Все публикации

Making Decisions With Our Body Awareness Rather Than Our Rational Minds

The Importance of REAL FOOD for Cellular Health

This Is About More Than Cellular Biology #podcastclips

How Levels Gives People Agency Over Their Health #podcastclips

In this clip on @TuckerCarlson, I explain the truth about taking birth control pills.

Watch the full video on YouTube on @TuckerCarlson

What should you eat? In this clip, @calleymeans and I break it down on @TCNetwork.

Why do we pray over our food? @TCNetwork

Dr. Casey Means and Calley Means on The Tucker Carlson Show

We can’t poison the earth and expect a positive outcome #jayshetty #podcastclips

The Concept of Exercise in Our Modern World #podcastclips #hubermanlab

How Sugar Is Killing Americans #podcastclips

The Power of Whole, Real, Unprocessed Foods #goodenergy #podcast

THREE Key Steps to Improving Metabolic Health #GoodEnergy #Podcast

What is the Metabolomix+ Test and What Makes It Different?

What is the Difference Between Annual Lab Tests and Metabolomix+?

Why it’s Important to Test - Even If You “Feel Good”

Who Should Take The Metabolomix+?

What are Organic Acids?

What are the Toxic Elements That Can Be Found in the Urine Evaluation?

Results & Analysis of my Genova Metabolomix+ Test!

Biochemical Pathways Are Like Traffic Jams

How to Interpret Oxidative Stress & Mitochondrial Dysfunction Results

What are Fatty Acids?