Healthy Habits That Changed My Life

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Hey guys!

In today's video I wanted to share some healthy habits I have been adopting to help me on my health journey.

I am feeling AMAZING, and I think I would like to replace the traditional "Monthly Favorites" style of video for something like this where it's a combination of the things that I am doing and loving, be it habits, routines, or products.

Please let me know below what you guys are loving right now!


✨ Supplements: ✨

(FYI: I know these aren’t the cheapest on the market, but for me…groceries, skincare, and supplements are where I spend the bulk of my self-care budget, and I am telling you these are WORTH it. I have much more energy and feel better than I have in years! ALSO, if you bundle, you can save up to 35% off. Just something to consider)


(It does way more than I spoke about in the video..I just had to edit it all out for time)
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You look so healthy and radiant, literally glowing✨Loving the laid back style of this video, feels like I’m chatting with a friend💞Hope you’re doing well


I loved the vibe of this video so much! Can’t wait to see more vids from you, you’re amazing!


EVERY SINGLE ONE of your videos resonates with me so LOUDLY! We must live in the same mind! Love everything you bless us with! Thank you and you look AMAZING 💕


Amazing video! You're gorgeous, as usual🤍 Thank you for the awesome tips!


Hi. Great video. Can you tell me what LED mask you use? 😌


Hello Ms. Whitney. this is on the for real-for reals... even w/out (& especially w/out) a stitch of make up on that gorgeous face of yours, you look SO FREAKIN" BEAUTIFUL !! and this is no lie: i kept tilting my screen (laptop) to see if maybe you had a beauty filter on or idk gurl some kind of magic millennial tech that i know nothing about. anyway, all that to say with a bare naked face YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!! hugs


Whitney, your high maintenance series has been so important to me, you have no idea, I’m literally crying when I write this. I listen to your videos over, and over, while I get ready for work, clean my house, brush my dog, you name it. Please keep creating such high quality content, it IS helping people, it IS highly important, and your explanations resonate with me. Thank you 🙏🥰


I appreciate your content so much. A lot of femininity YouTubers completely shit on people who don't embody one type of femininity. But the energy that we are missing in society is taking care of ourselves, building community, and empathy, all things women were tasked with building in cisheteropatriarchal culture. But we are all capable of harnessing that part of ourselves to make our lives and others' lives better. We all are capable of that to an extent and should be proud of that skill and use it.


Whit! Thanks for the new vid and updates. Super excited to go on this journey with you through the book club. I would like to put in a request/idea for future content ... tour us around your glowy space! 🌟


Term is generational trauma it's actually embedded in your DNA. People have PTSD remnants in their genes from their ancestors. People feel it's as though it's a curse because they carry all that trauma in their body. But you have to work to release that trauma as well as any you accumulated on your because of it. Somatic healing is supposed to help.


Oh my god ! That last part of the video about being cursed ... that spoke to me in so many levels ! My mum always told me we’ve been cursed and that’s why we always have misfortune and obstacles in life and I did believe so firmly in that curse situation that I was blaming everything bad happening to me on this. You are absolutely right, we keep that negative thoughts so of course we are attracting only negative situations... I am gonna be on a hunt for that cure now ! Thank you so much for opening my eyes 🙏🏻 ❤️


Doesn't charcoal detoxify by binding up whatever is in your stomach? I take mine completely separately from other supplements. X


Great video! “It Didn’t Start with You” by ‘Mark Wolynn is a book about generational curses and how we should strive to figure them out and break them in order to prevent them to be constantly passed down. It explains how curses can be passed up to 7 generations. Pretty good read for anyone interested.


Plantbased was poor people's food in my country, which led to a lot of health problems, especially in children. Just as a commentary, not trying to criticize you at all. If anybody wants to try this diet, or any other diet by the way, please just under supervision.


thanks for sharing the Boost device, it's made me curious and will look into it as I do see I invest so much in skincare but often see just bland results, maybe this is it what I need too


I love this video so much…… good and healthy habits do play a huge part in our bodies. Love and light 🙏


I love how you explained meditation! It's hard for people to meditate because they think they shouldn't be thinking but noticing your thoughts is what it's all about


I like your quieter more casual vlog voice :) here for this phase !


Not Whitney making me want to go brunette! You looks so good and glowy. I love green on you! You seem like you’re in a great headspace. Love to see it! Thanks for sharing 💓


We do not have to keep what we are born into for sure! That is a hard one to come to grips with, but very freeing when we realize that WE are the masters of our destiny and WE can choose what course to set! It is so easy to use trauma as a blockage, but once you A. Recognize your responses that are trauma based and B. Work through the trauma, you can change those responses. Not easy and for me it took therapy for sure, but I was able to keep the lessons and let go of the trauma. I am so much older than you are and so proud to watch you come into who you are meant to be and what you were always meant to have! The generational curse stops and what a gift to your daughter!
