Best and Worst Keto Bread - What to AVOID (and what to choose)

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Questions that will be answered within this video:

- Which ingredients should you avoid when buying keto bread?
- How do you calculate net carbs?
- What are some good keto-friendly bread brands?


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Appreciate advising us what ingredients to avoid rather than just telling us what products to buy as we dont have those brands in Australia 👌🏻


I just checked out the Unbun tortillas…..that price….!!!….they have got to be kidding….will continue to make my own thank you…..


Who can afford $29.95 for two loaves of bread? That’s unrealistic and unreasonable.


Cinnamon Keto bread by Healthy Life. $5.49 a loaf, zero net carbs. Made with eggs and Allulose ❤️


I believe this product is out of price range for many of your viewers however I do appreciate the awareness you are providing to us to educate us into making the best decisions we can make for our own individual budgets. Thank you and keep on researching and sharing with us Thomas!


I use Sola bread . So far so good . Blood sugar normal, I am diabetic . Blood Pressure Normal and used be hypertensive, 105 lbs lighter .


Not sure there is research to support wheat gluten being bad for keto and having had Keto bread that had it in and no side effects I’d have to disagree. Great that the sponsor bread doesn’t have it but that price for a loaf is insane. Please post research that shows the negative wheat gluten effect on keto


No need to rush man, anybody who's listening is not worried about time.. Your knowledge is so valuable. Thank you


Your help has changed my life and it's only 25 days!!!


We purchased a bag of 4 hamburger buns today. There are 4 to the package. When we opened the package we found one of the tops missing. Yea ! missing. We had 3 complete buns and 1/2 of another.
I don't know if they were mis-packaged or someone opened the package and took one of the tops out.
I am taking the package back to the HEB store on I-10 @ Bunker Hill Rd. here in Houston, Tx.


Been pretty satisfied with the Aldi zero carb bread - not as an everyday food, but if you're not opposed to wheat, it's an excellent alternative.- use it for an occasional sandwich, french toast, or even bread crumbs. 👍🏻


Do a little research on Erythrotol, a very small percentage is sent to bowel for fermentation and the rest is excreated through the kidney. It helps reduce small bowel inflammation and helps with glucose intolerance. Its a good sugar alcohol to use. Little to none is absorbed.


Make Chafffles and use them as bread. Fast, cheap and so easy. 2 or 3 ingredients, cook 3 or 4 minutes and done.


I really like flax and egg white bread. easy and satisfying.


I'm GLAD I watched this video! I have been consuming the Keto brand for a week now. I eat two slices of bread per day in my sandwich for lunches. I WON'T be buying more of that brand once I've used up the loaf I currently have!


$25's alone for shipping on unbun? Lol. That's incredibly inequitable. As one person who can only eat so much at a time it wouldn't make sense for me to bulk order bread and tortillas... but I'm also not paying $40 for 1 loaf of bread and 6 tortillas. I'll just eat the carbs locally at that point cuz that is atrocious!


Everyone's body is different, I in particular, have been using the Franz Keto burger buns. And I have stayed in ketosis. So far I'm down 50 lbs. It's working for me, so I'll continue to use it.


I found a clean one at WFM but you pay $5 or $6 for a measly 454 grams. Base Culture - The Original Keto Bread brand. 4 net carbs in a slice. GMO-free and lab verified as GF. Water, eggs, almond butter, golden flaxseed meal, arrowroot flour, psyllium husk powder, almond flour, ACV, sea salt and baking soda.


Last Spring I finally began a very strict keto fast and never in my life had I ever felt better! Also lost about 4 sizes in about a couple of months. Was wearing the same size when I was 30 pounds lesser from back in the day. UNBLEIVABLE!

Then I went back to work (after lock down) and started 2 meals vs one a day and the eventually weight loss stopped not necessarily gaining exactly yet but it did stop coming off. What happened was, (which I didn't realize yet) I was introduced to these "Keto" breads and tortillas. I again, begun to notice the slow weight gain to the point where I eventually gave up the whole keto diet for a couple months and gained between only 5-8lbs. However, I grew back into the 3/4 sizes! Augh! So now I am determined and serious to go back on Keto and stopped snacking in between, kept 2 meals for starters. Mind you, done this diet for many years and for the first time I was not only not loosing but continued to gain the weight. I thought and thought and the only difference this time around was that damn keto bread and tortillas and so I gave them up! Its been 2 weeks and the weight is finally coming off (5lbs in less than 2wks). FINALLY!!

Today was my first research on this and low and behold! Not surprised! The clues I got were not only about non weight loss but these keto friendly breads and tortillas were never found in the healthy food markets. Hmm?

Thank you Mr. Thomas DeLauer for the 101. It was a dire need on keeping us informed! <3


I eat Unbun but honestly don’t love the taste or price! Very clean though. I learned a lot about Inulin and wheat protein and won’t be buying Carbonaut products anymore.
