Vertigo Treatment for BPPV with Brandt-Daroff Exercises - Ask Doctor Jo

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Exercises for BPPV will often increase your symptoms, and sometimes make you sick. However, each time you do them, the symptoms should decrease. Make sure you have a bucket just in case you get sick, and don’t plan on going anywhere right after you do these exercises just in case they make you feel a little worse.

These exercises are called Brandt-Daroff exercises. Start in an upright, seated position. Then move into a lying position on one side with your nose pointed up at about a 45-degree angle. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds (or until the vertigo subsides, whichever is longer). Then move back to the seated position and stay for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side. This should be done 5 times on each side, 2 times a day holding each position for 30 seconds. It is recommended to do these for at least two weeks even if your symptoms go away before then.

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Doctor Jo is a Doctor of Physical Therapy.


Vertigo Treatment for BPPV with Brandt-Daroff Exercises:

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I’ve been dealing with vertigo for about 2 months.. I just finished a week doing these exercises and it’s gone ... thanks so much .. thanks for putting this video out there 🙏🏻


Just knowing this problem is not so uncommon is a relief in itself! So doable. Thank you!♡


I was desperate to stop the world from spinning, and I tried your exercise. I had tried many other maneuvers before and none of them worked so I was skeptical about the success. I did exactly what you said and for the first time on the left side, I did not feel anything, but on the right side, the room spun very fast. I had a bucket beside me just in case I got sick. Now back on the left side, still no spinning. After the 4th time on the right side, the room started to spin and very fast. After this, I had to stop and throw-up
Not Fun, but then I tried both sides again and the spinning sensation diminished and I stopped the exercise. Later that day I noticed that no matter how I held my head, UP, DOWN left, or right I experienced no spinning. Thanks for helping me through this.,


You are such a beautiful person for doing this. Not only have you completely resolved my anxiety and fear around this issue, you’ve taught me to manage and resolve it and prepared me for any re-occurrences. I was crying at 3am at my own house and had to get my parents to collect me because I didn’t have a clue what was happening and couldn’t walk straight. I was absolutely terrified. It’s a very unpleasant experience but the distress and anxiety makes it so much worse. Thank you for helping me.


Some encouragement and info for all you struggling out there. I had vertigo for almost 3 months. I tried semont, semont plus, epleys, deep head hanging maneuver, gufoni, half somersault and this one is finally what helped. It might be a different one for you but know that one will help. Keep fighting.


Woke up with vertigo this morning and followed your instructions and video. It worked! The bucket was needed of course, but The most profound thing was laying in the position and slowly having the spinning go away. I wish I’d known about this 10 years ago! Thank you!


Finally, I have been suffering mild vertigo for a week. This exercise improved a lot. They way you explain it. I’m no longer afraid of facing it. Thank you love ❤️


This absolutely works! Tried it last night and was pretty freaked out, but today I was determined to do it. First time was brutal. Room was spinning when I laid down and when I sat up and it was really strong. By the third time I noticed it was less. The 4th and 5th time I felt a little off upon sitting, but nothing when I laid down. I feel so relieved right now. I will do it again tonight and continue to do it on a daily basis. I know she said for 2 weeks, but I keep having vertigo episodes, so why not incorporate these exercises (maneuvers) into my daily routine. Thank you From the bottom of my heart and my dizzy head for putting out this content. 💜


Worked great for me. I’m disabled so I didn’t put my legs up on the bed but it still worked fine. It took about ten days to completely clear but it improved every day. Thanks so much!


In the last six months I've begun to notice a mild spinning sensation. I have just done your exercise for the very first time - once for each side - and thirty minutes later again - once for each side. I already feel more "normal'. I'll let you know if and how the improvement continues, and thank you for your wonderfully clear instructions and helpful advice!


Just did this exercise, it wasn't scary as I thought it would be. Will be doing it tomorrow again! I feel kinda better from the first attempt


Wow - had a nasty attack of this yesterday (reminded me of when I had a concussion). I think I got it from straining my head/neck/back while chopping overhead ice with a heavy axe. Anyway - I tried this and woke up this morning absolutely fine!!! No dizziness. I tried to keep my head in that 45 Degree angle while I slept. Thanks for posting this!


So far I’m only able to do three sets once a day it takes me so much courage to get ready to do those!


I have this BPPV for my very first time, and I had no clue what is it. I searched and now I know, so I will do these exercises, but it realy takes a curage to do it constantly. Yes, empty stomach but still getting sick, wondering when it goes away. Thank God for people like you making videos for others❤.


Thanks Dr.Jo. I was suffering from severe vertigo for more than 15 days.The tablets didnt help much so I went to my neurologist who suggested to do Brandt Daroff exercise. He said learn it from YouTube. I followed your very clear instructions and thanks to you the symptoms disappeared after about 10 days. Now I am fully recovered. Thanks once again.


This worked for me completely after the first time I went down to the side. Dizzy the first time, then not the other nine times! I think the secret is just to "go with the dizziness". ThankYOU.


I was suffering from vertigo for the past five weeks.
After doing this exercise with neck exercise my vertigo is cured.
Also ginger tea in the morning help me to reduce dizziness.
Thanks for Dr Jo.


My Dr just recommended I do these and I was so happy to actually see them performed so I could do them correctly. Thank you so much!


Thank you!
I watched a few videos with the exercise for vertigo, and you’re the only I saw that gave real caution, and possibilities of what could happen, ie: sickness from the motion, and the physical feelings afterwards. Good details count!!!

I’m super sensitive, and the nauseous feeling is too acute for me to do your directed exercises 5X each in a row, so I’m going to have to spread them out until I’m not so nauseous with each one.

Drs has told me before it’s allergies, and I usually get this around February to March off and on throughout the days and nights. This time I felt something give, and move inside my head around 1am as I was awake and tossing to my right side. Instantly the major vertigo happened. So I think drs have treated me wrongly for at least 15 years. All this time my inner ear was imbalanced with those crystals. At least it seems like that is what’s happening imo.

Thank you so very much for this helpful video! Blessings for you🙏🏽💜
