Billy Carson explains who Jehovah (Yahweh) really is

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As a former Jehovah witness for over 18 years, and also a major in psychology and also study mental health and substance abuse I am so glad that someone is able to define and explain to those ex Jehovah witnesses exactly how they have been bamboozled. It is definitely always been one of the highest suicide rate religions and alcohol abuse, religion that I’ve ever encountered, and I have studied at least 50religions. I am spiritual now where I belong, and the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. Thank you my brother for spreading the truth.


I’m from Ghana and references to this truth is embedded in our traditional Twi language. Our day names given to each child born on Thursday (Yaw-for boy, Ya-for girl) reflects our belief in plural gods (Anunnaki). For the Akans, Yahweh is the deity name we honor on Thursdays. This name is what’s used in the Bible. In Twi, we say “Yah-wu-ah-da” the first part being Yahweh and ending with day. Yahweh’s Day. So…what Billy is saying is also supported linguistically.


My fiancé...Most High bless the resting....back in 2009 before he passed away was an active/practicing Jehovah's Witness, started to Ascend b4 his passing. He asked me a question one day that has resonated for me over time...which I did not understand. He asked " How would you feel if at one day you realized everything you had been taught was a lie? From would you feel?" I didn't have an answer but now I understand the question...thank you Billy for sharing your gift with the world. It is greatly appreciated and most definitely needed...peace and blessings to you my brother...I extend agape love to you bro.❤🖤💚🫡


I grew up in this religion and by 15 I saw the bs. For some reason other family member don't see it. Shit is sad


Thank you Billy Carson. You're one of the few people in the world that has shown me that I am NOT crazy. I've just been surrounded by ignorant people.


I was born in the JWs in the sixties, at 14th years old my heart and conscience showed me that something was terribly wrong with the bible and the JWs dogmas and regulations. by 1980 was kicked-out of the religion because my critical thinking, and my questioning not lining-up with their way of believe .
Thank you, Billy and all the others that are, bringing-up and clarify so many lies, manipulations, and deception by all the sects and religions.


Everyone do your own study and test EVERYTHING!! Your salvation is in YOUR hands.


30 years ago this year i stopped going to the Kingdom Hall because i didn't believe in the not giving of blood, 10 years ago i learnt this truth about what Jehovah God really is from David Icke. This reconfirms like he says we know nothing and that we are a blank canvass upon which can create our own ideas from our higher self.


When you believe a certain way your entire life and you believe it with all your heart. It Is very hard an overwhelming to suddenly find out that it is wrong. A part of you feels as if you are betraying God. It's very overwhelming and confusing. It changes absolutely everything for a person. Its hard to believe and accept.


I put my trust in Jehova... What I went through spiritually lasted 17 years... Couldnt ask for a worse Life ... Never waste your life on Yaweh... It's a Devil... Not a heavenly father... He destroyed my life... Almost took my own life bcuz of what I went through😢


I was also a former baptized witness, but it seemed impossible to live to the standards . I always knew there was more to our history of who we are because Yashua said that we are gods yet jumping through hoops for greedy men . This was a hard pill to swallow at first but it’s incouraged me to only to pray within to my god self .Since then . I am more at peace, I no longer have guilt, I am seeing great improvements in my finances, my love life has increased because I don’t have those chains . I’m just happy more…
I understand how deep this rabbit hole gets. I’m going all the way in search of right knowledge that will bring me closer to the infinite and help me reach my God state and move mountains, command the wind, and bring lightning down from the clouds and soar the air . I have dreamt this for as long as I can remember and now I know why….
Thank you Billy for actually investigating this to find the truths hidden and kept from us to keep us on an endless cycle without really knowing who we are
Thank you, thank you, thank you


I appreciate you, Mr. Billy. You awaken those who are willing to break free from these mind control religions!😊 I AM FREE!


2 Timothy 4:3-4
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.


When i was waking up from that cult I couldn't sleep for more than 3 hours for about two months because I was just floored with the lies. Any active witness that would like to have some formal debate. I will HAPPILY engage.


Yahweh = Zeus = Enlil while "Satan" = Poseidon = Enki. Poseidon's signature weapon is the Trident, which is also what Satan is usually depicted holding. If this were to be true, it quite drastically flips the narrative we've all been fed.


I love learning from this man he is so incredible with the way he explains the simplicity of the development of human nature and human kind through tablets and scriptures. I love the way he uses actual facts to determine what is going on instead of making it up. Billy Carson for president


There are inconsistencies in Billy Carsonso discourses. Elsewhere he says Yahweh is Enville and that the God of the Bible is Satan, then elsewhere he says humans are Yaweh. I fear that anyone who doesn't follow all his lectures will draw conclusions on only part of the context he's coming from. He does however confess to being a student and for this reason I feel what he says should not be taken as the Holy grail. Hear him out, but dont be a sheep use discretion


Funny how many people on here are thanking Billy for the truth--and yet, he lies about his own name and background. The scariest kind of teacher is one who claims to tell the truth--but knowingly lies at the same time.


I can simply tell you that the results of all we are seeing and hearing from Billy Carson in this documentary series, is just so damn bold and have my vote, always !


For Billy Carson 💜💫thank you for all yruth
