Epley Maneuver to Treat BPPV Dizziness (with Dix-Hallpike to Determine Which Side)

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Video demonstrates how the Epley maneuver is performed to treat POSTERIOR canal BPPV affecting the right ear (1:13) as well as left ear (3:17). Both back and side views shown. Dix-Hallpike maneuver (0:19) to diagnose as well as figure out which side ear is the culprit is also shown (so you know which way to turn first). Basically, the side which triggers the worse symptoms is the culprit side.

Animation showing what is going on within the inner ear is also shown.

Alternative to Epley is the Foster Half-Somersault:

If unable to lay flat on the back, the Semont Maneuver can be tried as well:

For more information:

Check out our online store for other ear/balance related products:

• Dix-Hallpike Maneuver (0:19)
• Right Epley Side View (1:13)
• Right Epley Back View (2:12)
• Left Epley (3:17)

Watch how the inner ear balance system works here:

POSTERIOR canal BPPV treated by Epley maneuver here:

LATERAL canal BPPV treated by Lempert maneuver here:

SUPERIOR canal BPPV treated by Deep Head-Hanging here:

Flowchart for BPPV diagnosis and treatment can be found here:

Video on Meniere's Disease:

Actor Credit:
MJ Gordon @marinjayden
Certified Yoga Alliance Instructor (RYP500, RPYT, Yin)
Certified Fitness Instructor NCEP

Video created by Dr. Christopher Chang:

#bppv #vertigo #dizziness #homeremedy #epley
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Video demonstrates how the Epley maneuver is performed to treat POSTERIOR canal BPPV affecting the right ear (1:13) as well as left ear (3:17). Dix-Hallpike maneuver (0:19) to diagnose as well as figure out which side ear is the culprit is also shown (so you know which way to turn first).


Instantly worked! My doctor friend recommended trying this technique and this video was brilliant at demonstrating how to self diagnose the condition and which ear, and then how to fix the problem! When I first laid back a white line kept jumping as my eyes struggled to fix on it, but immediately after 1 time of this movement, I could look straight! I no longer get dizzy looking up or lying back. For me this started about 40 days after a COVID reinfection and I read a study saying vertigo 43 days post COVID is surprisingly common. Hope you can continue to do great work in helping others.


I am SO grateful for this video! I was diagnosed with BPPV several years ago, and sent to a physical therapist to do the Epley Maneuver (though it felt much more complex then... maybe they did the Dix-Hallpike first). I just did this procedure, intending to start with Dix-Hallpike to verify which ear it was, but as soon as I laid my head back while looking right, there was NO doubt it was my right ear. I held that position for several seconds after my eye twitching stopped, and moved to 2nd position... where I felt nothing. All downhill, right? Well, I rolled onto my left side, and the whole world churned! I'm used to feeling like the room is spinning, but this was the most intense vertigo I have ever felt! When I sat up I was still a tad nauseated, but right now I feel great! I will probably try the maneuver one more time tonight to make sure it's clear, but I am so grateful that I can do this at home now and not have to wait weeks to get an appointment. THANK YOU!


THANKYOU for this video, what a scary sensation vertigo is, I did the maneuver and I feel better!


This just resolved my vertigo, thank you so much!


I just did this and I think it worked! When I turned my head to the right, the room was spinning. I tried it twice again about an hour later and It is no longer. We will see tomorrow. Thanks for this video!


I will try the Epley maneuver just now. Thanks.


had it in my left ear, instantly solved it, thank you very much.


After struggling for over four weeks with vertigo taking prescibed medicine with no result, my doctor gave me some information about this maneuver, but it was difficult to understand. Asking for a PT refferral to help took days to get a response. Resigned that this may be what my existence had become I searched YT for a demonstration.
This video concisely explained and demonstrated how to do this. It cured my vertigo. Thank you!


Muchas gracias por compartir este video, hay muchos en youtube pero este es el que mejor entendí y más rápido, sentí alivio inmediato a mi vértigo, ya estaba muy espantado ya que nunca había sentido esa sensación extraña de mareo a mis 40 años


Fyi: The narrator is saying hold the position until the induced vertigo *resolves*—not results. I was holding the position until the vertigo started.. You have to hold the position until it STOPS.


Looks like it helped.. at least for the time being. Time will tell. Thanks for uploading the video.


I still don't see how you determine which side is affected. I can't see my eyes flicker back and forwards, I'm so dizzy I can't even open my eyes.


Incredible. Tried this technique a few minutes ago and can't trigger another episode of vertigo.


Did this two times 30 minutes a ago and nlw I feel alot better. As if I'm back to normal again!!


Can this happen without the eyes moving?? Because I have every symptoms without eyes moving


I think this worked! I repeated it and I didn’t get the vertigo!


This works! I did this gif a few weeks and the vertigo went away ( I had it for a few years).


Should I feel dizzy after the manoeuvre when going from the last position to sitting up? It’s almost the hardest part for me. I already have chronic daily dizziness but now I have left-sided positional vertigo. I’ve done this several times and still not improved.


Its making me very nauseous :( Ive done it twice now, I hope it works. Starting on the side that makes me most dizzy
