How To Deal with Feeling Homesick (3 Simple Tips)

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Do you ever feel homesick to the point where you miss your home so much that you want to go back? It can be hard to deal with feeling homesick, but it is possible to manage your feelings so you can make it through and enjoy your time away from home. In this video, I share 3 things you can do to help you handle your feelings of nostalgia, depression and anxiety.

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Title Music: "The Josh Speaks Theme Song" by Michael Simon
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It's been a week that I am crying. It's not only about missing your fam but your home familiarity, I feel that. Everything is different and I am here to get my degree. Let's see who will finish whom, the degree or me😭😭😭😭


First night of being moved out for college really sucked. couldn’t stop thinking about my parents, my dogs, and my siblings. i’ve always been someone who’s gotten homesick, but i never imagined it would be this bad. hopefully as time passes things will get better, remember to call your parents, and if you’re close enough go give them a visit


My parents just dropped me in my hostel and I seriously feel like I want to cry ..I want to scream I want to talk ...but there is nobody
I seriously miss my mom and dad...I love them ...plss can u help me


7 oct 2022 - My heart is so heavy i can't even breathe, i am 1000 kms away from my home in my college . its my first day here don't have any friends and room mates, no one to talk to, different culture, different food . can't talk to my mom bcoz after 10 sec after hearing her voice i can't hold my tears in and i don't want her to realize that i am crying for home but i know she knows and she is sad and that makes me unable to breathe even while writing this i am full of tears, after 2 weeks its diwali and its the first time i am not home i just pray to god plz make me feel better.

edit- 22 nov 2022, everything is great now, made friends here, its just matter of time as time passes everything gets fine . SO anyone who is reading this and if falling homesick don't worry you are not going to feel the same way forever its just matter of time till you become comfortable with the new place


I moved states two years ago, and in that two years I've moved states again. I live in Australia, just for clarification. Homesickness is the worst thing in the world, it slowly eats away at you and you never truly get rid of it, and it can alienate places around you, trust me.

What I found to work, is set a reverse bucket list. Don't have things that you want to do when you get home, have things you want to do in general, and do them. For example, binge watch all those TV shows that people have suggested (I suggest Breaking Bad or How I Met Your Mother, usually something with good emotional moments help)

Also, don't bottle your feelings up. If you need to have a cry, have a cry. If you need to release your anger by playing a game, then do that. Don't let it just sit inside you and eat you up, because it will eventually change you as a person.

And lastly, I've recently found that making a playlist and putting songs that make you feel good in it, and simply naming it "Homecoming" is a brilliant way of reminding yourself that one day soon, you'll be home.

Here for anyone if they need it.


Just reading comments, I feel that I am not alone after this, i have to study this semester, but I don't know I have no motivation, cause I miss my home so much😭, all I want is just gonna go home.
Just like saying myself, I will pass through this, and when I will find this comment, by that time I hope semester ends and I will be home with my family 🙏


I recently moved out of my house in a diiferent city to go to uni. Its only been 2 weeks, but it already feels like forever. After the first week, I went home to visit my family and I couldnt help but lay on my bed and cry. I've never really left home before, so this feeling is very strange and new to me. I hope I eventually get over this and my time in uni gets a little better.


Just remember guys: You're not alone in being homesick 😢


Everyone love packing their bags ready for home.💯


The thing i realised during the times i have been outside my home is, that you feel homesickness because you have left your comfort zone(your home) and here outside you have to face many problems, many things you have to do by yourself and overall the feeling of homesickness is all about how comfortable we were at our homes (yes, there are many other feelings also but mainly this is the one which excites homesickness in us)
The probable solution is that you sit down and write down every thing that us coming to your mind, means every memory, person, place incident and why are u feeling this way and whts the difference that is there in the present than at that time.
Finally you write down logical reasons to not think about those all things like, one day everyone has to go out and it is better to enjoy the moment, talk to your family members, frnds and then accept the present. And your final solution should be that you will be returning home soon and as soon as you reach your goal, everything will be sorted out.


Yes bro I cried a lot and I miss my family so badly


I get homesick when I'm just at a sleepover and it sucks because I always end up going home. What do I do?


I'm 15 and I've been separated with my dad because of my parents divorce and we had to leave our old home and this video really helped me remember my old house, because I don't think I will ever be able to go back. 😢Thank you The Josh Speaks🙂


I’m going back to university this year and I have this exact feeling. The first time it was so unbearable that I had to go back home. I think I’m more prepared to deal with it this time, but still before I go I just have this horrible feeling about leaving home. I hate it.


I really miss my mom. They say that if I hold on a little bit longer than I will be enjoying college life, but idk. I wanna go home rn. I can even drop out of college. I miss mom


Tomorrow im going to my hostel and im gonna miss my mom dad and my sister 😢😭😭😭😭😭


I was feeling homesick. Its the 1st Day in Hostel. Yes, by sharing with you, i am feeling a Relaxed now. Thank you bro


It's really comforting seeing that I'm not the only one who is going through homesickness.
Btw, I'm on an exchange year in the US so I'm not gonna see my family in a long time.


Going to be away from my parents for 19 weeks as I’m in Army basic training. Gunna miss them big time. I feel afterwards I’ll be like why was I even nervous but it’s gunna be rough building up until I leave.


I've been at college for three semesters straight. It's the most I've ever been away from my home and family. Earlier this semester, I finally realized that what I've been struggling with for years and years is social anxiety and depression. I made the mistake of letting the labels drag me down into the "pit of despair" and I don't even have the motivation to climb out. I'm not really close with any of my roommates and I've grown uncomfortable outside my own room. I only really feel comfortable on my bed or at my friend's apartment, but it's my bed 99% of the time. I guess I'm just venting, but yeah.
