'Can VERTIGO be Cured?' (BPPV)

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Another common question I get from people trying to rid themselves of vertigo is whether or not the vertigo can be cured for good.

In this video, I'll cover a few aspects of this question:

- First, it's important to make sure we're talking about BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) and not another cause of vertigo or dizziness, such as Meniere's Disease, neuritis or another medical condition.

- Next, I talk about the fact that even after you clear the little inner ear crystals (otoconia) from the semicircular canals, there's always a risk that the those crystals will float back into the canals again. This is why the post-treatment maneuver instructions are so important for the first 24-48 hours.

- Finally, I discuss how most people will still feel unsteady or off balance after clearing the inner ear crystals, due to "vestibular hypofunction". This is why doing vestibular rehab and balance exercises is so important to making a full recovery from vertigo!

I hope this video helps you get rid of your vertigo once and for good! Please leave a comment before you go, especially if you've had success getting rid of your vertigo with these concepts!

- Luke Gordon, DPT
Doctor of Physical Therapy/Owner of Gordon Physical Therapy
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I had COVID in December 2020. Been diagnosed with air pressure in my right ear and has a vertigo attack 2 weeks ago. My first one was in April 2021. I am working with a physiotherapist and doing vestibular rehabilitation therapy for 12 weeks in hope of managing this condition. It has affected my quality of life soo much. All I can say is giving up is NOT an option.


I've suffered miserably with vertigo for over a decade, and successive GPs have all said that it's simply stress induced. I randomly googled "home cures for vertigo" and your channel was one of the first hits I got. I'd never heard of BPPV before watching your videos, and I'm now almost convinced that this is what I've had all these years. I simply cannot understand why NO gp has ever suggested that it could be this, or indeed meniereres. I've booked to see a physiotherapist, so I'm actually praying now that my condition is indeed BPPV as it would appear there is some hope to fixing this. I wouldn't wish vertigo on my worst enemy, its made my life unbearable at times. Thanks so much for the great videos about this subject.


Thank You!!! This was very reassuring, particularly regarding the issue of unstableness after the dramatic vertigo is gone. I am just now having a reoccurrence after a couple of weeks since doing the Epley, but I haven't been really stable during that period. Guess it's time to do the Epley again and then go from there. I am 74 and seemingly having to learn to adjust more and more to new physical ailments I've never heard of before!


This is literally ruining my life, for over a year I wake up completely dizzy, I havnt felt rested after sleep for at least 14 months, 😢


Just watching your videos this week, it makes me good. I have 24 Hours dizzy. when I look right or left and spically when I look down with my head, my right ear gets stuffed.


Thank you for sharing your wisdom! Can you explain what is the cause for Meniere's disease and how it differentiate between the hypertension & tachycardia caused vertigo? Also can you make a video about what is the difference between the causes and symptoms of Meniere's disease, DPPV, Hypertension&tachycardia and neuritis? What is neuritis? What may be the link between a neck pain and a vertigo what type of vertigo is that? Thank you so much for your help and advice!


I am 17 and have been truly suffering with vertigo for 1 year and 4 mouths. My life is a nightmare and I honestly consider ending it as the only solution. Someone please help! It started after some regular exercises like spinning in circles and doing rolls that I did in training. Up to this day every single thing and aspect of my private and social life has been demolished by vertigo. Please help!


My physiotherapist says she has seen people getting better but they have to constantly do the rehabilitation exercises to train their brain and improve their balance.


Really helpful thank you i am getting a lot more knowledge here.


Omg, this was so amazing. I wish you could be my dr.


Bppv ruined my life. I now have pppd and can't live normal life. Basically, bppv can keep coming back, as I understand from your video, so I will never be normal again.


I was finally told mine is lightheadedness and it's inner ear fluid.


You should be suggesting more helpful resources in your videos. Like ENT doctor or names of places to get help or Information on vertigo. Some directives please. Thanks.


How people think that you can make those manuvers when you have a severe attack, I mean is impossible, I have it on my right side and I can not sleep only standing at 90 degrees since one week ago, I am barely able to walk I do not feel like doing this. What else can be done?


Yep good usefull info, appreciated : BUT, really needs to Talk Sower as taking all this info in at 'over speed talk' is quite difficult


Hi Gordon,

Could you please educate us about the treatment of dequervain's tenosynovitis (been 8 months so it's chronic)

I'm struggling to heal it. I'd be really thankful to you if you help me out.



Why do the crystals dislodge?? Is there any triggering factor tor crystals to loosen?? Please answer doctor


Doctor i am 18 years old and i have inbalance ear fluids the doctor told me.I have 5 weeks with this the first 3 were the worst but now im getting a little better.When i do exercise like pushups or when im in a car the symtoms gets worse .I am a very active person and I cant stay like this im hoping its not chronic 😢


Hello sir very impormative content can i ask u a general question if for example me been diagnosed with bppv by a ER doctor because i was so dizzy end up in the er done blood test scan my head and is all clear but doc said its bppv because he test me at the er and he see it what is the next best step to do after that diagnosis? even tho he give a me a pill for it but iam looking for a permanent fix thank u hope u can answer my question so i can have a guidance going forward thank u
