Making Decisions with Your Body: The Power of Love - with James Blacker

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Can your body make decisions for you? Can you 'feel' your way to the best decision for you? It's certainly possible. Will you allow yourself to trust your deeper senses, subtle signals and instincts?

In this clip from The Power of Love lectures, 2014, Kissing Consciousness Founder, James Blacker explains how we can make decisions by tuning into the subtle sensations in our bodies.

I was saying I was guilt tripping myself. All day Friday my mind is saying, “Well you’ve got Friday now, you can darn well use all of Friday to write your notes.” And my body – the last thing we’re going to talk about is learning to make decisions and think with our body – all the time on
Friday when my … actually not my guilt but my wrong interpretations! – were saying I need to do planning, my body was saying to me, “I don’t want to do that. If you make me do that I’m going to feel uncomfortable and it won’t work.” So I just about grabbed it [noticed it in my awareness]. And it was saying to me, “Do Friday night from your spontaneity. Trust that it will work. Because if you’re going to do this as a career or something you need to enjoy it. And you need to be at ease with yourself.” And I’m like, “You’re kidding?! Really, you want me to do it on the fly?”

(audience laughs)

And my body’s reply – and my genuine wisdom’s inner voice – is “Yeah, you know your stuff don’t you?” I replied, “Yeah … I’d like to control it, though! And write things down.” But because I’m now a good six months to a year into really solidly going with what my body says, I’m receptive to it. “Okay!” I agreed, and it just worked a treat! And it was the only way. So yeah, it’s building up that trust. You see?

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Checking in with my body is an essential way that I've learned to tap into guidance. Honoring the guidance I recieve is where I've sometimes tripped up in the past...but even from those incidents were divine because of the invaluable lessons gained from them.

As always, your insights are appreciated, James.
