Claim Your Emotions: How to Identify and Name What You're Feeling

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Disclaimer: All of the information on this channel is for educational purposes and not intended to be specific/personal medical advice from me to you. Watching the videos or getting answers to comments/question, does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. If you have your own doctor, perhaps these videos can help prepare you for your discussion with your doctor.

I wonder how different my life would be if I discovered these videos earlier in life.

At least I’m here now! Thank you 🙏🏽


I used to be an over-thinker. I would think through everything. Think before you act. They say. I've found that what helps me is to actually, act. Because my tendency is to identify and suppress my emotions almost automatically, to the point where I later feel confused about what I feel, because I disconnected from it so quickly. Acting, helps me to stay in touch with the emotion.


1. Observe thoughts through mindfulness (breath work); 2. ID your thoughts (negative or positive) & body sensations; 3. Use the emotion wheel to name your emotions (practice builds emotional vocabulary ); 4. Keep an emotion journal to see patterns in emotions &/or ID triggers; 5.Respond to the emotions whether that means expressing it, allowing it to pass, or making changes. Practice responding to difficult emotions in a new way and give yourself some grace ❤


i am autistic and didn't find out until i was 22 years old. this series has been very helpful and eye-opening for me. thank you, Dr <3


I always look forward to Dr. Marks' new videos. Because I know that even if I'm not familiar with a featured subject, I will be by the end of the presentation.

Watching her videos is always time well spent.


Greetings from Ghana! I'm a Pan African holistic psychologist. This is yet ANOTHER awesome Can't thank you enough!


As long as we manage to control our emotions things are manageable, the problems arise when our emotions take control over us!


I have alexithymia and I am getting better at identifying. It’s slow going


Dr you read my mind or something lol. I have problems identifying anger, frustration and emotions in that spectrum. But 2 days ago I hit my arm with a door handle and I just yelled and cursed! and you may think: that's wrong.. but for me it was such a relief and I could realize: :damn, there's so much anger inside me! I was having a bad day, a really bad one crying and feeling so hopeless and sad, and that situation just changed my perspective and made me think about how I disguise anger.
You see in my family it's always been punished and silent (specially for women) to express anger and speak loudly about injustice.
I'll take your advice. Thank you so much Dr.!
Ps: I'm not sure if my comment makes sense since English is not my first language 😅


Good video. Though the editor went a bit overboard; it is rather hard to follow up your speech when there is constantly effects with sounds popping up in the screen. At least for me.


That’s so interesting! I always feel and felt 90% numb, that’s what I can easily identify. I can feel physically bad (do most of the time), but the other stuff? It took me a very long time to just identify the 10% of what I, ,feel?”.


I've been doing this lately. It really helps! I'll detect a mood, ask my self kindly "hey, what's going on?" and make a one sentence break down of the mood and the reason, if there is one.
It's very empowering and teaches a new, healthy way. I recommend.


Hi Dr Marks, just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for your videos. They are extremely helpful and I love your sense of humour. Seriously appreciate your hardwork and effort. Thank you for sharing all these knowledge and information with us :)


Thanks for this video and all the serie on emotions. I'm in therapy for trauma and my first work was unblocking my emotions because I didn't feel them. Little by little I have succeeded on feeling my emotions and what you explain in the video is very special for me because I have to name them and know what's the name of what I'm feeling.


I love the idea that this process takes practice. It’s so true! Being able to regulate emotions is a skill that can be learned. I never heard of emotion wheel or chart, very interesting. Thank you so much for this video Dr. Marks! 🙏💕💕💕


the video resonates with me so much, i'm on my journey for improvement and emotional identification, and what you sad is helping me to understand the problem better, thank you


I have been practicing self-therapy and such and i notice when i tighten my breath after something unexpected happens before i get the chance to stress over what just happened and then just take a slow-heavywarm breath (like taking things 1 at a time) with the half-smile thing built up enough kicking in my system, in an objective manner, and i have been practicing and built up enough confidence to consider myself in charge. and i make sure eating is a priority no matter how i feel because i understand that it will change any unhappiness that could occur from not eating anyway, and at times when doing all of this i feel like incredible-hulk.


This is so profound. Thank you so much for sharing ❤️❤️❤️


Gracias Dra por sus videos, saludos desde Venezuela. Me ayudan mejor a entenderme a mi mismo y a poder dilucidar con claridad lo que siento por dentro. No me pierdo ni uno.


Ur breath is ur anchor to stay focused! ❤
