Women try guessing each other’s weight | A social experiment

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This video isn't like anything I have EVER done before, and it all started with a few questions I had.

Why do we allow our weight to control our feelings?
Why do we give the scale so much power?
What does BMI really mean?
Is body fat percentage actually a better indicator of health?

I decided to gather a bunch of women together to run a “little” social experiment to find out how all of these things - BMI, weight, body fat percentage - actually looked like on a woman. And I wanted to see if we could tell which was most accurate. Or would we find out that labels are bogus?

I started planning this video a year ago, and I had NO IDEA how to pull it off. Fast forward to shoot day and we had a 20+ person crew working on it AND we flew out one of the world's best female bodybuilders...from Sweden!!!! So crazy!!!!!!

Parts of this video were extremely uncomfortable to film, but I hope you guys take away the fact that there is so much more to a person than their number.

I have so many people to thank for making this video happen - my amazing director Ryan, my husband Sam, the crew, the Blogifam...but most of all I want to thank all of the brave, strong women for speaking their truths. You all are amazing!

Co-Executive Producer/ Writer: Cassey Ho
Co-Executive Producer: Sam Livits
Director/ Editor: Ryan Parma
Producer/ Casting Director: Laurel Elfenbein
Sound: Alfonso Cano & Aaron Terrones
Key Grip: Simeon Mihaylov
Grip: Mason Williams
Gaffer/ Cam Op: Joseph Baltazar
Production Assistant: Brittney Brandt
Hair & Makeup: Lauren Young & Alondra Excene


Irene Andersen

Darlyn Barajas

Bynay Blasberg

Ebony Breaux

Celeste Carbonell

Paloma Hinojosa

Covi Lockhart

Rachel Thomson



Cassey Ho is an award-winning fitness instructor, entrepreneur and online personality. As the creator behind Blogilates, the #1 female fitness channel on YouTube, she’s transformed millions of lives through helping them achieve their strength and weight-loss goals. She focuses on making fitness fun and the results are evident. Cassey's unique format, POP Pilates©, which launched as a workout video on YouTube in 2009, has become a live fitness class that can be taken at gyms all over the world with over 3,000 POP Pilates classes being taught monthly. Her authenticity continues to shine through, making her one of the most relatable fitness icons online and beyond. She's also the author of the best-selling book, Hot Body Year Round and is the designer of her own activewear line, POPFLEX.

With a wide range of free workout videos available, Cassey's channel focuses on ab exercises, butt & thigh exercises, arm exercises, pilates, cardio routines, fat burning workouts, high intensity interval training workouts (HIIT), stretching and flexibility routines and so much more!
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I started planning this video a while ago, and I was very aware of how sensitive this topic was going to be. We needed to find women who were comfortable discussing their weight on camera and we needed to produce this video in the most compassionate way. I didn’t want anyone to run off set crying or upset. I wanted to have an open discussion with real feelings about some real taboo topics.

I’m currently reading the comments on here and it seems that the feelings on this video are split 50/50. Some people are moved to tears because they’re incredibly touched…and then others are very upset, saying it was a terrible, pointless video meant to make women feel bad about themselves.

So, what was the point? To show that labels and numbers have as much power as we want to give them. They can make us feel bad. They can make us feel good. Or they can just be data points to guide our next steps. But your health, which includes both your mental health, your physical health as well as your happiness is something that cannot be accurately assessed by any number. A number does it’s best to help medical professionals categorize your health as a starting point, but it’s not the entire story. Health really does look different on everyone.

This content is meant to make you think. Yeah, it’s uncomfortable, but when did we ever become smarter, better humans by being comfortable all the time? We grow the most when we’re challenged – and I’m talking emotionally challenged too. If this video made you feel a certain way, take a moment to reflect and ask yourself why you feel that way. Can you dig deep and dissect this feeling further? Some of you may find that you need improvement in the area of not letting numbers control your happiness. And others of you may just find that you don’t want a relationship with numbers at all, and that my content didn’t help you achieve that. Both are okay to feel. What's not okay is calling people derogatory names and spreading hatred. I will never allow that here on my channel.

Just so you know, each woman was mentally prepped for the shoot and knew that we’d be discussing weight and other sensitive body image topics. Our producer interviewed each woman who was casted one by one and in person, and made sure they were comfortable with the topics before committing to the shoot. The entire Blogifam and the crew was very careful in making sure the women felt good during the entire process, from casting to shoot day to video release. The mental health of each of the women was my first priority.


this was so weird and awkward to watch, I can't imagine how these women felt


I love Irene. You can tell she's a really sweet and gentle person. I felt like she was trying to state her answers in such a way that she was comforting Darlyn


As a dietitian, this was cringey on so many levels. Asking someone how they feel to be categorized as “overweight”… just why? What do you expect them to say?


Weird that she tells the 24.5 BMI girl that she's almost overweight but doesn't tell the 19 BMI girl she's almost underweight. They're the same distance (0.5 points) from those respective categories.


The two muscular women definitely knew they didn’t weigh anywhere near the same. People who are into fitness are pretty good at guessing weights.


when they were told to pick a partner with a similar weight, the body builder was like


this kinda broke my heart. Women are so programed to focus on body weight and size ( Im included).. It was painful to see these women's shining smiles dim more and more as the video progressed. You are all beautiful and amazing.


The tall black girl seemed so sweet. Idk how to describe it but she just made me feel comfortable when I was watching her. She seemed like someone you could have a conversation with.


I love how Irene naturally stands with her hand on her hip like she’s modeling for bodybuilding. Queen.


I feel like the yoga girl said it good, “you look good, you feel good, but then when a number is put on it, it might change your mind completely”


This reminds me of when we were weighed in front of our whole class in Elementary school. It was so degrading, because you were being compared to everyone else. We are all uniquely made. So why are we being compared to others?


“According to this you’re obese!” Her body fat is literally 5% how is that obese


I love how the body builder tried chearing up the other girl it was very sweet


Really bothers me how she points out 24.5 is nearly overweight but doesn’t say that 19 is nearly underweight


8:38 The bodybuilder is made up entirely of muscle. To be honest, the bodybuilder had one of the most incredible female physiques I've ever seen. I don't believe anyone realized how much work went into having a figure like that, especially as a woman.


In a world where everything has a “trigger warning” I really can’t believe they brought all these women in to do this without any indication that this is what they were there for.


The really muscular woman is not obese she’s just has heaps of muscle because she’s a body builder

Omfg thank you for 5.1k 🥺🙆🏼‍♀️


They should do this but everyone is the same weight. To see how different we look but being the same weight to show how little the scale really matters.


I felt so bad for the lady in the red pants. Like she was pretty much being shamed but I'm glad the body builder came to her defense. Also the two girls (the tall one and the short one) their bodies weren't even big, they looked perfectly healthy to me
