How James White Misrepresents Provisionism

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It's Friday the 13th, and it is SCARY how badly James White misrepresents his theological opponents.

This video walks through two blatant misrepresentations from James White's most recent Dividing Line broadcast:
1) Provisionism offers no clear view on divine omniscience: False!
2) Provisionism believe the lost can come to faith without any prior working of grace: False!

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I really like the response Leighton Flower's gave in the interview, "Stumping Tulip with Flowers" ...

"We, as non-Calvinists, " says Flowers, "do not believe that we can do things apart from God.  God is the initiator of our salvation. Nobody is saying that we are on an island spiritually, all by ourselves, and we just seek after God, and then start loving and obeying Him.  That’s the whole purpose of the cross, Calvary, and the incarnation, is God condescending to man.  

So, yes, we cannot initiate the relationship, but He can.  And, if God does, our position is that we are responsible creatures.  That means, we are response-able. We are able to respond to God. We do not hold to the position, that because we are fallen, that we are unable to respond therefore to God’s appeal to reconciled from the fall.  But, that is where the Calvinists land.

The ‘T’ of TULIP is saying that because of the fall, mankind is born in a position that they cannot reply positively to God’s own appeals to be reconciled from that fall."

Me talking: When it comes to predestination, I believe that simply means that in God's foreknowledge, He committed to sanctify us to the end. However, God's foreknowledge doesn't preclude our free will choice in the matter of accepting God's grace.

"Empty my hands I bring, only to thy cross I cling!"


I ve said this before, but I ll say it again. Dr. Flowers is continually refining his defense of biblical soteriology. All of this opposition from reformed camps using unethical methods against him are only sharpening his debate skills and strengthening this movement. Godspeed to Soteriology 101!


I am an X Calvinist and an X follower of James White. Dr Whites misrepresentations and prideful insults are what led me to take more notice of you. You have helped me realise and understand how implausible and fallacious Calvinism is. Thank you Leighton


Keep fighting the good fight brother! You are a pillar in the storm of Provisionism and free will of man. I have relatives that because of Calvinism, think they're damned to hell because they don't feel called by God.


The New Testament apostles wrote in the New Testament warning christians about the wolves in sheep’s clothing that would come and distort the gospel of Jesus Christ and many of those were the Gnostics who taught the same things that James White teaches. We need to pray for James White that God would be able to convict mr White of his pride and lead him to repentance through the love of God.


I'm really so glad the Lord calls us to love James White but that we are not compelled to like him!


I am currently reading “Whosoever Will” edited by David Allen & Steve Lemke and I have found this book to be a treasure trove of documented evidence refuting the 5 points of Calvinism. I rely on Dr. Flowers to give me more reading material and study material to build me up in the faith that brings all people to Christ. Thank you brother Flowers for this YouTube channel that I may learn and better prepare myself to refute the Calvinistic teachings.


I wonder how many times Dr Flowers would need to say it before James white acknowledges what he is actually saying.


@Leighton Flowers, when you were a Calvinist, were you as offensive and condescending and arrogant as James White? To me it's unbelievable that he believes he's filled/ walking/ being led by the Holy Spirit when he talks with such a patronising tone, not just in this video but in almost every video I've ever watched of him. He must have missed the verses about "in meekness instructing those" or "the servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle..." I find this attitude amongst most Calvinists that I've ever discussed theology with. "Knowledge puffeth up..."


I like Leighton and agree with his views on provisionism for the most part, but I also like James White. He has defended the Trinity against unitarians, the Bible against atheists, Christianity against Muslims, and various translations against KJV Onlyists. I wish these two brothers could just drop this.


“Evangelicals make a two-fold charge against the Reformed doctrine of Scripture. On the one hand they say that it is irrationalistic. We saw how Carnell sets up the autonomous or "rational man" as a judge before whom the Bible must prove its right to speak with authority. This is as though a child were sitting in judgment on its parents, graciously permitting these parents to speak to it with authority.

On the other hand evangelicals say that the Reformed doctrine of Scripture is rationalistic. We saw how Pieper, the Lutheran, sets up the autonomous man as judge over the contents of the Bible. He insists that inasmuch as the Bible teaches the "freedom" of man it can and must also teach the doctrine of a changing God who adjusts himself to the ultimate decisions of man.”

Excerpt From
Defending the Faith
Cornelius Van Til
This material may be protected by copyright.


Mr. Flowers, I'm glad I don't have to deal with James White like you do. Because you once were a Calvinist yourself, I know that gives you a unique & special insight to what God's Word truly says about Provisionism, etc.
God's Word is full of Jesus died for everyone and whosoever will may come. JW is off based on different things. It's like he's always determined to use the same old straw man arguments in order to try to convince his listening audiences that he is right. But his misrepresentations, etc. of people & facts, well, JW totally turns me off! Mr. Flowers, I applaud you for your constant gracious spirit toward JW & others. And thank you for making your teachings easily understood. God guide & bless you always sir.


The plethora of intellectually dishonest and reprobate tactics employed by reformed theology have been an intricate and indispensable character of not only their theology but who and what they are as individual people from the very get-go.


Dr. Flowers, I am Brazilian so English is not my native language. With that in mind I have to say however that even though I watch almost all your videos all I can say with certainty is that I disagree with calvinist theology but I can't say I understand what provisionism is.

In my opinion you are much better in disproving calvinism than explaining provisionism. And you have A LOT of videos talking about why you disagree with calvinism.

My suggestion is, please, start doing more videos explaining your position.


@leighton flowers hey what’s up brother. Don’t be offended. There’s no need to. Your ministry that God has given you is for us. Knowledge puffs up so don’t get caught up with these theological backs and forths. Just keep teaching us on what the scripture is saying. And continue to call out false teachers, or people who are putting out wrong doctrine. But don’t get offended.


I have a question Mr flowers, and i would love for you to help me! Isaiah 55:11 “so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”
This text tell us that the word of God can not fail, so if Gods propuse and will is that everybody that hears the gospel will believe (such as you believe), how can we explain that people reject the gospel?
Did Gods word failed? We know thats imposible... so what happens?


Of course he does! Why else would a man with Dr in front of his name look more and more unwise. James, tip for you buddy. Take the lens ofCalvinism off when you read the Bible and actually look Hermeneutically and exegetically at the scripture. The dude rubs me up the wrong way something chronic.


Why would it be bad if God predetermined a select elect chosen picked people from the beginning? I'm just sincerely asking. I can't find a reason but maybe you can.


The single best refutation of foreknowledge not being predestination is 1 Samuel 23.7-13. Here we read about God foreknowing two different thing that never came to pass because of Davids free will choice. Saul would have come to Keilah if David has stayed, and the people of Keilah would have handed him over; but because he left, neither of those things happened. So God knows all thing BOTH REAL AND POSSIBLE, which means God knows all the possibilities that never happened. God knew that Adam and Eve could have said no to the serpent, that was always a possibility, but not what actually happened. It never ceases to amaze the lengths that some people will go to justify broken theology.


This is why Open Theism is the only logically coherent system. If God knew for eternity past everything that would ever come about, that destroys any notion of real creaturly freedom and therefore implies determinism. I can't believe I actually agree with James White on something.
