My Parents Had Me So They Can Enjoy Their Life 🥺💔 Reddit Stories

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"you dont know how hard it is to balance work and family"
says the person who's scale is an 100 pound weight vs a one pound


"You don't know how hard it is to balance work and family"
The mom did NOT just say that to their kid who literally was made the parent of the younger siblings. The oldest who is a full time student with a lot of extra curriculars and still manages to so everything around the house + childcare !?
The mom need to wake up. OP clearly knows how hard it really is since they experienced it for years now.
I'd advice OP to either call relatives for help or if that doesn't work to call CPS, as cruel as this sounds it is better for OP's mental and physical health in the long term


I’ve been in the same situation before. I’m the oldest of 5 and I was always responsible of taking care of them. However, I was able to earn enough to move out of the house. Now me and my partner are living together, and I actually have a life now.


"Don't have children you can't take care of." that a sentence I heard from a friend who was in this same situation.


Mum: “You don’t know how hard it is to balance work and family”

OP: “I spend 6 hours at school and the rest of my time is spent here looking after you and you’re children”


This happened to me. It's the same story over and over. As soon as the kid can, they move away from home.


We just got custody of our three nieces and the oldest (15) is finally smiling again after everything that happened she raised her two sisters she was completely in charge at the age of 6 to make sure two smaller humans bathed, ate, even go to school. She walked up to me in the middle of me cooking dinner I hugged her back asked if anything was wrong she said no this was the first time in her life all she had to do was school work and talking to her friends. Children shouldn't lose their childhood because parents can't pull their brains from their bums.


Parentification is when a child is forced to assume parental roles and responsibilities at an early age (role reversal) It's considered a form of CHILD ABUSE


I'm 17 and in a similar situation, have been since I was 12. my 5yr old brother calls me mom 1/2 the time and asks me permission for things before asking our mom. it's exhausting and abusive. My other brother talks to me like an adult instead of someone barely 3 years older than him. This flavor of abuse is exhausting and incredibly traumatizing, that being said, I am glad that my brothers don't have to raise themselves


If those 3 younger ones are old enough (5 years old or more), they can help with the chores. 5 year old can learn to dust the furniture. 7-year-old can vacuum the floors. The next one can help with meal prep and can help with dishes. They all can learn to pick up their toys and tidy the bathroom.

Maybe a 15-year-old should get some kind of stipends to help out all the time.

If she knew she had to work late, why didn't she hire a babysitter for a few hours. And speaking of Dad, where was he on Saturday night? When you are in a position to need to work, wages are low and so forth--and there are kids, you miss a lot. You miss their childhoods, you miss doing all those things like homework and so forth. Parents live feeling guilty about so many things.


"You dont know how hard it is to balance work and family"
You do. OP does know and does it all the time bcuz the parents wont. She has school homework friends and extracurriculars but still SHE takes care of her siblings


If mom had to work late, dad should step in or at least get a babysitter. Older siblings are always expected to help with looking after the younger ones, but they aren't supposed to be stuck with ALL the responsibilities of the parents. It's very unfair to the kid


No child should be parentified no matter what situation the parent is in, the parent should never be trying to guilt trip the child either for their own faults. Me and my older siblings were all parentified as children to raise my younger siblings, I fall in the middle ground, I was raised by my older sister and now I raise the younger siblings. I'm the middle of 9 kids. Its not even that there's so many of us either, my dad was deployed a lot and is now staying home, to which since retiring he's been picking up his slack more so thx dad. But my mom is just a piece of work, she's been stay at home for 2 decades now and does nothing but lay down in her bed or do useless outdoor projects and then had the nerve to complain about us openly when we forget to do some household duties she should be upholding.


I was 9 when I began my training into being the "responsible first born son." I was taught how to cook, clean, etc. if my mom needed me to babysit my siblings while she, or my step-dad, was working. By the time I reached 16, both my mom and step-dad would leave me with my 4 half-sisters while they went to do only God knows what. My mom would even hide letters from my paternal grandmother because there was also a check in my name for whatever I needed for school. My mother would forge my name on the check, and no one at the check cashing place would say anything against doing so because I was a minor at the time. When I went to see my paternal grandmother that summer, and she asked me about it, I told her the truth. My mom got really angry with me when I told her that I told my grandmother to deposit that money into the savings account my paternal grandparents started for me after I was born. After that, I told her that if she ever left my half-sisters with me like she and my step-dad has been doing after I came home from school, I would be calling the police on them. My mom began paying my Aunt Thelma to babysit between 10th grade to Graduation in high school. She tried to slap me with rent afterwards, but I moved to my grandparents after graduation to escape living with my mom and half-sisters. I do not regret my choices from back then. I am now 52 years old.


I would say the people in the wrong always say that others don't understand. And that family should help out and stick together when they dont do anything and leave u to do everything. Ur 15 and u r not there mother or father. Ur the kid, not the parent


You don’t know hard it is to balance work and family
They are going into high school doing so much work trying to look after their family and not lose all of their friends


So this is how they balanced work and family
“Work work work, clapping checks clapping checks. Oh no another baby?!?!”


OP's mom has no idea how hard it is to balance work and family herself, she keeps pushing it off on her!


My siblings refer to me as sister mom. My parents even joke about it how is this okay


You are not the A hole. You need to move out as soon as possible
