4 Worst Fat Loss Mistakes (THAT MOST WOMEN MAKE!!)

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These are the 4 worst fat loss mistakes we think most women are making that are preventing them from reaching their goals. If you are making any of these fatal fat loss mistakes, you’ll want to change your workout routine to fit your goals. Below is an explanation of some of the workout mistakes women make.

One of the top fat loss mistakes women make is being scared of using dumbbells. If you are not lifting weights or are only using machines, you’re making one of the biggest fitness mistakes. Dumbbells challenge your muscles, balance and coordination in ways that weight machines can’t. They also allow you to increase weight more incrementally than most machines will. For this reason we definitely recommend that you avoid this common womens fat loss mistake.

Another of the biggest fat loss mistakes women make is doing too much cardio. Did you know that lifting weights actually helps you burn more calories in the long run because it helps you to build muscle, which burns calories 24/7 instead of cardio which only burns calories while you’re doing it and in the short afterburn window. Get off the cardio machines and hit the weights if you want to avoid the worst fat loss mistakes.

Another of the beginner workout mistakes we wanted to mention is not using enough weight. If you want to see a difference in muscle tone and fat loss, you definitely need to increase your weight. This is one of the biggest womens fitness mistakes that many women make.

In summary here are the biggest womens workout mistakes:

1) Scared of dumbbells
2) Too Much Cardio
3) Not Enough Weight
4) Not Moving Fast Enough

Рекомендации по теме

Thank you Amy Jo! I was laughing so hard because you just said everything I tell my friends!! I know so many "Cardio Queens" that complain about still having jiggle. They talk about how much they run on the treadmill or elliptical but are scared to lift more than little colored weights or more than the first plate on any forget about them hitting the free weight section. THEN they don't understand why they don't see results. It's amusing and frustrating at the same time. SO again THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!


i ALWAYS try to avoid the free weights. even the machines! i LOVE them but i feel soooo UNCOMFORTABLE with majority of THAT section being full of grunting men!! i feel like they'll just comment, laugh, stare at my ass during EVERY squat or lunge movement, ugghh that's soo inappropriate and unnerving to meee... i like lifting my dumbbells AT HOME though. it just causes me to be EXTREMELY limited:( my own fault!


love this! I see too many women at the gym doing nothing but cardio. I spend the mohority of my time with the free weights :)


Great video! Loved watching your tips and I definitely try and help other women understand these things as well because they are inhibiting their own progress- especially too much cardio! Thank you for sharing! What is your favorite Fitness Youtube channel for women?


thank you so much for this! when I tell my friends these tips they think I'm crazy, not I have proof! awesome quick videos


Please can you show us how to deadlift properly and the different movements you can do while deadlifting!


I do a lot of lighter weight with high repetition. I see results from doing this and have good muscle definition. I also do pilates/Yoga, squats and lunges. I try to do cardio intervals at least 3 times a week. Should I be doing more weight and cut back even more on my cardio? I am 5'2" and 111 lbs. and am a very active 65 year old.


So, because none of those apply to me, and I LOVE lifting heavy, would it be a bad idea for me to purchase the Men's training program from Athlean-X?


The reason why I hate weight training NOW (I loved it before) is because it gives me extra weight and I'm trying to lose it. I need to be 45kg and weights are NOT gonna help me
muscle weighs more than fat... wish it didn't


Maybe them are purple 😂😂 one f the best tricks 💯🙌🏻


i'm the exact opposite.. I just need to be faster. thanks


You say women should use dumbells, but all your videos on the womens chanel are about bodyweight workouts. You from the Athlean-XX chanel expect women to lay down into the dust and perform complicated gymnastics on the mat. Athlean's ideas for men on the other hand are, that you stand up (or maybe lie or sit on bench) and look cool with lifting heavy irons.

I don't like the exercises that you pick for women. Since they are more complex, they are harder to learn and there is a higher chance to do them wrong. I also don't like to do the whole training on the ground. It feels bad to me, less dignified.
