Unity 2020 vs Unreal Engine : 10 Reasons Unity is Better

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In this video, I show you some reasons why you might choose to develop games in the Unity game engine over the Unreal game engine.

This isn't meant to say that one is better than the other overall, just to showcase where Unity stands out.

* The asset store and market place content were calculated from the numbers that are available from each respective site.

** Filebase is a set of assets that aren't provided by default when you install Unity. Follow the link here to access that content:

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There is no solid "True choice" in engineering, each game engines are carrying their respontibilities and developed for different purposes.


To me Unity feels like the shell of an engine. To use it you need to program most of your own systems or buy in 3rd party systems and then spend time trying to pick them apart or integrate them. Unreal provides a solid framework out-of-the-box, and the initial steps are far, far easier. Some of its workflows are annoying and slow, but something that takes time and effort is not, by default, bad. Personally, I made the switch from Unity to Unreal about 6 months ago, and have never looked back.


As for the asset store - Unity has such a large asset store because you NEED a ton of assets to make features work within the engine. I bet a great chunk of assets are extensions to the Unity engine to add features it is missing. When it comes to object-based assets: The assets in Unreal marketplace tend to be higher quality than Unity, and if you REALLY need a Unity 3D asset, you can always buy it there, import the asset into Unity, and export it as an FBX to bring into Unreal.


Is it your personal opinion?
Someone else might make a video and title it 100 reason Unreal is better than Unity.


Im sorry but this guy NAILED what i've been experiencing with unreal and unity. After working with unreal, honestly its not worth it. I dont feel accomplished as a programmer working on unreal. Even the most menial thing takes a long blimming time, which makes it highly inefficient to program on unreal amd definitely not worth it. Debugging takes a long time, compiling takes a long time, these two points are enough and should be enough to deter any programmer from programming on unreal because it makes the core of programming (which is debugging/testing to check if your code is correct or not AND just programming in general )ridiculously long


4:55 what 😆😆 you need to learn c++

Let say you have any array of actors( gameObject in unity), if you want to loop through each actor here is the code:
TArray<AActor*> pickups;
for ( AActor* pick : pickups)
That's how for each loop is done in ue4 do that ":" means "in" in unity and you don't need to write "for each" that's the only difference lol


foreach loops really?
C++ lacks foreach xD? this better be a joke
C#: foreach (var bullet in bullets) ...
C++: for(auto& bullet : bullets) ...
and even if it did not, it still wouldn't even be worth mentioning it


This is old stuff

10) It is because you are working with the engine itself. That is the reason for slow compile times and missing components. It is useful when creating graphical intensive games that require the most performance. Alternatively, you can use Blueprint which works exactly like C#(way better than that, I meant compiling) and is as fast as C# in Unity but not as fast as Cpp.

9) Same as 10.

8) Unreal Market Place offers high-quality content for free every week and they sell components cheaper than Asset Store. Also, You can Use MegaScan library aka Quixel for free(I mean downloading Assets in it for free) and it's contents are used in Games like Shadow of Tomb Raiders and films. In simple words, If you own Unreal, you can get High-quality AAA game Assets for free.

7)If you mean Assets with Textures, yeah it takes time so that it can create its Blueprint so that you play with it later and It tries to retain its quality. (I am not sure about Unity as the results I get from Unity are always disappointing).

6)It was removed because most of the content creators or developers in Unreal doesn't use WebGL and it had extended support more platforms including PS5, Nintendo Switch and Oculus.

5) It is debatable as BluePrints in Unreal is similar to Cpp and provides the same performance of C#. If you are just annoyed with C++, You can either use Python or BluePrint in UE4. Also, Knowing C++ is an advantage as you can edit source code of Unreal engine itself to suite it to your needs as, it is open source(unlike Unity) and also Cpp is also open source(unlike C#) and Automatic garbage collection is a mess. Whereas Cpp supports manual Garbage collecting which gives more flexibility for programmers. (Also note that Unity is made using C++). In long run, C++ is useful, especially if you are an intermediate or advanced game developer.

4) Cpp has a better implementation for foreach. ie (for(int32 I: integer)), where "integer" is an int32 array and Unreal has TArray Function. Also, Automatic Garbage Collection is worse as it lessens the flexibility of programmers whereas Intermediate or higher programmers find Cpp more flexible due to manual garbage collecting.

3) Even Unreal has inbuilt ads.

2) 2D development is a new field in Unreal. But it is improving on each update. And Unreal has wider 3D tools which unity lacks.

1) Though Unreal's build time is slower, It's games load much faster than Unity.

I'm not criticizing Unity, Instead, I'm saying things from my experience. I started Game development using Unity by watching Brackeys tutorials and so on and After a while, I felt something was empty or something was restricting me. So I switched to Unreal and It gave me more flexibility and more tools than Unity. Also More you learn about Unreal, more fun it is. But I like Unity and it will always have a place in my heart.😄😄


i mean what he try to explain is that he don't hate unreal or hate c++ BUT this is true lol, life is too short, your time you life Imao,
anyway i heard a lot of thing from anybody said unreal, they came to unity and won't go back (codeCadaver) he's right


Couple corrections.

