5 EASY WAYS To Instantly Improve Your Health TODAY! | Dr Elizabeth Boham

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Functional Medicine looks at the body with a systems-based approach, understanding how all our different parts work together and looking at a symptom as a sign of dysfunction that we need to get to the root cause of, not just tame.

I sat down with Dr. Elizabeth Boham on The Doctor’s Farmacy to discuss what it means to get to the root cause of disease and how the principles we practice do exactly that. We talk about the many different parts of healing the whole body, like enhancing detoxification pathways, correcting nutrient deficiencies, supporting the microbiome, and so much more.

Dr. Boham is a physician and nutritionist who practices Functional Medicine as part of my team at The UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Through her practice and lecturing, she has helped thousands of people achieve their wellness goals. She is part of the faculty of the Institute for Functional Medicine and has been featured on the Dr. Oz show and in a variety of publications and media including Huffington Post, The Chalkboard Magazine, and Experience Life. Her DVD Breast Wellness: Tools to Prevent and Heal from Breast Cancer explores the Functional Medicine approach to keeping your breasts and whole body well, a topic she is passionate about as a breast cancer survivor.
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He's spot on about removing toxic people in your life! So important in your healing journey!


Yes for mindfulness stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system! We need more of this being taught


Digestive enzymes = papaya and pineapple.
Prebiotic = homemade sauerkraut.
Coconut oil for mouth bacteria overgrowth.


Dra E Boham is so nice and knowledgeable. It is a pleasure learn with her 🙏🏻✨🌹


This is so helpful, thank you so much for this video!


Thank you for sharing this video to us, it helps a lot.


Hello Dr.Hyman .. I am trying my best to involve the best of the food as much as possible.. try to make as much as healthy food as I can .. my kid had a severe health issue and I have changed his diet pattern for example adding broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, pumpkin, peas, green beans, beetroot, carrots, grated raw turmeric, ginger and zucchini etc in making tortillas with all the above vegetables either individually or in combination by blanching and crushing them all and adding to wheat flour and making veggie tortillas and also in form of curries. Making dips using cucumber, almonds and plain yoghurt and other spices etc.. I have even tried making boiled beans specially kidney beans by adding them to wheat flour and making tortilla and eating with healthy dips using different combination of vegetables and nuts.
I do follow your videos regularly and your consistent effort and emphasis on consuming vegetables and fruits makes me feel making more healthy food.
Earlier we used store brought chips and dips but now that changed to home made cooked tortillas with different healthy dips and curries in Indian style with minimal spices.Thanks so much Doctor Hyman for eye opening information and also want to add I stopped dairy specially milk and that made a huge difference to our health as well.Started consuming more nuts inspite of all the crackers and chips as well. Added pomegranate and orange juice on every alternate days and also apple and carrot juice as well.I definitely believe what you always say that gut health is very important for prevention as well as treating the disease.
Earlier cheat days (junk food days) were more but now it’s once a month and tried changing the 2 time big meals to divide them into small meals and healthy snack time in between big meals.Snacks too in form of blueberries, strawberries, honeydew and watermelon etc.. and these changes have huge difference and impact on health.Thanks so much for your guidance Dr.Hyman.


That’s exactly what I follow for my son, great content. And happy that you bring this to the general public’s attention, because a lot of people don’t know about this. Thank you


Would you suggest slippery elm supplements to correct gut health?


Great content! Where can I get a functional med. Evaluation. In So. California?


I love your lectures. I hate the way you interrupt your guests.Allways.


Question… is there a place in Indiana that you could refer me to for help. I have a neck injury that won’t heal. Also have autoimmune MCTD. Chronic constipation. Please and thank you 😊


My primary care doctor has an interest in functional medicine. Could you please tell me what the poop test you were talking about are good to run and the test to check for leaky gut is called so that next year when I go to him I can bring those up to see if he can do them for me please


Seems like a lot of tests to find the cause ...does insurance cover thee tests?


Let her speak!! Why bring her on only to keep interrupting her


Why are we able in america to visit a local supermarket and purchase pure garbage to eat that makes us all fat and sick


Allopathic doctors do not lookup stream to see what is causing the issue. Functional doctors do. --Wendy


Way too vague. Where do u get colostrum????


What r the markers of inflammation? Come on docs. Need facts.


Have you ever though about the way people are making their meals ? Is the cooking process of nowadays the most adequate? Are people taking the most of the food when they are cooking? I don't think so. The way people use to prepare and cooking meals also is wrong, messy, unhealthy and waste.
In first place we already know there is no healthy and safety food .
In second place people don't know how to cook properly their meals and that means, they are not filling up the body, with the nutritional needs, consequently they are badly fed.
As far as I know cooking meals must obey to certain rules to be effective and beneficial to health. It's important cook the food as simple and natural as possible, respecting the right times of cooking, not using oils, seasoning, sauces, sugar and salt, not making mixtures, don't invent recipes, don't roast and fry food.
In conclusion the way of preparing meals also need to change from unhealthy and wrongs to new healthy and safe ways.
