Mental Stress Can Hurt Your GAINS!

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As fitness enthusiasts, we tend to focus our energy on getting proper nutrition, lifting enough volume, and making sure the new t-shirt we bought will pop our biceps. But too often do we ignore one EXTREMELY crucial factor: mental stress. Let's see how stress can be killing our gains via the general adaptation syndrome.

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THIS RIGHT HERE! So many people love the aspect of Physical Training but neglect mental training. I noticed back in 2015 I was stressed constantly from my crap job, college, & certain friends and I lost it but found doing daily meditation for 15 mins and yoga helped me out a lot. Also people stress out so much if they don't lose weight or gain muscle and it becomes detrimental to their health cause they start starving themselves to lose fat or Lifting extra they potentially fry their central nervous system. Fitness is about making your life better and remember life is soooo sooo short so you should enjoy the time you have. A slice of cake every now and then wont hurt you. Going out with friends once in a while is great. Moderation is key. But great video man def sharing this with folks


Cool now I'm stressing out about being too stressed


I never understood how people relieve their stress by working out. When I'm stressed out about something and I'm working out it affects my performance. I notice that as I'm lifting my brain starts thinking negatively about what is stressing me out and I feel weaker, muscles feel the burn quicker and it takes me longer to recover for the next set. I know I feel this way because while in the gym I'm aware that the problem is still persisting whether or not I get a good workout in. I've learned to accept the problem and see my stress as a time waster and also as a reminder. Stress is there to remind me of something that needs fixing but the act of stressing out doesn't objectively help. So I've learned how to keep a quiet mind in the gym and tell myself I can stress out as much as I want AFTER my workout, since the problem will still be there anyways, but for now I gotta focus on my sets.


Avoid negativity and drama, focus on what's important to you, take a good rest when you need it and you'll be fine! The more you are in the state of "Rest, digest and repair" and at mental peace, the quicker your body will recover and make you some gains :)


I just recently got fired from a job that was stressing me out. I wanted to quit once I notices my loss of performance, but kept with it because I need the income. I got fired, but I'm pretty optimistic about it all. I'm back on my routine, and searching for work. No luck so far, but every day is another opportunity to apply my buff ass for positions that I'm grossly over qualified for.

Wish me luck picture buddy!


This is so true! Sometime ago, like for 3 - 4 month, I had some troubles about a girl - feelings, little depression, didnt know what to do and also i had a lot of anger in me... I thought i had mostly overcome it by hitting the gym extremly hard, the anger in me helped me to put more and more weight, i did a lot of progress but certainly after 2 months or so i had again a mental breakdown and bc of the instense workout i had + the bad mental state, I had to take a 3-4 week break and got ill aswell... - just because i had so much mentaly stress, i lost allmost 1 month of gains... so, its super important to stay cool and be focused while hitting the gym not only because you could decrease your progress but you can hit your health badly aswell...

Good video!
Very important tips for everybody


make a video about exercise in cold weather pls


I completely agree with this video. I try to constantly advocate to my members/clients that you have to try to be positive throughout your fitness goals/journey. I view stress as a downward spiral so if you start with one thing, it leads to another and another and another, ergo making you view your body in a more negative perspective. 
It's hard to always be positive, I have my days too but I believe my outlook on my fitness has been a huge help in terms of my progress


Its related to the training load, every aspect of life reflects on body stress, but according to mental stress it's difficult to measure and control, because even training could be a destressor. Totally agree with the video. Needs more research in this area, with mental fatigue and stress control.


I'm so glad you made a video about mental health. It definitely goes hand in hand with gains. I agree 100%. You're the best :)


Definitely work on mental gains as well. The hardest part for me is to overcome the mental barriers of getting to the gym... once I get moving, I'm rolling!


You cover everything, It's insanity.


It's actually very true. Even stressing about workouts or meals/meal times can increase your stress. I learned that you have to enjoy your workouts and meals. Even if you get invited out to eat or miss a workout to go out with friends. It's not the end of the world and don't treat it as such. Just keep moving and be happy while doing it.


But when i feel Moody and generally mentally down .. i want to train even more because it feels like i get a chance to leave everything behind for a hour at least just to train and then feel better


I've found in the last few days that meditation before bed really helps me with my sleep.


Just stop with the notification squad comments. That shit is old.


I don't like subscribing to channels much unless I watch them a lot. But after binge watching this channel for the past hour and combining it with AthleanX's similar scientific approach, I can certainly say that the channel is very good and deserves the great ratings and subs it gets. Look forward to future vids!


Skinny fat guy here. Used to weigh around 110kgs now I'm 72kgs lost most of my weight in the span of 8 to 9 months I worked my ass off everyday but I ate less protein as I didn't have any idea about nutrition all I wanted to do was lose weight for me being thin was IT. Didn't had much knowledge but since I gained knowledge about health and nutrition I've been training and been on proper diet since months and I am not able to get rid of skinny fat. I used to think skinny fat takes long time but even after the months of hardwork I was still skinny fat. I now think my training and diet was never the problem since Ima hardcore overthinker and that gives me stress even gives me high b.p sometimes. Fuck I've done everything I've put my mind to ima get rid of this stress as well. I'll be back in the reply after my gains. Stay sharp kings and take less stress. We all gon make it brah.
P.s lost my weight last year. By August I was 72 I was 100kg in September 2019


Neat insights. I wonder how much of these effects are directly from stress and how much of it is indirect. I notice that when I am stressed or sad sometimes it’s hard to keep good form, I’m less motivated to do extra reps or sets like when I’m not stressed, all of that could contribute as well


I always noticed this thing on myself.
Whenever i was stressed out I couldn't workout and that effects gains
