Making Decisions With Our Body Awareness Rather Than Our Rational Minds

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@jayshetty and I discuss a key lesson I’ve learned in my life, which is to make decisions based on what my HEART AND BODY are signaling instead of just what my BRAIN is telling me. In the western modern world we are obsessed with THINKING. RATIONALITY is our religion, and it’s unclear to me if thjs is serving us maximally in our pursuit of our highest purpose.

We have siloed thinking to the HEAD, and disregard the wisdom of the BODY- a stark departure from millennia of spiritual traditions that DID recognize the body and heart as sources of wisdom.

We spin out with “over thinking” bc fundamentally our brains are limited and there are very few clear “right” answers in life that will be discerned through the myopic lens of our central nervous system (CNS) synaptic activity.

Our CNS is just one form of intelligence based on cognition. But we actually have so many other ways to “think” in our body that we often ignore, the billions of neurons throughout our gut, heart, and elsewhere that are ALSO constantly picking up signals from the world and processing information and energy. But we disregard these, because they don’t quite feel like the “thoughts” of the mind, rooted in linear language and words, that we are used to and that we prize above all else.

Obsession w rationality makes us weak and limited. If we could value and learn to tune in to the greater wisdom of our body and our heart, I think life would be a lot easier.

Tuning into that non-thinking form of intelligence requires us intentionally create moments in our life where we get out of our heads, move away from words, move away from language, and get into FEELING.

This is the realm of the subtle, the intuition, the serendipity, the quiet, the magic.

I am so grateful to my friend @kimberlysnyder who wrote the book THE HIDDEN POWER OF THE FIVE HEARTS, out TODAY, which gives us a playbook for how to tune into our heart-mind to transform our lives, connect us with God, and help us make decisions in a much more effective way. Kimberly is a luminary who has helped me on my path so much, and this book is a must read. Please consider getting the book today and giving it to friends.
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