Manipulated

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Dr. K’s Guide to Mental Health explores Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, and Meditation

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"There's no space for recognition" is exactly it. When I'd voice my discomfort to my manipulative ex they would just dismiss it with "it's fine", very matter of fact. No amount of explanation or disapproval changed the response.


After 10 years being best friends with a narcissist, I am now immune to manipulation... It's too easy to spot when someone tries...


Imagine being abused and getting told it's a normal relationship thing


"Delay giving in to the emotion." Love this


I think this is great advice outside of someone trying to manipulate you, as well. Making decisions in a moment of frustration, anger or fear can have consequences we don't see in that moment when we're all up in those emotions.


So, procrastination. Got it, thanks Dr. K!


"Can I Think For a Moment?" 💞


"Delay", very nice, ive both been manipulated and manipulated (really great place to learn how to not be manipulated if youre on the other end with thousands of varied responses from ur lil test subjects btw) and goddamn the best thing to do against it is delay your response, they (and I) cant stand that shit, whether you give in or not, if it takes 3-5 business days they're gonna go do business elsewhere

So much of the playbook is all about forcing that immediate decision, "offer ends in 5 hours! Get it while its hot!!"


this is exactly how i handle panic attacks and decisions made in periods of high stress too, wait till ive calmed down before deciding if i really need to impulsively do smth my brain thinks will fix things right this moment but is actually a sloppy solution. great advice in many contexts!


Dr. K you are clear. It is so refreshing to hear the truth. Whereas what passes for psychology most of the time is just a hall of mirrors.


Yep or even manipulated by a friend. Had that happened to me he never asked me but always planted that seed on my mind and created a scenario where I pretty had no choice but to feel bad not to buy this or pay for that learned it the hard way.

When I started to say no and not listen to my emotion directly but take a step back and think about what’s going on and not give in by guilt or otherwise when I confronted him the narrative change and we do not speak anymore.


I tried this and I’m grateful I did. I felt I was able to be clearer with how I spoke with someone.


my problem is, I almost always take things too personally
so, I immediately give into my emotions
I needed this, thank you


The recipient of your help will turn on you stating “I never asked you to” and feel guilt free that they used you. And they will never help you when it’s your turn. Make sure people actively ask you point blank. Or make them say yes or no by asking them if they want your help with this or if they want you to do that. Sometimes before people start ranting about their issue, ask them wait, do you want me to help you or listen? Do you want feedback? Of course, use your boundaries. If you don’t want to or feel like helping or listening, then don’t.


You are exactly right, manipulation is driven by play on emotions. Had to learn it through some ordeals. That what makes empaths a treat to narcissists manipulators 😂


I had an experience recently where I was exploited/manipulated. This is what I needed to hear today, I'm still feeling what I do a day later but I think I'll be okay as long as I avoid my vices. Tysm!!


I had an incident at my work that made we want to quit, I had never been this furious at my coworkers and bosses before. I had never lost my composure around people who weren't my family, but I did at this moment. I gave myself time to distance myself from the situation, still considering leaving my job, but after a couple days and a clear head, I was able to weigh the pros and cons and decided to stay a my job. It is so incredibly helpful to give space and time to feel any and all emotions before making any serious (life changing) decisions. I wish most if not all situations were able to provide that time and space, but practicing this distancing has helped me tremendously.


I like how he always makes gestures and expressions when talking 👍


I've been told I am manipulative, the thing is I get why, what was going on is that I wasn't able to speak what I clearly wanted because every time I expressed something negative, my partner's defensiveness would make me feel uncomfortable speaking, so I would hide to avoid ridicule/rejection, inducing emotions instead.


Not necessarily manipulation related but I'm currently working with my therapist of giving myself time in between an emotion and the belief behind that emotion and then the behavior (I usually knee-jerk react to things instead of allowing myself space to think about what's going on). It has helped soooo mucb but it has been incredibly difficult but I'm doing the work and slowly but surely will get there!!
Journaling (via computer for me because my handwriting is atrocious 😂 and my brain goes faster than my hand lol) and basically spilling aaallll the thoughts I'm having in the moment (or I'll write it down later) has been extremely helpful too! It's like writing a rough draft of all your thoughts, whether you're right or wrong, then going back and talking yourself through what's really going on.
So long story short, yeah give yourself space and a little time between the emotion, belief behind that emotion and lastly the behavior (your action regarding the feeling, etc.)!!!
