3 Ways To Test Eye Dominance - Are You Left Or Right Eye Dominant?

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Are you curious how to find out if you are right eye dominant or left eye dominant? Here are 3 ways to test your eye dominance.


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Ocular dominance can be important to know for certain situations and activities. Eye doctors use some of these tests to determine eye dominance for their patients. This can be important when fitting patients in monovision and multifocal contacts, and also for eye surgeries such as lasik and cataract surgery. Two of the main dominant eye tests you can do are the miles test and the porta test. You can also do the lens blur test as well. Most people are likely right eye dominant, and usually match with being right-handed or left-handed. It's also possible to be cross-eye dominant, which can make it tricky with certain activities.

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0:00 Intro
0:12 The Miles Test
2:00 The Porta Test
3:18 Lens Blur Test
4:59 Eye Dominance Details

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Рекомендации по теме

Thank you, finally found out that I am left eye dominant and right handed.


I'm left eye dominant. 65 and now I know. Thanks very much Doctor, respect from France.


Left eye dominant but right-handed, generally no issues with that except when it comes to target shooting, especially with a rifle, less so with a pistol.


I don't understand these tests at all. When I make the triangle and look at a distant object I see two triangles so which one I choose that'll be the dominant eye. When I point at an object I align the object between the two fingers or when I try follow the instructions and focus I tend to align left hand with left eye and right hand with right eye, because it's closer.


I knew I was right eye dominant by age 7. I was hunting and shooting right. The big BUT is that I am left handed. It does create minor issues now and again.


I’m right handed but I’m pretty sure I’m left eye dominant


Is it possible to have both eyes dominant, when I do the triangle method my left eye is dominant but when I do the finger method my right eye is dominant


I tried everything, now I am leftright eye dominant.


Is it possible that i don't have a dominant eye? I tried all kind of tests and my finger doubles when i cover an object, when i focus in my finger, the object doubles. Doing the triangle, i can center the object with both eyes open by moving my hands to the left and center again by moving my hands to the right, in other words, with both eyes open i can center the object in two different positions (Like i have two holes to see, but the real center is always closed). I am doing something wrong, right?


When I tried the triangle thing, the results varied. I tended to see two triangles and ended up with right eye once and left eye once. When I tried the pointing thing, I ended up with my finger on either side of the object both times I tried. ...I tried putting a binocular lens over one eye at a time and saw a weird effect, but I didn't feel it was conclusive enough. It was like... when doing that, some areas of vision were doubled, some were solely one eye and some were solely the other eye. Hmm, I can also (when doing it with either eye) 'focus' on the binocular side of the image: I can feel my eye focusing when I do it, which is odd because I'm only focusing with one eye (I guess that doesn't say anything about dominance, but it's neat that I can switch between eyes at will that way).

I've always felt that my dominate eye depended on whether I was looking slightly to the right or slightly to the left. Though I've also figured I'm likely right-eye dominant because I'm right-handed.
Maybe next time I have an eye exam I'll ask if they can find out.


Right handed, but left eye dominant. Works well for my golf game as a right handed palyer, as my dominant eye is on the target side of the ball. Makes aligment of the clubface and target much eaiser so I've read.


You're right on. My name is Guy, and I'm an ABOM. So it's great to see you hit it out of the park!


So, for the point test. Depending on which finger you cover the object with, and which eye you close. The outcome is the same? Lol. Does that mean I’m “both eye dominant”?
I cover the object with my finger but see 2 fingers because I’m focused at the object. If I do the finger on the left, and close left eye, it covered the object and moves away if I close the right eye.
If I use the finger on the right, the outcomes are reversed.
It’s a matter of perspective. We have 2 eyes for depth perception for a reason. You’re 2 seperate eyes are not in the same location so they’re each getting a different reference point. Hence why both fingers, with both eyes have the same outcome. It’s not like your right eye works harder than the left


I had two different results when performing test 1 and test 2.


I’m right handed but left eye dominant which explains why I can turn left and shooter a higher percentage than turn right and shoot in basketball >>>> great tips


Thank you!!! I'd always had a feeling that i'm a left eye dominant. Cuz i play VR shooting games and whenever I do gun aiming, I always bring the gun to my left eye. I did try to aim with my right eye too but it didn't feel natural. Due to this video now I know for sure that i'm a left eye dominant!!


I am right eye dominant... But in shooting sports, i keep both eyes open, unless I'm using a sniper scope for when i need precision at distance. Otherwise, i keep both eyes open.


Left eye dominant here, left handed, left footed, extremely left hand side dominant all around 👍🏻


Unfortunately I’m left eye dominant… shooting is so inconvenient being left handed and left eye dominant


Been a shooter for years - Always R eye dominant. Had an eye injury, then cataracts, and I changed to L eye dominant. Was hoping it would switch back after surgery but no such luck
