How to Fix a Leaking Shower Hose in Two Minutes

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If you shower hose & head are leaking watch this video for some easy tips to make your SHOWER LEAK FREE!

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Your voice makes me smile... and then you back it up with great advice! 👍 I'll use this Knowledge!


I just bought a new head and it was immediately leaking so I thought it was just bad quality but then when I came to your video I realized I just didn't add the washer 😭😭 thank you so much for this video!! it's my first time leaving by myself so I'm kinda discovering everything hahahaha thank youuu 🩷


The instructions in the video worked like a charm. Thankfully I had some rubber dipped gloves handy and I was able to unscrew the head with ease. Re-tightened it and 70% of the leak disappeared.
Un-screwed it again, Flipped the filter over and Re-tightened it... 80% improvement but still has leakage. Looks like I may need another filter/gasket. Thank you for a great video and concise!


Removing Teflon tape was what did it for me. Didnt know you shouldnt use it on that connection. Thanks for the hints


usually that leak is from a rupture hose. your fix is for a hose that came loose


Thanks man, reversing the rubber gasket fixed my problem. Great video and clear informative explanation of everything.


Perfect job for one of those small rubber strap wrenches! Love your videos! Keep'm coming!


Unfortunately when mine usually starts leaking is cause that cheap plastic nut that holds the hose on the shower head has some how split or broken and needs to be replaced completely. Because that nut is prone to loosen over time being used. I will add a little silicone on the threads to hopefully sort of glue the nut in place to keep it from loosing up. Seems to help for me!


I used to travel and I kept a wrench in my suitcase. Hotel pressure isn’t always good but a quick cleaning helped always.


Flipping the washer works for me. Thanks for the tip


Brand new shower head installed today, only leaks from the back connection after the water is turned off. Everything is tight and no breaks or cracks in anything. Every wand style shower head I've ever used has had this type of leak in literally hundreds of different places in the US that I've showed in . I can only think it's a pressure release mechanism causing it, but I do not know for certain and nothing stops it. It's not like a spray type leak but more like a seeping out and dripping type leak for only about 20 to 30 seconds.


First thing I do in a new house or vacation home is take that mesh out, much better pressure .


Great to the point video. Thanks for your time and effort


Very helpful and no babble! Great, many thanks x


Thanks I bought a brand new shower head that was leaking and I was about to throw it away . This video helped ! I added some plastic washers in two places and fixed the issue


Masterfully helpful tips never seem to stop. My Spring Honey-Dew list looks eerily similar to the YT playlist of your videos. Appreciate the content, Brother.


The combo shower head with the diverted for the hand sprayer has been a game changer, they make suction cup and adhesive mounts so you can make a bootleg multi head shower system


I had a hose with leaks, but this time it is the shower head and exactly as described here. I'm getting the plumber back around to put in on properly.


Thanks a lot! This worked for my situation.


Thanks!! Flipping the washer solved it for me.
