What's Your Body Type (100% ACCURATE EASY TEST) Ectomorph Mesomorph Endomorph Diet & Workout Shape

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Learn How to Determine Your Body Type. Ever wonder "what body type am I?" Find out which body type you are. There is also an ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph diet & workout plan included. Discover your somatotype and body shape. Enjoy!

I'm not fat I'm big-boned... phrases like that have been tossed around for a long time to establish that people come in all different shapes and sizes. Now even though it's definitely true that people come in all different shapes and sizes and have different frames... the big boned Theory makes sense if you have a couple extra pounds and you have a large frame but it's not like being 30 pounds overweight can be explained by your bones. Even though the big boned thing may not be as true as many wish to believe, there are three different body types and in today's video I want to teach you exactly how to figure out what category you're in and what's the best strategy to build the maximum amount if muscle and burn the maximum amount of fat for your particular body. You can think of these body types as three catgories and one of the categories will describe your body a whole lot better than the other two. These three categories are the mesomorph the ectomorph and the endomorph. To give you a brief overview the ectomorph has a tough time putting on weight and is naturally lanky and lean, the endomorph is the exact opposite side of the spectrum. This person will usually be larger in appearance with heavier fat accumulation and little muscle definition. They find it hard to drop the weight even though they might have already tried several diets or workout programs. Then last but not least we have the mesomorph which is considered the ideal body type 4 bodybuilding Aesthetics. This is the person that is naturally muscular and can build muscle fairly easily while staying lean. Even though the mesomorph body type is what most people want there are plenty of endomorph and ectomorphs that have made amazing transformations. And I'm going give you the tips that you need for your exact body type also refered to as your somatotype. I want to start first with the ectomorph because that's the one that most people trying to lose weight wish they were. Here are some easy features you can look for to identify if your an ectomorph.....An ectomorph normally has a thin lean lanky type of physique. Usually they have long thin limbs with stringy muscles. Its very easy for ectomorphs to lose weight and to stay skinny year round. However it's also super difficult for ectomorphs to gain muscle mass or any kind of weight for that matter. If you're a true ectomorph you clicked on this video most likely looking for a method to build some muscle or to tone up which for you would be done by mostly building muscle since you're probably already lean. Ectomorphs are also referred to as hardgainers and they have this nickname obviously because it's so difficult for them to pack on muscle. To summarize... in order to identify if your an ectomorph check for a flat chest, small shoulders, a stereotypical "fast metabolism," lanky limbs, and if you have a hard time gaining weight. Good examples of ectomorphs are Brad Pitt and kate Moss. If you're an ectomorph trying to gain muscle the best tips for you are ... number one you have to make sure that you're going heavy in all of your exercises. I want you to take long breaks and lift the heaviest weight load you can lift for 5 to 8 reps of mostly compound exercises. And then always look for ways to up that weight. Also you should be eating a very high calorie diet like I'm talking about forcing food down and at least 60 percent of your calories should be coming from carbohydrates. the carbs will help keep you in an anabolic mode.... which reminds me...in order to stay in a muscle building mode ectomorphs should do their best to stay away from cardio all together. you do not need to be burning any extra calories. If you're more of an endomorph definitely don't take that advice you'll need a different strategy. For identification purposes an endomorph will have a substantial amount of fat accumulation, a large appetite, trouble dropping weight, a larger frame, and low muscle definition because the muscle is covered by a layer of fat. Think of jack black and queen latifa. Those would be considered endomorphs. For endomorphs the training advice about trying to lift heavy remains the same except you would want to incorporate as much cardio as possible unlike the ectomorphs. High intensity interval training would be a great way to get your weight training workouts in with some cardio included. The endomorph diet is where there are some major
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My parents were ectomorphs in their native land and after they came to the US and discovered McD's, they became endomorphs!


Ectomorph: Heavy lifting, high calorie diet, eat a lot
Endomorph: Heavy lifting, cardio a lot
Mesomorph: Do 10 push ups, drink a beer then go to KFC


I tried to make my own diet, but it didn't work. I went to Agoge diet and let them create diet plan for me. I am delighted with the result...


Dad: Ectomorph
Mom: Endomorph
Me: Endomorph
Brother: Ectomorph


So where do xenomorphs fit into all this?


Agoge Diet really took my diet to the next level. Not only diet, but life. I can see improvements in many aspects of my life. Guys, you rock! #*Agoge Diet*


I'm a mesomorph and I don't need to work out cuz I look good as shit no matter what I do😂😂😂, it's all a part about being a 33rd and a Chosen One, a light worker of God


I’m a mightymorph...

....in POWER


I wish I was an ectomorph, all those carbs, all that bread, all that pasta,
But Alas, I am an endomorph
Eh fuck it I'll go have a steak with a stick of butter on top 😂


Thank you. As an endo-meso, I appreciate your tips. It's so hard to find advice on what to do when you are a mix of two types. I will follow the endo tips to become more of a pure meso,


I'm an ectomorph and I've went from 126lbs to 141lbs! LETS GO CHAMP


I don’t know what I am because I’m not an ectomorph because I have a naturally large chest (without being fat) and a non lanky looking frame and in the past I’ve looked like I work out without actually doing so (I do now). And I don’t think I’m an endomorph because I’ve never been overweight or obese in my life. I don’t want to say in a mesomorph because I don’t want to overestimate myself but maybe I should go real hard in the gym for like 60 days and see what happens. I thought I was somewhat of an ectomorph because I’ve always stayed in an “aesthetic” body type without trying so I assumed it was just a fast metabolism. Maybe I am a mesomorph with an overactive thyroid??


I've always been told that i have broad shoulders and a small waist by many people but the problem is that i don't have the discipline required to reach my potential


Sigmamorph : my metabolism can be whatever the fuck i want....


Example of ectomorph.
Guess who: Dadadadaaaa..



1:17 Play the video at 0.25x Speed. You're welcome


I’m ecto meso only because my diet finally caught up with me😂


Your body type is not just what you look like. Your body type is how your body handles food. I'm an endomorph all the way. Carbs destroy me, I can't eat loads of carbs or sugar ever. I have to workout hard, eat clean, get sleep. I was 350 lbs in highschool. With hard work and a solid diet, I've gotten too 194 and muscular. It's hardest for endomorphs, they are very restricted because of their insulin. Not fair, but nothing in life ever is. Good luck to everyone trying to get into shape


Brad pit is a bad example. Should’ve gone with Michael Cera


i've been an ectomorph up until i was 28 & took 20 yrs to become an endomorph (small shouldders because my gut made it look that way, currently i'm shrinking and hopefully i end up as an mesomorph.
