What happens when you stop paying attention to a narcissist

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What happens when you stop giving a narcissist attention? narcissistic people thrive on attention and when you take it away from them they could react in a very harmful way.

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

Thank you so much
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They think that you are with someone because 9× "out of 10 they are with someone else..


They would rather "burn down the relationship" than apologize or get down their high "horse" 😅😅😅


And they’re the ones that can’t sit alone with themselves and have to constantly be out with their friends, picking up other girls and giving their attention to other people.


Being with a narcissist : To me a narcissistic relationship is like meeting someone who convinces you that you’re both meant to be. They love bomb you and spoil you with love, affection, and attention you always wanted and felt you deserved. They notice little things about you to really sell you on them falling for you because “they’ve never met anyone like you.” Then one day they invite you into their really nice car. You get in because even though it’s too soon to trust them, for some reason you do because they seem so sure about you and in love with you. You get into the car and after a while they start speed as fast as they can and drive you right into a wall. However, before crashing, they jump out of the speeding car and watch as you crash. They get up and walk away without looking back because now that you’re dead to them, they need someone new, a new supply. They don’t even look back because somehow it’s your fault and you’ve served your purpose.

You realize you’re still alive. Your body starts moving slowly and somehow you’re able to peel yourself off of the wall and climb out of the rubble. By this time the narc starts to get a little faint tingle in their body. They some somehow know that you’re okay. They tingle as you’re healing yourself. Then once you get close to benign completely healed (approximately three months) their slight tingle turns into an unquestionable itch. They can feel that you’re not dead and now they need to see their crime scene to make sure you’re not doing better than them, so they can move on with their life. They visit the places you frequent, mine I was church, looking for you to see if they left any scares. They see you you’re doing better. Their most recent supply has just got in their own mysterious accident and they miss you and are back on the prowl. They can see you doing better, therefore they think you must think you’re better than them. NOT ON THEIR WATCH! They then Hoover and scheme a way back into your life. They try to love bomb you back into a newer and better car (relationship) that looks shiner and better than the one before. A FASTER car. One with promises of the future. A future that can be as soon as tomorrow.
You fall for it, so you get in and go for a nice hot ride. However this time they start speeding off much faster and s tab you before jumping out to make sure you are damaged too much to be able to come back. The third time they s tab you and light the car on fire. Each time is much worse and each time they know you know they’ll crash the car so it’s all your fault! You got in the car after all…

It’s been months and I still physically feel like I’ve been throw into a wall and flattened. He’s never put his hands on me, but Withdrawal from a narc is no joke with their intentional manipulation to get you addicted to them.
The very worst part that no one talks about is even after each and every purposeful and intentional crash, you really do hope the very next time you get into the relationship vehicle will be like the first time you two met. That person was never real.

Don’t go back.


They have such a fear of rejection that they often reject you first... out of nowhere!


In a real crime documentary, her partner was a malignant narcissist/ psychopath.
They had 2 sons. When she got tired of his lies and mind games she started pulling away from him. She slept in a different room. He started to freak out when he was losing her.
One day he got it in his twisted mind that all of a sudden, those are not his sons. He went off and said who's their father bec I know you were cheating on me!!!!
He physically jumped her and the fight ended up in the garage. He poured gasoline on her and set her on fire.
The neighbor heard her screams, and rescued her/ called the ambulance. He ran like the coward that he is but the cops found him.
Good news is, she survived.. found a man who treats her well, he never judged her for her facial scars and they are very happy together and engaged... probably married now.


It's so annoying how they did something to cause the break up and instead of taking accountability they presume the only valid reason is that there is someone else.😒


They start accusing u of theyr own imagination they literally get paranoid and build a whole story in their head
If u don’t answer when they expect u to


Yeah this happened with my ex husband. The last week before I left him, he could feel I had withdrawn myself. He kept quiet for a whole week, then walked in one day, blocked the door with his body and started yelling at me saying I was gonna leave him etc etc. I was actually quite scared because he had a gun and I felt like there was a chance he might use it on me and himself if I told him my plans outright. I said some soothing things and then the moment he left for the day I packed a suitcase and left. No regrets!!!


that is so crazy because my ex-husband really believed that I was seeing someone else when I was working on myself the whole time.


He’s became aggressive and abusive to me. I couldn’t believe he was this type of person. My God


A narcissist said I wouldn't get off my "lazy ass" and do something she demanded I do. So I sat on my lazy ass and ignored her attempts to shame me into action. She is really amazing, a true psychic. We are all impressed!


He indirectly tried to contact me last week through posting a music cover of some sad lost lovesong with the description "based on real events" the day after I changed my profile pic to me with some male friend I have 😂 I'm not even with anyone else (I dont care if he thinks I am tbh) he's way too scared to speak to me directly. He always expected me to reach out to him because of his inflated ego, and I always did, but no more. Our last interaction wasn't even negative. He's just not used to the lack of attention from me. I don't even miss him right now...sure hope I can hold onto this feeling.


They can definitely feel it & they will never take accountability on why you’re being distant or not paying them any attention. I’ve only been broken up from my ex narcissist for a couple days now. It’s crazy because, I wanted the relationship to end but, now that I actually walked away it’s been driving me insane. Your videos are helping though. Thank you so much!


Every time I listen to you in front of my narc he calls you names and gets all kinds of pissed off like your speaking directly to him .. truth hurts keep doing what your doing
You help me have the strength to be done


But why do you "NEED" attention? Why does a Narc need attention, but can't give attention to their partner?


You’re a goofball Lee 🤣🤣
Sometimes, we need that little splash of humor, in order to help the healing process. Thank you!


, leave the relationship It's always about them, even when they have kids it's not even about the kids always about them!! Leave the relationship


In November it'll be a whole year!!! I can't wait to celebrate 🥂


I played his game up until I've realized he was a narcissist. I looked back at everything and checked the list and he represented all of it. Until he started to do things to get my attention and to make me reach out. I disabled all my updates etc fron him to see and stop looked at any updates from him etc. Until he took it upon him self to delete/blocked me 🤣🤣. The day I knew i won over a narcissist. You can not do the delete/block them or they will feel that you are hurt/emotional. You have to show them that you are unbothered by them and they are invisible. 😂😂😂