Unreal engine can actually do for each loops. It's just...complicated and can involve virtual functions and syntax that even experienced c++ users have never seen before.

Unreal engine also will automatically handle garbage collection in most cases as long as you set everything up properly with the UHT.

C# is still better even if you're a programming expert because everyone makes mistakes and it's a lot easier to resolve them in c# than c++. C++ is not much more efficient than Unity's new DOTS system (which unfortunately no one uses)

The point about unity having more assets on the asset store is true but there is also a lot more variation in unity so there's not necessarily more assets for the kind of game you're going for (unreal doesn't have 2d assets for example because few people make 2d games in unreal)

Another thing to note is that while compile times take forever in unreal (and I have a 3950x and 64gb of ram), starting the game in unity takes a lot longer than unreal. This is not as big of a deal though because c# is less prone to the programmer making a simple mistake than c++.

Also, just want to agree and say having to reset your editor to see if your new code works in unreal is so insanely common.


This is all great, but i'm really thinking about just learning how to use OpenGL instead


A lot of this is about the ue4 speed but that’s about your pc


Well Unreal C++ is not that difficult. You don't have to worry about your own garbage collection and so on. It's all managed by the engine also you don't need to do any pointer magic. The good thing is you can do pointer magic and don't use the garbage collector for every object to optimize.
The adding of new C++ classes is really stupid, i agree with you. Why does the editor even compile? It makes no sense. You don't need a empty compiled class anyway, you want to write some code and then compile. So better don't use the editor at all to create new classes, just do it in VS instead.


You have a lot of potential! Keep it up. I have some tips though.

Now I'm not a professional, but still there are some things I would like to give to you.
First, modernize your logo. The idea is there, the foot with the code label on it is really creative, but I'd suggest adding a background and making the color less "pure".
Second, modernize your intro.
Also, modernize your slides. In this case I'd say remove the sound, and change up the design a bit.
And last, if your monitor supports it, record in 1080p (With OBS for example).

And I want to say that I like the humor in the video is epic. Especially the credits listing things to do while waiting. Keep that up!
I hope that this helps, and I'd be glad to see your channel grow!


I literally just watched the Unity 2020.1 release video and pressed back to search this topic and your video showed lol


10- Creating a script in C# in unity is not the same thing as creating a class in C++ in unreal, since one use used only for scripting and the other isn´t.
9- My first point holds true for this one too, since you are not comparing 2 script only languages.
8- 2000 assets vs 60000, how many of them are out dated?
7- This is a valid point, i don't know the in's and out's of the UE from the importing side, but since its creating its own version of the assets, maybe its that what is holding back the import times, but maybe is that, that makes the engine handling the rendering so efficiently.
6- This is probably the biggest advantage of Unity, even when Unreal had support for it, implementing the app on a custom webapp was a real pain.
5- BPs is worthy scripting language, that does not hold true for the visual scripting language in Unity, and you only feel that the performance is getting bad, is when you are making many mistakes. The same can happen in unity. I'm not comparing C# with C++ because performance in C++ is king. By the way, here it is a foreach loop in C++:
for (AActor* Actor : Array)
4- The first package in Unreal takes alot longer than Unity, thats true, for the next incremental build that is not true, its slower but no that slower.
3-If you are planning on using Unity ads, that's true, if not its the same in both engines.
2-Yes you can make 2D games much easily in Unity, but look at octopath traveler/project triangle strategy using Unreal. Also if you prefer the way of working with Unreal, it is possible to buy Pixel 2D, it introduces the missing features from the main engine.
1- -.-'


Unity has a very painful delay on scene start. Each prefab and scene is adjusting to it. The bigger the project (and it still can be a very simple game) - the more pain it is to work on. Suffering is the real name of Unity. Compile time will increase and you won't be able to do much with it. And you don't have to use UE4 wizard for classes creation. You can make them inside Rider For Unreal. UE4 is constantly getting better and it is noticeable. But let's be honest - not many of as are able to work with C++. And requirements for UE4 job are much higher. So there is not much to think about.


You sure C++ do not support foreach loops?


So.... I'm a building designer using Autocad Architecture so dwg format.
Just installed Unreal Engine and the Datasmith is the first time I can import a dwg and get any sense so I have something to work with. I was able to do a 1/2 decent walkthru within hours (despite being clueless).
(I have to dumb down Acad Arch's objects (walls, windows) to autocad 3d elements like faces and solids unfortunately).

So C# sounds a better choice than C++. (I only learnt basic Autolisp for autocad anyway). C# can also be used in Autocad. Sweet. I might just be able to learn C# and also use it in Autocad.

So I won't be developing any game, just looking for renders and walkthroughs.
What tools are there to import a .dwg file into Unity?
Unity / Unreal? I've wasted only a few days so far on Unreal.


Compile times really shouldn't take that long for a blank script. That certainly isn't common on my machine. Is Unreal running on a potato in this example? In fact, I havn't noticed any real different at all between Unity and Unreal when it comes to compiling, and I use both engines.

Perhaps the better way to phrase this would be: Unity compiles faster on older computers.
