Worst MMO Ever? - Genfanad

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Runescape Classic from Wish.

But, does Genfanad have the same classic charm?

Join me on a short adventure through the world of Nooblandia (yes you read that right) as we fail to equip bronze and massacre some rabbits.

Thanks as usual to all the supporters on Patreon, Twitch and youtube who let me keep making videos :D
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The fact a dev took down the game right away to fix a game-breaking bug in a matter of minutes is something I have nothing but respect for.
I wish the devs and this game all the best.


Very interesting kickstarter, basically all they asked for was to pay 1-2 guy's rent for a year so they could focus on the game, and that's exactly what they did. Can't fault them for doing exactly what was promised, way better than most other kickstarters that ask for much more money and it all feels like it went to waste.


"It doesn't need to be big, it just needs to be fun, and _that_ is what she said."
This is the kind of quality content I expect. Never change Josh.


Hey guys, sorry to say that as of April 30th 2024 Genfanad has shut down, mainly due to the lack of players and general income from patreon and kickstarter not breaking even. Sad news, but thought you guys would want to know!


Hello and welcome to Genfanad. The community is excited to welcome any and all new players but we ask you to keep in mind that the game is very early in development. We look forward to seeing you all in game!


Holy shhh... I worked on this game for a year with the lead dev. We had so much fun. Thank you Josh, this is like God talking to me. I am not worthy. You are amazing, sir.

In all seriousness, this was a passion project of love and we appreciate all the feedback and publicity. Anyone who has played it means the WORLD to us.


I actually was a part of this team for about 6 months, they were a nice bunch. There was certainly a lot of chaos behind the scenes, but I know the lead had ideas he wanted to put down in physical form. I was even shocked that upon joining there wasn't an NDA or anything, we were allowed to share the goings on with friends and encouraged to tell people about it. It was a nice bit of work and experience learning with the environment team. I hope they are having fun with their projects!


"Killing rabbits like Lenny downed a pint of red bull and tried to show George his hugging powers"
What a line.


I am thrilled that Josh remembered to name this #70. This joke has been 2 years in the making. 👍


I feel like more projects like this would be a lot healthier for the MMO landscape. Smaller games, that know what they want to be, and because of their tighter focus can have an increased sense of community. This probably isn't the MMO for me, but that's okay. It makes me hope we see more small MMOs like this, and that maybe one of these MMOs will be the one for me.


That feeling when Big Dave stops casting at the mines just to craft an HQ bronze sword for a guy who walked past him like 5 times. You know the community's good when that happens.


4:30 "Now unlike [RuneScape Classic], your inventory can hold 30 items, not 28."
Josh, I hate to break it to you, but the inventory in RuneScape Classic held 30 items. They changed it to 28 when they released RuneScape 2. In fact, the way you wear items is _also_ how you wore items in RuneScape Classic.


im very happy to see small but dedicated devs getting attention they deserve


Nothing but love for Sanic. He gets his flax returned after losing it to a bug, he gives back to the community by refunding the pumpkin stew he sold.


Fun fact: In the trailer for Genfanad (2:57 - 3:28), the narrator of the trailer is Mike Pollock, who’s well known for the role of Dr. Eggman from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise!


This game feels like a nature preserve. I want to play it but the fact that the game is designed and tailored around such a specific, small group of people makes me wish I could just stand back and observe it because my presence would damage its value.

I miss games like this so much, it felt like in the old days of the internet you could find almost infinite amounts of little indie mmos with weird premises and inspirations.


Great video! One minor note -- Back in RS Classic, experience was actually gained per kill, not per damage roll. So Genfanad is actually like Ghost in the Shell in that regard. I remember getting griefed back in the day by higher levels sniping kills by doing majority damage.


All things considered, this is really impressive. Sure, its basically what the Gower brothers did over 20 years ago, but they actually managed to make a functioning netcode with a shoestring budget. They can really be proud of themselves. And its fine to invite comparisons to accomplished games. But don't frame it in a way that constantly makes me think "Yea, why aren't I playing RS instead?" This is a charming game. I hope it does well. All the best to the devs!


I love that one quest interaction with the farmer and the claw amulet. That was a really funny joke to even here, self-aware while not breaking the immersion of the world.


youre a shining example of what a critic should be. honest, thoughtful, funny. integrity always intact. you love the genre you work for. you inspire me to be a better critic. great job josh. i have no notes for this one.
