Overcome Grief & Sorrow | Let go of Sadness & Pain | Find Consolation & Peace | 396Hz Healing Music

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Overcome grief and sorrow that weigh on your soul, let go of the heaviness and find relief and tranquility. This meditation and/or sleep music in the healing Solfeggio frequency of 396 Hz is here for you to help you let go of all the sadness and find consolation and inner peace.

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The music in this video was composed in the first tone of the Solfeggio frequency scale: The tone “Ut” at 396Hz. This tone can help liberate from feelings of guilt and/or fear by bringing down the defence mechanisms. It turns grief into joy and liberates from all negative influence.

Solfeggio frequencies form part of an ancient scale that was rediscovered in the early 70’s. They are a tone sequence of special tonal frequencies. Originally used in Gregorian chants for centuries, they recently were brought to everybody’s attention for their healing powers.

I you like this meditation music, you might also resonate with my Solfeggio frequencies music playlist:

For this meditation music, all instruments have been specifically and carefully tuned to 396 Hz. Therefore, the meditation music in this video is an original 396 Hz composition and has not been artificially tuned to 396 Hz after completion. I am convinced that composing music in the original frequency will lead to better results when it comes to deploying the positive energy and benefits of this particular Solfeggio frequency.

Feel free to listen to this overcome grief & sorrow | let go of sadness & pain | find consolation & peace | 396 Hz healing meditation & sleep music with headphones at a moderate level or - if you prefer - just let it flow through open space. As long as it is positive for you, it will be positive for your body and soul.

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Love and gratitude 💖🙏🏼
Pierre Ynad

Note: Do not listen to music emphasizing particular frequencies if you suffer from epilepsy! If you have any concerns or other health issues you are uncertain of, please check with your medical practitioner prior to listening. Please do not listen to the music on this channel whilst driving or operating machinery of any kind! Although this music can help you to relax, meditate and sleep, it is not taking the place of professional medical and/or therapeutic advice and/or treatment.

Music composed and produced by Pierre Ynad
Copyright ⓒ 2021 Inner Lotus Music ™. All rights reserved.

We are currently not licensing our music for commercial and/or non-commercial use.

This overcome grief & sorrow | let go of sadness & pain | find consolation & peace | 396 Hz healing meditation & sleep music for positive Energy cleanse has been composed with Love in the Solfeggio frequency of 396 Hz. It can be used as 396 Hz overcome grief meditation music, 396 Hz overcome sadness meditation music, 396 Hz find consolation meditation music, as 396 Hz Solfeggio frequency meditation music, 396 Hz healing frequency meditation music, 396 Hz meditation music, 396 Hz sleep music, 396 Hz yoga music, let go of grief music, let go of sadness music, as general purpose meditation music, as sleep music and for all activities that benefit from 396 Hz healing Solfeggio frequency meditation music.

#innerlotusmusic #solfeggiohealingmusic #chakrahealingmusic chakrahealing 396 hz solfeggio frequency, 396 hz overcome grief, 396 hz overcome sorrow, 396 hz let go of sadness and pain, 396 hz healing frequency, 396 hz frequency, 396 Hz inner peace and relief
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Thank you so much for listening! If you enjoy this video, you might also resonate with this Solfeggio Frequencies Playlist:
And if you like what I do, subscribe 🔔 give it a 👍🏼 and leave a comment 💌 to let me know your impression 😊 Love and gratitude 💖🙏🏼 - Pierre


To anyone here because of Anxiety, Fear, Excessive stress, or Depression, I want you to know you're not alone. We all go through tough times in Life and it sometimes can feel as though we'll never get back to normal. But you will. No matter how cold the winter there's a springtime ahead. Believe in the power of positive thinking. You will endure and you will come out stronger than ever.


