5 Pro Tips to Speed Up Your After Effects Workflow

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In this video I will go over 5 best tips to improve your After Effects workflow!

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Host & Creator
Ignace Aleya
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i had same problems with organize flies and folders a lot.


Try FX Console as well! Great^, free plugin to TOTALLY speed up ones workflow! Andrew Kramer's the man!


Good video!
I agree with autosave...it happend to me that AE crashed after a few hours of hard work and I almost cried (it was a few years ago, I couln't afford a good PC, so I used an old laptop with AE CS4), but now that I have a good PC (with AE cs6) autosave saved me a few times (I also save after each major step :D and my PC doesn't crash as much as the laptop)

I'm not using a very performant PC, but it's more than enough for my recent projects (I will buy an SSD soon). I'm very happy with my current setup.
My configuration:
8GB of RAM
Nvidia gtx960 4GB
Intel i5 4460


Awesome tips! What can also help a lot is using two monitors.


{Pro tip} AHK-Auto hot key. Makes shortcuts for shortcuts


Yo, I'm glad you talked about computer specs and settings ! :-)
So I have an ssd and i did my first projects on it, but once done i tried to move them (and all the footage used aswell) on my hdd. The problem is when i open it from the hdd, it doesn't work so here are my questions :
- What exactly is a project ? I mean the file, what does it contain ? Is the footage used in duplicated and the copy in it ?
-Can I have the project on my ssd and the footage used on my hdd ? Will it work as quick or do I also need to put them on the ssd ?

The other thing is, I have a nvidia graphic card (1060), i've tried to change settings to use its graphic power in after effect but it doesn't seem to me that my system is going faster.. could you make a tutorial on how to set up all these things and how exactly are used the different pieces of a pc in after ?

One last thing, I've worked on a long project (i used both ae and premiere) and at the end, both started lagging a lot (even though I have a setup great enough not to have to worry that much about optimization). So I ran Cc cleaner and it suppressed more than 60 GB on my ssd from after effect files and I tried to open all my previous projects and they all worked well ? What do you think were all these ? (disk memory cache maybe ? dunno if it's the same word in english, sorry btw for my writting, i'm french and I guess almost every one know that we suck at english ^^)

Whatever thank you for all your great videos and the experience you share daily :D


very good tips. I will remember these tips. thanks :-)


My Files are listed like..
Test 2


Hey dude would you be able to make a audio editing tutorial on audition to enhance voice over's.


I can see the pain in your eyes when you talk about those lost projects...


how big is you ssd. my ssd is on 222 gb is that enough?
