5 Trigger Finger Rehab Exercises

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Today's video covers rehab exercises for trigger finger. Trigger finger or ‘stenosing tenosynovitis’ describes a condition in which inflammation of the sheath that envelops the finger flexor tendons occurs leading to impaired finger movement.

In these cases, stiffness is the typical first symptom, which can progress to the point where the finger becomes locked in a bent position (see image) and the other hand is needed to push the finger straight. A painful snap or click will often occur as the finger is straightened.

Traumatic injuries, repetitive gripping and arthritis can lead to the development of trigger finger. However, there are other cases where the cause is unknown and can be related to systemic disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes.

Trigger finger can often be managed conservatively and should involve a combination of behavior modification (managing finger usage), anti-inflammatory medication, cortisone injections, ice, splinting (if necessary) and tendon gliding exercises. In more severe cases, surgery may be required to restore normal finger function.

Shown in this post are several tendon gliding exercises, which can be used in conjunction with the inflammation reduction strategies listed above. Aim for 10 repetitions of each movement 2-3 times per day.

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I’m 23 years old and had a trigger finger on my right ring finger for the past 5 years. I’m right handed. I couldn’t make a fist without my finger getting stuck. I got the shot 3 years in. It did nothing. I decided to get the tendon sheath surgery. I have a brand new hand again. :) The surgery went perfectly. I was awake for it and felt nothing during the operation. It was easier than the dentist. Highly recommend. I’ve been rehabbing my finger for the past 2 months using exercises like these and they really help. It gets a little stiff in the mornings but exercises like these help and it hasn’t locked once. For the first time in 5 years I can make a fist again and straighten my finger out all the way. :D


74 female here, ripped rotator cuff diagnose both shoulders last Jan. I have been MMO gaming for over 25 yrs and one of my fingers has begun locking when I did not have a shoulder cort shot. I am going to try those excercises to see if when I game too long in one position it will ease up, Thanks!


I went to the doctor for multiple issues including shooting pain, trigger finger, and bad wrists. He wanted me to get a test done to see if I had carpel tunnel. Which was insanely expensive and fairly unpleasant. The result was no carpel tunnel. As soon as i started to do stretching I started to have relief. However, it looks like I messed up my tendons from the hands down into my arms. So I think something worth noting is that these tendons are connected into the arms and doing exercises stretching the arms can help with the hands I would assume? It is good to know we can do these things. Some may assume that doing nothing is the right thing to do to let these things heal. But it seems that isnt always the case.


wow!! these excercises are AMAZING!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! ive jammed abd broken a couple fingers over the last year wing foiling, and have been doing some stretches but these excercises feel amazing and are rhe right next step to get everything back on track! thank you!!


I've had this in my two small fingers on my right hand...this is the 6th week and finally getting better...used ice, exercises, etc.


I had no idea what this was called for the longest time, when i noticed a mild case of it in my pinky upon waking up today I did some research and found this. It works great and also seems to help my joint and nerve pain, Thank you!


I have trigger finger in my middle finger. It was getting stuck often in a locked position. I had a cortisone shot to relieve it and it was the worst pain. I’ve had cortisone shots in other areas and in the hand was by far the worst! It didn’t help or resolve the issue either. Exercise is the best. Thanks for sharing these exercises.


I got the opposite recommendation from splinting or rest. Therapist said exercises helped a lot! Physical Therapists vs. Doctors? Who knows best? The therapist told me he’s see many total cures with just proper exercise therapy and treatment. If you have a nodule or calcium buildup on the tendon, inactivity or rest and splinting is not calcium. I think I’ll try the exercises first and see what happy. If they don’t work and it continues I’ll try other stuff. Maybe another injection plus exercise regimen.


Very thorough on the exercises.
Can putting pressure on the tendon nodule followed by ice reduce its size?


I think a thing to note here is that this would be advisable at a certain stage in recovery or in very mild cases.
I'd strongly recommend people don't exercise when they have a repetitive strain related tendinopathy, as exercise is often repetitive in nature itself.
As long as the "trigger" or snap is still present relative rest/ splinting or anti inflammatories combined with light use during daily activities would be more advisable.


I thought I had gout or arthritis until I had a cbc, xray, creatinine and uric acid test and all were clear. the issue was me working out lifting heavy weights coz I rested my hands for a week they were doing OK then I started lifting heavy weight yesterday and man when I woke up my hands are stiff again and my pinkies on both left and right hands are the wost but the whole hand was like stiff and painful. I guess my working out days are over.


Thanks so much for these exercises. Unfortunately most of us will not be able to make a fist, as it will be very painful and trigger the lock, which will worsen the condition.


Thanks for sharing. Doing the exercises daily. I have no pain just this jumping joint in my ringfinger. Some days are better than others but it just doesn't seem to heal completely


I have a burning nodule at base on finger on left hand.. will try exercises the next few days


Thanks this helps for sure. Does TF relapse. And what duration of exercises is good to get rid of mid level stiffness?


Great job for rehab science I appreciate every word have been said in this video, I am a physiotherapist and diabetic type 1 and I to suggest if you could make a video for the little trigger finger exs


Thanks. I hope that it'll be helpful for my dad😇


Thanks for this excersises it helps me


Thank you Soo Much for great Finger exercise


Can you provide any tips for thumb a1 pulley edema ?