The hardest part of getting older is all the people we lose, friend, family, I lost 4 best friend and sister in last 5 yrs, prayer help, internet, t.v. help friends but still some day it gets sad, specially if I eat sugar, it makes me depress sometime but after 4 days sugar free I feel more optimist again...also cause I get more energy so I feel like doing things, walks, reading, learning from wise people on internet...I pray we all feel blessed and protected, we are by angels I feel it often...😘😗 silvie, from canada


My father passed away 14 days ago. I'm hanging on by a thin thread. I'm doing my best to be strong for my Mom & take care of everything. She just lost half of her soul. A part of my heart is missing. This is the hardest thing I've ever dealt with. My Dad made me shine. He is such a kind & pure soul. He was/is an example of unconditional love 💜. This video is helping me cope & breathe. To anyone who reads this message & is lost, has lost someone near & dear, I 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 love surrounds you. I 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 that this video & these words give you some type of comfort even if only for a moment. You are seen, you are heard, you are loved. Thank you for allowing me to share. I love you Daddy. I miss you, but you are free now. I love you now & always 💜💜.

I lost my Mom 7 weeks after my Dad. It is the second mother's day without you. Life is not the say. I hope you and Dad are dancing up a storm in Heaven. I miss you so much it hurts. 💜🩷.


My beautiful fur baby left for heaven this morning. He was literally like my son and grew up with my daughter. The grief in my heart and soul is unexplainable. So much love to anyone else suffering right now 💔🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️


The person who is reading this comment, i wish you great success, health, love and happiness !


Tomorrow is not promised to anyone and the past cannot be changed, therefore live each day to the fullest and know that every new day of living is a true blessing!


My beloved Mom passed away last night and I've been trying not to fall apart. She was a beautiful soul. I miss her so much. This music is helping me regain some peace. Thank you... 😔💖


Lost my Mum and Dad recently within a year of each other 😢😢and my childhood best friend 6 years ago😢 thought my ❤couldn't take anymore pain when she went..now my parents 😢 I need to take time with myself to heal..so here I am ❤


I lost my loving Husband of 33 years Nov. 26th and it is very hard still for me to sleep but this is helpful for me Thank you and God Bless!


How much does the heart have to go through on earth . It’s surreal, unbelievable but it’s here with all of us . I want to say that everyone here is so amazing and strong and beautiful souls 🙏🏽may the good lord bless us all with peace, acceptance and love ❤️ bless you all .


Trying to release the grief and agony of losing my beloved dog of 13 years 3 weeks ago. I got him when he was 6 weeks old. He was my best friend and basically like my child. I hope he visits when I’m able to shift out of the frequency of grief ❤


I think it helps because, last Friday my beautiful dog had to be put to sleep. My heart has been in pieces & tears flowing almost every couple of hours. I fell asleep listening to this last night & I only cried once today for about 2-3minutes. So the meditation is definitely doing something. Thank you💙


I lost my dog of 12 years today, the pain and heart ache is unmatched.
Sending my love to anyone who is suffering life is short but beautiful keep living it for the things we love most❤️


to whoever sees my comment, hope you all the best in life and hope you get what you've been searching for. God Bless you!


My only dog of 16 in a half years passed away over a year ago and I still grieve for her to this day. She changed me over the years and yet it’s still hard to believe she’s gone. I will always miss her until the day my time comes! Thank you for this video!!


Im listening to this at 4 in the morning, 27 Weeks pregnant, knowing that in less than a week we have to Say goodbye to our so wished baby Boy.... His brain stopped developping. Thank you for this, it stopped my crying about 5 min in.


I'm greiving the loss of my dear friend I hope this helps my overwhelming greif I feel she was only 37 bless her I will miss her beautiful smile even through her pain she shined bright I'm going to miss her so much X 🙏😪


My furry baby, Guerro, transitioned in his sleep on Sunday. He was almost 18 years old. My heart is heavy, but i know his spirit is with me. My deeoest condolences to all who are grieving. Sending you Love, Peace and Harmony vibrations your way ❤


It takes time. So much time. Some days you'll feel like you're drowning and some you won't. You will find balance but there is always struggle. My dad died Feb 6 and I look to the stars every night and talk and sometimes don't talk but always look and there seems to always be one star that stands out from the others besides the North Star. Sometimes I cry sometimes I don't but it's the release. I find little things that remind me of him and scatter then around the house. It will get better but do let yourself feel it and release it as best you can. Best wishes
