'Can VERTIGO be Cured?' (BPPV)

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Another common question I get from people trying to rid themselves of vertigo is whether or not the vertigo can be cured for good.
In this video, I'll cover a few aspects of this question:
- First, it's important to make sure we're talking about BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) and not another cause of vertigo or dizziness, such as Meniere's Disease, neuritis or another medical condition.
- Next, I talk about the fact that even after you clear the little inner ear crystals (otoconia) from the semicircular canals, there's always a risk that the those crystals will float back into the canals again. This is why the post-treatment maneuver instructions are so important for the first 24-48 hours.
- Finally, I discuss how most people will still feel unsteady or off balance after clearing the inner ear crystals, due to "vestibular hypofunction". This is why doing vestibular rehab and balance exercises is so important to making a full recovery from vertigo!
I hope this video helps you get rid of your vertigo once and for good! Please leave a comment before you go, especially if you've had success getting rid of your vertigo with these concepts!
- Luke Gordon, DPT
Doctor of Physical Therapy/Owner of Gordon Physical Therapy
In this video, I'll cover a few aspects of this question:
- First, it's important to make sure we're talking about BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) and not another cause of vertigo or dizziness, such as Meniere's Disease, neuritis or another medical condition.
- Next, I talk about the fact that even after you clear the little inner ear crystals (otoconia) from the semicircular canals, there's always a risk that the those crystals will float back into the canals again. This is why the post-treatment maneuver instructions are so important for the first 24-48 hours.
- Finally, I discuss how most people will still feel unsteady or off balance after clearing the inner ear crystals, due to "vestibular hypofunction". This is why doing vestibular rehab and balance exercises is so important to making a full recovery from vertigo!
I hope this video helps you get rid of your vertigo once and for good! Please leave a comment before you go, especially if you've had success getting rid of your vertigo with these concepts!
- Luke Gordon, DPT
Doctor of Physical Therapy/Owner of Gordon Physical Therapy