3 Eye Health Myths Debunked!

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#shorts #eyes

Here are my top three eye myths debunked! I have heard many eye health myths over the years but these three I hear the most often. If you have heard any eye facts you are unsure of, please let me know in the comments and I will try to confirm or debunk them! Let me know!

I hope you find this video helpful and please comment with any questions you have. I take all of your comments and questions seriously and I appreciate you. - Joseph Allen, OD FAAO, Diplo ABO


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About This Video:
Here I share the top 3 myths about the eyes I frequently here about! Have you heard of any other eyesight or vision myths? Let me know!
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My vision was 20/10 in my youth, and I still use no glasses at almost 70. I know I have been blessed and appreciate my good fortune.


The carrot myth came from a WWII coverup in the UK, they claimed that their pilots are carrots to see better and that's how they could hit enemy planes in the dark; in reality they were using radar.


While 20/15 is often considered "better" than 20/20, it can also mean that the same person doesn't see things close up very well, which is why reading glasses are common.


Birds of prey have fantastic vision. I tried contact lenses for 1 day. I was amazed I could see small ants on my neighbor’s roof!


I have astigmatism and I think the funnest thing I did as a kid was take my glasses off during drives that happened after the sun had set and seeing the ‘pretty lights’ as I called them😂


I had 20/400 vision and migraines all the time. I got LASIK and my vision flipped to 20/15, with migraine improvement. It reversed back to 20/300 after 10 years and migraines were worse then ever. Then the pandemic happened and my job moved online, my vision tanked, and wacky deapth perception things started to happen to the point my husband insisted I shouldn't drive anymore until we figured out what was going on. Eventually I was begging my optometrist to believe me and they referred me to a specialist (which is what I thought an eye doctor was). I went to a vision therapist and they tested me for convergence insufficiency. Yep I got it plus esotropia. 4 months of vision therapy and I feel like a different person. No more deapth perception issues, my prescription improved dramatically, and no more migraines. I have to keep doing the exercises though because if i dont it all gets worse again. 3 decades of vision issues improved drastically in 4 months and my life is better. It freed up brain power I feel more like me.


My mom was juicing organic carrots every day to drink as a part of her cancer recovery (she's now cancer-free)... so much so that it turned her skin slightly orange. It did, in fact, improve her eyesight, and was confirmed by her eye doctor. (Clearly it took abnormally high amounts.)


My father told me carrots are good for the eyes because you never saw a rabbit with glasses.


Holy crap it IS possible to have better vision than 20/20.. that's just crazy to me


Bro’s cheek bones are phenomenal, looks like a gigachad


I tested at 20/14 as a teenager. Now I have to have reading glasses but still see fine beyond about seven ft.


I had 20/10 for many years and in my mind 40 got a torn retina and had to get surgeries on both eyes and had
cataract surgery on that eye and I need it on my other eye. Getting old sucks.


My grandpa told me that back in the colonial wars in angola his soldiers were missing targets to often so he ordered his chef to use more carrots in their foods, the fact is that they really improved their aiming


As an adult, I hate carrots and squash. I've got hereditary eye condition with really high astigmatism combined with near-sigtedness. My mom told me it can make my eyesight better. I ate so much because I wanted to see normally. I would eat even if fely like puking 😭


My dad once met a dude that could see so well far in the distance that he could see someone in a house through the window from over 3 blocks with ease.
He later got surgery to correct this because the trade off was that from close up dude was as blind as a molerat and glasses weren't enough to correct his vision while still being wearable.


Would you make or provide a link to a video that explains what 20/20 vision means vs 20/15 or 20/100. I understand this but I often hear people talk about their perfect or impaired vision without any real understanding of the numbers on their optical Rx. So talking about the other numbers like Axis, Cylinder, and most of all Astigmatism would be great. I could refer these folks to your video and safe my breathe for discourse on other matters! Lol.

Great videos, excellent information, please keep going! Thank you,



I was hoping the immune system not knowing the eyes was going be here.


Wow even if my eyesight went down to 20/200 I'd still recognise this guys cheekbones and jawline, holy 😳


I always tell my patients to eat carats, celery and take omega 3.


Yeah, I have astigmatism and did most of my growing between 10 and 15 years old so my vision degraded so rapidly during that period that my optometrist told my mom I might go blind. Thankfully, my vision has stagnated around -7 now
