7 Hacks Doordash Doesn’t Want You to Know

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Here are 7 hacks I've learned from being a Doordash Driver for 5 years


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People that doordash need to stop taking orders that are not at least $1 per mile. As contractors, we set our rates, and when you keep accepting low paying orders, it Diminishers our pay! I don't know if it's happening everywhere, but doordash has been cutting pay left and right and keeping part of the tips now. Have you noticed when you get a double up or multiple order, it cuts your tips now, or receive an order, and it says $6.50+. It no longer gives the exact tip amount, and this is due to people taking crap orders. Be smart, Start declining these because it will keep circulating around until the price has to be raised or not get delivered. If everyone would quit excepting them, they have to go back to what originally worked. You're not making money unless it's at least $1 per mile. The cost of gas is up, wear and tear on your vehicles, and everyday inflation has risen. Just be smart.


Tip number 8, don’t take advice from someone “deactivated multiple times”… tip number 9, don’t take advice from someone who hasn’t dashed in so long they don’t know most their tips haven’t worked for Tip number 10, don’t take advice from someone making DoorDash videos just for views that even when a video is 2 days old and someone actually believes him and ask a question, he doesn’t even care enough about his viewers to answer one There, I fixed it!


My biggest order using a doordash bot from gigshield came when One of the supervisors at my local Target ordered McDonalds for the employees for the employees (there were 12 bags of food) and I actually ended up with like $322


@1:16 I got paid $12 dollars for 2 miles, come to discover it was already delivered, DoorDash support told me keep the food! $90 dollars worth of Cotton Patch! Lasted me and Mom 6 days! Complete with 3 full clam shells of chicken fried steak and chicken fingers, all the fixings and 3 days of desserts! I get free food rather frequently, about every 3 months or so.


Doordash has been one of the best jobs I’ve had snce i started using a bot. It was set up for me by gigshield. I literally get only good orders whenever i want in California

My acceptance rate is always above 75%. My usual pay is 30-60 an hour after tips and I still get compensated every Monday for any waiting times or underpayment on dds part. No bosses, everyone is cool

My pay has been 2000-3500 a week. I really don’t see how drivers complain unless they’re not ready to be tech conscious


#3 is considered fraud so dont do that!! if the order is stolen and your at the restaurant, call DD support and theyll give you half pay right then and there. dont do a fake delivery as this guy mentions. also multi-apping, just pause the other apps if you get a good order then after drop off, turn apps back on till you get your next order


My tip is DON’T use in-app navigation. In fact, don’t even click the directions button in the app & have the directions sent to your own nav. I’ve caught DD adding 5-10 minutes to my route to drop food off. Luckily I know my area so I don’t fall for it most times.

It’ll have me turning off the road the house is on, going in a big ass circle, and then getting back on the road! 5-10 min each order really adds up to wasted time, gas, and $$


Number one trick or the trade, there are no tricks of the trade. It's pure luck on what kind of a day you get.


My days had a lot of waiting between orders:( But now I get orders conveniently with the bot I got frm the GIGSHIELD YouTube channel. Hopefully more to come!!


Number three could definitely lead to deactivation. And the overwhelming majority of those "already picked up" orders haven't been delivered, they've been stolen by the driver.


Wingstop please make my drinks for customers. You don’t want me asking for 56 cents of your work day. Thank you


Now they remove that “hack”. Now they don’t show you the name of the order, it only says customer and when you try to unassign it, it says total may be lower, they don’t show the amount anymore. That’s doordash doing their garbage update to make us deliver their garbage orders.


Screenshot GPS Everytime you pickup and dropped off for more accurate milage.


The tip 3 also applied with Uber eats, if you are a driver and you went to restaurant to pickup a order and either it was picked up or no order were placed, by reporting the situation to Uber, you will be compensated base pay for your troubles.


I had a doordash to a halal food place and they gave me free soup and samosa while I waited for my order. I've had pizza places offer free drinks too, many places are quite kind to dashers in my area and it's always nice to receive free food/drinks


Got one a couple weeks ago for a Walgreens shop order and made $127 but it was from a bot sold by gigshield. It's quite tough to get orders without it in atl.


U can just call support instead of texting support when order was delivered to get full pay instead of half


Funny…my area at 1am consistently every day I get $35-$40+ runs to McDonald’s for usually less than 5 miles and usually like a 20 piece and a drink maybe fries but when I get to this one McDonald’s they say it’s breakfast we can’t fulfill the order so now I run to the other McDonald’s that does lunch all day I order the food pay and have them bag it up as a door dash order and I drop it off sucks cancelling and getting nothing best case $3 lmao gotta finesse the finessers


In my city there are no orders at all. People are using gigshield doordash bots to grab high pay orders. you can easily make 3k/week


Offers frequently show straight, line-of-flight distance based on physical proximity to the restaurant, NOT DRIVING DISTANCE. Also, offers sometimes show the SHORTEST DRIVING DISTANCE but after you accept & confirm pick up, they show you the FASTEST ROUTE based on time not distance. You can see this in the in app navigation by selecting the grey, not blue, navigational lines that say "similar ETA" or "1 minute (or 2 mins or 3...) slower. THIS IS NOT AN ACCIDENT
