Stephen Porges - Polyvagal Theory: how your body makes the decision

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Im Gespräch mit Dr. Gunther Schmidt erläutert Prof. Stephen Porges, Begründer der polyvagal Theorie, seinen wissenschaftlichen Ansatz. Gemeinsam diskutieren sie die evolutionäre Entstehung des polyvagalen Systems, nennen Implikationen für die Psychotherapie und geben Hinweise zum Verständnis von Psychotrauma.

Prof. Stephen Porges fasst seine Arbeit im Video in aller kürze Zusammen, ausführlichere Erläuterungen zum Thema sind auf seiner Website zu finden.

Homepage von Prof. Stephen Porges (mit ausführlichen Erklärungen zur Theorie):

Homepage des Milton Erickson Insitut Rottweil:
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When I was 6 years old, my absent father burst in the house, drunk, and beat up my mother. I slept on a cot in the living room, so I saw him beating her and saw her bleeding and crying. I wanted to get up and stop him, but I was paralyzed. I have hated myself my entire life for not protecting my mother. This helps me to understand that it was not my fault and that i was powerless to stop him. Thank you for this video.


Brilliant!! This explains why victims of domestic violence are frozen and it is very difficult to leave. I was paralyzed for 14 years. Wow. I wonder how many others are like me?? Misdiagnosed as Bipolar and on tons of psych meds that never worked, until I almost died of cancer, and then everyone figured out about the CPTSD. I am now on zero meds and I am still here. I went no contact with all Dark Triad Narc family members and I am finally really living an authentic life where I get to make choices and don't have to explain myself and I am walking on cloud nine! I wish I had known this 30 years ago!!


The prosody in his voice, the wisdom in his theory are healing to disregulated nervous systems. We are not broken, our bodies were programmed to protect in all the states. Deep gratitude🙏 to Dr. Porges.


the interviewer is so synchronized to the interviewee that when one says the word "positive" he does a "thumbs up", simultaneously. just beautiful to see! beautiful interview!


This should be taught instead of aritmathics to our first-grades! It's a basis for developing social skills and building healthy life for ourselves! Thank you Stephen :)


I am a abuse survivor and this makes so much sense now.... I never knew! Wow.... Thank you for giving me hope!


Great video!
Steve's most valuable contribution to various kinds of therapy is that patients can shift from a pejorative attitude (as he says, "I didn't fight when I should have!") towards a constructive, benevolent perspective (the reaction of the autonomic system during the traumatic experience wasn't a failure, it was rather a biologically necessary reaction to the situation).
That's why I never speak of "PTSD", I simply speak of "PTS", meaning the "smoke detector" does work, but after the traumatic experience it reacts to a smoking cigarette, it reacts to an open pack of cigarettes, to a lighter on the table etc.
A healthy system in a slightly exaggerated mode.


Great interview and beautiful explanation from Stephen Porges about his theory. It gives you a great understanding that sometimes our body is reacting on an instinctual basis and that this is a competence and not a flaw. I highly recommend to everyone to watch this interview and make peace with some of the situations that you encountered in your past and that you are maybe blaming yourself conciously or unconciously for. In some situations you don't have a choice, your body makes it for you in order to keep you alive. So, stay mindful and respect your bodys wisdom. This should be mandatory teaching in every school. It would save us from much grief and pain.


Dr. Porges. Thank you for the work you do. Your work has been instrumental in my understanding of PTSD and working with clients who have anxiety disorders.


I like Porges a lot and what he says
makes sense. I think to discount culture's role in how we react to abuse is a little dangerous though. As a female who has seen abuse in my life and others around me, I think how we respond in these situations is at least for most women learned. Changing how we raise girls (assuming society will continue to resist change) will solve a big problem for at least most women out there. in the West and a lot of agricultural societies girls are taught to not cause a fuss - we're indoctrinated into this behavior. That's a problem that I think will be ignored if we don't allow the nuance that is inherent to his discussion.


Great interview. Gentle, clear and inviting to continue the learning process. Thank you Gunther and Stephen for offering such helpful insight.


Thank you so much for posting this video. Wonderful. Much appreciated. I have been following both, Dr. Schmidt's and Stephen Porges' work and this is great! Summed it up so wonderfully in only 10 minutes... Appreciate how your body has helped you survive!


Software engineer explains "neuro-competence" - "It's not a bug, it's a feature" ;-)


Die Polyvagaltheorie ist meiner Meinung nach einer der bahnbrechensten Erkenntnisse in der bisherigen Menschheitsgeschichte und die wichtigste Grundlage, wenn es um Traumata geht. Vielen Dank an Dr. Stephen Porges für diese wertvolle Arbeit. 🙏🍀


Wow! Genius. I will watch this one again and again for deeper understanding.


thanks you! I love the combination between polyvagal theory and systemic psychotherapy..thats my way of the end of Suffering and healing that now I can help others as a therapist


I don't think I could truly heal without knowing this valuable information. Thank you.


Some animals do the freeze thing, and we call it playing dead as it may save their life.


Thank you Stephen for another patient and loving review of the essence of your work.Love Bhaven


What profound wisdom. Thank you for this helpful and inspiring interview.
