I Quit my Corporate Career to Pursue A Slower Life as a Barista // Stepping into the Unknown

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Let me share with you my journey of quitting a career path I was on in search of a happier, slower life. I've been lucky enough to have the freedom and ability to leave behind the career I was working towards for 6 years and try a more organic approach to life and my future. I hope this video inspires you to listen to your instincts and to choose the path that makes you happiest in life, not the one that appears on the outside the most successful. We all have the ability to shape the life we want. 🤍

🎨 🎬 Making artistic videos is just a hobby of mine, but if you would like to support my channel Super Thanks is available for donations and helps fund these video productions!

#slowliving #followyourpassion #mindfulliving
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Can't quite believe I'm writing this right now because I never really thought I'd go through with it, but I did. I quit my 90k a year work from home corporate job a few days ago. The feeling of needing to do this had been brewing in me for a while so I started saving up. I didn't save up quite as much as I wanted to but I saved until the point that I felt my health was at risk (daily headaches, poor sleep, blood pressure 170) and decided to give my notice. The job made me feel stressed, miserable and dead inside. I did not enjoy it or my co-workers (except for a few) at all. I didn't believe in what I was doing and frankly part of the job felt unethical to me. Everything was about productivity and quantity. My mind was always always at work, even on my time off, because of the high pressure and never ending workload. Even if I worked 10 hours a day it still wasn't enough to keep up. The timing of it was perfect, my kids will be out of school for the summer soon so I plan to take about 3 months off and enjoy the summer off with my kids. I'll start looking for a part time job once they go back to school, and like she says in the video enough to pay my bills is enough for now. Not gonna lie, it's a little scary because now the future is unknown (career-wise) but sorta exciting at the same time. BTW my blood pressure is back down to normal in the 120s. My body was telling me something for sure.


I read a quote that went something like " Rich is having lots of money and being wealthy is having lots of time" That really hit home.


Similar to my journey. Palliative Care Nurse to Barista and Bar Manager at a lovely, rural Cafe. I also think how incredibly privileged we are in the western world that we can make the choice of happiness and health over money. So many millions have no such luxury in this short existence.


I always say no job is worth your well being...I made a point to get a job where I can clock in clock out and detach and NEVER take work home regardless of my "career". There is no such thing as job security and EVERYONE IS REPLACEABLE and loyalty should be to yourself.


It's good that more and more people are realizing what is important in life. Even if you want to quit and lead a life of slow motion and solitude, the people around you will make you feel guilty for doing so. That's the real problem. So, only by listening to yourself and no one else can you really lead the life the way you truly want.


This made me cry so much. I stare at the same tree from my cubicle everyday wishing I could live my life instead of typing away for 8 hours. I relate to 100% of this video. Thank you ❤


I love to see young people valuing a simple life.


Sweetheart how I wish I had found your videos 50 years ago..We all get stuck in that roundabout of lfe, leave school, get a job, get married, have kids, keep working to buy that house, that car, put the kids through school, pay the bills etc etc. Along the way we find some happiness, some sorrow and in the end if we are lucky we end up like that fisherman...I am at that stage now. The job gave way to illness at 50, which led to my retirement. The kids grew up and moved away to start their place on that roundabout of life. But getting sick was the best thing in my life. I got to go on a pension, didn't (well couldn't) have to work any more, so spend my time painting, gardening, reading and having the odd social engagement with my hubby or friends and family....life doesn't get any better. We sold our house where we lived but didn't like, but could afford - far away from our families, now rent in a beautiful place near the beach (we could never have afforded to buy), near my family. My daughter in fun sometimes has little digs at me for sleeping in until 10am but I say I have deserved to do that. I started work at 15. Gave all of my hard earnt money to the bank, the plumber, electrician, shops, tax man, power and electric company etc etc. Gave my life for my family because it was the expected thing to do. So much pressure, so much stress along the way...wake up everyone and listen to this young lady.. you cant take that money with you, besides someone else will have their hand out for that hard earnt cash...you could die tomorrow and it would all be for nought...so enjoy your life as best you can for yourself not for what others think you should be or do....and have fun along the way. I personally don't know anyone who has totally enjoyed their jobs they fought hard for. Too much competition, hateful boss, bullying etc etc...life as we know it is tough. **Thankyou for paying homage to all jobs and careers. I hate that word "just".. just a barista, just a waitress, just a cleaner...where would we be without these wonderful people who do whatever job? Everybody is JUST as important as the next....


I gave up my well paid job at 42 it was making me Ill hated the pressure. Then decided to work part time, big big drop in money it was well worth it. Now 56 still working part time, it was the best decision I ever made. Picking my children up from school each day, loved every minute of it. Priceless.


I just left a very toxic corporate work environment at 61years of age, with no time for family home health friends and personal interests - bravo to you for making your decision at your young age. I just did 5 loads of laundry and hung them outside, i found it to be so satisfying and relaxing and to have the time to shop and cook my meals, I’d also forgotten how much I enjoy cooking. Have signed up for Pilates and will commence my home renovations, something I’ve been wanting to do for nearly 15 years now.
Love from Sydney Australia


I quit my my job as an RN last two years ago after almost 19 years in the field. It was not an easy decision, but life is too short to dread going to work everyday. No amount of money can buy real happiness, but friends I'm not asking you to resign from your job or abandon your business but be wise!


In tears at my work desk right now. 9 hours to go. I’ve got to make some changes. Thank you for this video.


Nowadays, corporate life is becoming stressful. This video is like a medicine for a healthy life


This was a beautiful video. I quit my job today because my soul was slowly dying at work. Thank you for your video. It soothing my soul right now.


Misery loves company. Most people are afraid to step out of the corporate rat race for fear of the worst. We cling onto this misery for dear life without truly realizing that we are clinging to misery. This video was just what I needed.


This is exactly where I am in my life right now. I left my corporate job 5 months ago without a solid plan. I have been learning who I am and exploring my creativity. It’s a beautiful way to live and even though I don’t know what’s next, as long as I continue staying true to myself I know it will bring me joy.


Thank you for talking about this. I am a registered nurse and have a lot of guilt for not picking up extra shifts. Almost all of the other nurses pick up at least one 12 hr shift per week, but I almost never do. I'd much rather spend my days off knitting, reading, crocheting, and playing cello, and no amount of bonus pay is worth that time for me. Thank you for reminding me of my values.


I had recently quit my job which was not letting me breathe peacefully and people around me started attacking me with questions like "why did you quit? At least you were getting money !!"
" What's next? Time is passing by. Are you going to just sit like that without doing anything?" People always make me feel guilty for choosing to breath and rest and not do anything for a while until I do something else. This had made me feel guilty for not doing anything and I eventually drowned into depression and anxiety about my future. Thankfully my parents are always by my side and my biggest supporters. I am doing much better now and I am not entitled to owe an explanation about my decisions to anyone.


“Two roads diverged in the woods and I took the road less traveled, and that has made all the difference.” Robert Frost

All the best on your journey. We should all have the courage to live the life we have imagined rather than being a sheep.


My job transitioned to working from home full time during the pandemic. I now have the flexibility to have lunch with my aging mother, piano lessons during my lunch hour, and the ability pursue education and training for thing I enjoy, not NEED. I am degreed with a 4 year science degree with 30+ years of work experience. This is a nice transition to retirement. With this type of work arrangement, I can work through my 70’s and still have a positive contribution to my paid work and have time for what I want to do with the time saved from not having to drive several hours a day. Welcome to the new, more healthy normal.
