Feeling disappointed right now? Try THIS. | Mel Robbins

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Right now I’m feeling very disappointed. My family and I just made the decision that we need to split up for Thanksgiving. If our son leaves the state of Vermont for Thanksgiving, there’s no winter sports for him. So Chris and Oakley will stay in Vermont while I spend Thanksgiving with my daughters and my parents. I understand why we need to be extremely conservative right now. But I’m still disappointed.

The only thing to do when you’re disappointed is to give yourself space to feel it and move through it. I feel like a broken record but one thing that’s helping me is reminding myself, “This is temporary.”

One other thing you can do is plan something in the future that will give you something to look forward to. As soon as our Thanksgiving plans blew up, I started thinking about what we might be able to do as a family next summer. Having something to look forward to is critical to helping you get through this winter.

What are you looking forward to?



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Sometimes we create our own heartbreaks through expectations...


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover"


I’ve lost so many ppl & my job & everything the pandemic has taken away - looking forward to seeing my dad


I've found that the best way to overcome disappointment is to be grateful for what you do have. No matter where you are in life or what trials you have to overcome having gratitude for the good things in life can seriously change our perspective. It's not the trials we have but how we deal with them and how we let them shape us. If we find our gratitude every morning and thank God for what we do have it helps to heal our minds and souls and put us into a positive frame of mind. I am so grateful for my family right now. Even though it's been tough we're hanging in there together and it's made us all stronger mentally, physically and spiritually. I am thankful being able to find a part time job and make some money again. I am so very thankful for a loving God who knows my troubles and who is always there to listen to my concerns and problems. I am grateful for this crazy time in 2020 that's helped me realize so many things that I had taken for granted before. Just the simple act of gathering and going out seems so marvelous to me now and in the future I won't take all of these things for granted anymore because I now know what it's like to not have it. I think that we're going through a major growth experience together and it's up to us to let it help us grow and become stronger people or we can let it bring out the worst in us. I hope we can all find things to be grateful for this holiday season. We still have so much to be grateful for and to celebrate. #GiveThanks


It's like a magic. Mell always knows what i need... ✨


Don't expect too much ... Love yourself and you won't be disappointed again


This brought tears to my eyes. Thanks Mel. Luv you. Thank you for being u. U r a wonderful person. Take care n stay safe.


I need a friend like Mel in my life. I love to vibe high and ge the best part of myself and its rough feeling drained from others. Thanks Mel. I know what I want. I just need a Brinks truck. I need to get mind straight to focus. Manifest


I'm so grateful for you, Mel ❤️ You tell us just what we need to hear 💢


we get disappointed because we expect bigger and better from people.
always expect the worse from people and give more and don't wait to get it back.
that's the best way to avoid feeling of disappointment


Thank you, Mel. A lot of work to do in myself. I struggle with stress and disappointment. Love that quote! Stuck it on my computer monitor. ❤️


I was very disappointed to myself today for making a big purchase mistake. So this is exactly what I needed. Thank you Mel.


I love this advice! A lot of parents are on social media complaining about online learning and how difficult it is for them. For every post I see now with these complaints, I am going to comment "Better days are coming!". Thanks Mel!


I've lost so much in my life due to childhood abuse


Sometimes all we need to listen to a good things like this to guide us to the right way 🙏


I needed to hear this ❤️ You give me the motivation that I need to get through the day🙏


Feeling disappointed ..watch Mel videos, and It makes wonders in just a moment..it's my experience...love u Mel...❤️


I've been working in an extremely toxic work environment for 5 years. I've been applying and interviewing for better jobs to no avail. Dispair is a great description of how I feel today.


Such a beautiful truth...yet how do we address disappointment brought on by those whom don't follow thru on what they say?


Thank you Mel keep up the great work and many many blessings, peace and love always
