Figure Skater Alina Zagitova: Why We Should Look Up To Her?

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#alinazagitova, #zagitova, #figureskating
Alina Zagitova is a famous Russian figure skater, a 2018 Olympic Champion. We are fond of her, and we have told you about her in our recent videos. But today we want to look at her life, to see if she’s happy with her early success and wonderful profession.

Alina Zagitova was born in 2002, her father is a well-known Hockey player. Alina is Tatar and she’s Muslim, although her native city is Izhevsk where the majority of people are Russian and orthodox Christians.

Thanks to her Tatar parents, Alina has quite unique and exotic appearance that makes her one of the most beautiful figure skaters in the world. She says it’s thanks to her mother she could succeed as a figure skater.

In today’s video we’ll tell you more about the life of this prominent figure skater. Want to get updated on the videos like this one? Subscribe to our channel:

Tags: Alina Zagitova, figure skating, Russian figure skating, Alina Zagitova figure skating, Russian Alina Zagitova, Zagitova skating, Alina Zagitova salary, Alina Zagitova private life, Zagitova parents, Zagitova trainers, Alina Zagitova career, figure skater Russian, Alina Zagitova Olympics
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We should look up to her because of how strong she is. She broke her leg at the Youth Olympics and had to relearn how to skate. Relearn how to jump and immediately went on to compete. Strength right there. And the mental strength she needed to go back to win the World Championships in 2019 after winning Olympics. Where many would choose to slow or recede. And also, the strength needed to continue to skate even after receiving so much hate for winning 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics.


Умничка, скромная, порядочная. Счастья и удачи тебе по жизни! ❤❤❤


Алина любимая фигуристка. Есть и другие замечательные фигуристки, но Алину люблю


Благодарю автора этого клипа за уважение нашей Олимпийской Чемпионки Алины Загитовой! Очень рада, что Вы высоко цените уникальное катание, как трудолюбивую и красивейшую спортсменку Мира! 💥❗


Красавица. Удача тебе в жизни и счастья.


Queen Alina!
She is my inspiration😍


Во всем мире восхищаются Алиночкой, ну как не восхищаться такой красотой, лучшая из лучших, Титулованная, единственная ЧМ фК! БРАВО!!!


You go girl!!! So happy to see her, like she's free but she knows that she's precious and really understand what kind of direction that she wanted.


She is such a beautiful and remarkably poised skater for someone so young…. she delivered so much on the ice and off the ice she is always gracious, humble and ladylike. It’s sad how much criticism she has received after achieving so much at 16 having won everything there is to win… and when she declared herself on the world stage by winning Olympic Gold, many refused to embrace her because they were mad for Medvedeva. Very unappreciated but she seems like a poised and self-driven young Woman. I hope she thoroughly enjoyed her early success and wish her happiness. The public and the media can be so cruel


Most. Beautiful. N. Super. Girl. In. The. World💙💚❤💛💜💥💥💥Skater. Queen💥💥💥💥💥💥👠👠


we've been talking for a long time, the horse has grown into a very beautiful girl


In that RT doc she made it clear that she wanted to "make it" first, ie-make a lot of money to change the life of her family, ice skating was always secondary in her mind, it was a means to an end, so she's just a smart business woman I guess, why train for hours when you can make more money by just being a celebrity, best of luck to her.


She is an example of purity and chastity values preserved - unfortunately it's not possible for western understanding, her personal life kept secret because there is no personal life.


Haters, try to do a spin on ice for 5 minutes, lol


Since you mentioned Yuna, why don't make a video about her?
