My Favorite 'Worst MMO Ever?'

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Josh Strife Says is the official Twitch clips/Highlights channel for Josh Strife Hayes. This channel features Best Moments of Josh Strife Hayes, Best of Tangent Tavern Podcast with Callum Upton and sometimes clips from Session Zero DND Group which Josh DM's (Dungeonmaster) for players RageDarling, BillieTrixx and Callum Upton. Josh often talks about multiple MMORPGS like World of Warcraft (WoW), Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV), Guild Wars 2 (GW2), Runescape (RS3), Old School Runescape (OSRS), New World, Diablo, Path of Exile, Tera, Otherland and other games such as Skyrim, Oblivion, Dragon Age. Some of the best content of Josh Strife Hayes is his React videos with Asmongold reacts and Zepla.
Visit Josh's Main channel for "The Worst MMO Ever"-series and second channel for "Was it good?"-series

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I love it when people see/think of Lotro (lord of the Rings online) in a positive manner, there is so many people that love the IP that are depriving themselves of such a unique adventure. Glad Josh gave it the time of day.


I think my favorite was the Warframe one. The amount of praise he gave that game, for things like the opening cinematic, to the gameplay, the way it makes you feel like a badass space ninja, is just so spot on. And then the incredibly honest criticisms of all the other stuff in that game that makes it a convoluted mess to try and actually play through.


Its always sad when people say not to play a dying MMO. While the MMO aspect might be dying, the story can still be enjoyable with great characters, and you wouldn't tell someone not to play an RPG just because the developer won't make a sequel, would you?


It's the same with RTS. People say "Don't play RTS. It's a dead genre." but I started playing pvp RTS and have since had more fun than I've ever had before playing videogames


Guild Wars 1 is going to hold all the nolataga in my heart forever.


It made me so happy to hear Josh say that SWTOR, which I've been playing since I was like 13, was a fantastic game. Been playing again with a friend of mine. We've got two pairs of characters going right now: A Miraluka Jedi Guardian named Beil-Ind Mann and a Nautolan Jedi Sage named Stern Rod; and a Zabrak Sith Assassin named Bodahm Bycz with a Cyborg (or human, can't remember. He never takes his helmet off) Powertech named Steely Poll.


Otherlands was heartbreaking. I've never *wanted* to love a game so much while being completely unable to. I was so glad I eventually got to enjoy it vicariously through Josh's efforts. 🙂


Guild Wars will always be special to me, made me very happy to see it shine in this series


Otherlands was my favorite episode - I think a lot of that was how involved you were becoming in the game; it was clearly painful to see the dying world


Wait... OTHERLANDS! That's why there are Tad Williams books in my Kindle. :D For a long time I couldn't remember why do I have those books. Last week I started to read "City of Golden Shadow" and the book is WILD.


Fiesta. Bad quests, horrible progression, but so much fun derping out in Roumen or Elde. Also I found my wife there, had to ress her so many times we stuck ^^


The LOTRO one brought me back to that game and I'm having a blast. It was too difficult for my taste when it came out, but now it's just right (not always dying and not always oom - out of money). The EU RP server has so many player made (music) events going on, something I missed in all the MMOs that came later. Very friendly community as well (mostly - I switched off the world chat channel, though). Housing is a bit restrictive, EQ2 has the most freedom and possibilities in that regard.


Currently binging the Otherland series and I am at episode 6. It has been a wild and very entertaining ride and I completely resonate how the game has many well executed visual story telling ideas that are undermined by poor game mechanics and a general lack of refinement. That WW2 crater with the soldiers worshipping a giant is gonna live rent free on my head for the rest of my life.


Every time Josh says Guild Wars 1, it makes me smile as it was a game I played a lot of during some very formative years.

I enjoy GW2 enough for what it is, but it will always be a disappointment that it isn't Guild Wars 1: the sequel


SWTOR really is phenomenal. It’s a tragedy it didn’t see a revival like FF14 did.


The whole argument of dying mmo's and documenting things that may not be there soon enough reminds me of a video treating on the story of an MMO shooter called Firefall.

In particular the statement from that video: "it is dead, so dead in fact, that not even Josh Strife Hayes can play it on his second monitor and complain about it".


Absolutely loved SWTOR but oh god, for veterans, its content starved. For new players its a positively fantastic game, a ton of stuff to do, for long term players its a come back every few years to enjoy a month or two worth of content before moving on again game.


Actually really glad to hear Josh likes Lord of the Rings Online, barely any LotR fans know of it but it’s actually a solid MMO that follows the original books pretty well. It’s a bit dated sure, and it has some jank to it, but there are much worse MMO experiences out there and if you’re a LotR fan it’s worth at least trying for the fan service of being able to fully explore Middle-Earth.


Let's not forget that this guy killed TERA


I started Lotro because of Josh and I have already put about 500 hours into it. Yes it has jank but the world and the attention to tolkiens detail is great. Also no other mmo world has given me such feeling of adventure
