Missing 411 David Paulides Presents A Girl Missing in A Japanese Forest & A Missing German Scientist

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Ernst Priesner
Yuki Onishi
© 2024 David Paulides NABS LLC
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Good Morning, Villagers, friends, Haters and visitors
In this episode, we present the case of a young Japanese girl who vanishes in a forest, and another German scientist seemingly disappears.
I have attached a list of our most popular videos and a link to our 3 free documentaries.
PLEASE- watch our documentaries for free, the link is below!
Here is the list:
Missing 411
Missing 411 The Hunted
Missing 411 The UFO Connection
Missing 411 The UFO Connection

Here is the link to order the new book, Missing 411 Washington.
Here are the links to our most popular videos:
Please watch our older videos- it helps us immensely!

Here is the link to our online store for Books, DVDs and Posters:

Dream Finds Body

MontanaCon Presentations:

National Park Cases:

Missing Trail Runners:

Skinwalker Ranch

Tribute to Scott Carpenter:
John Desouza- Retired FBI Agent:
Interview with TN Congressman Tim Burchett:

Bigfoot 101 Class

Missing Truckers Series


Dave, you got me! The last 3 weekends when I was shopping I have taken carts back for 3 elderly ladies. They were very appreciative and grateful for the help. They felt good and I felt good for helping. That’s a win-win for everyone. Good advice and I’ll keep helping whenever the opportunities present themselves. 😊


I have a 5 year old grandson and cannot comprehend the horror of him a) going missing and b) never being found!! My heart breaks for all families who've lost loved ones!!


I lived in Japan for fours years and went hiking there in the mountains regularly. Always amazed at how lush those forests were, especially near Mt. Hiba where in the seventies a lot of sightings of the Japanese bigfoot 'Hibagon' were reported - even a mass sighting involving a schooltrip where the young children saw the creature.


So happy to see Huck's smiling face this morning!


I make it my business (not in a creepy way!) to say hello or assist the elderly and the blind in my community. My circle is small and I hope if I'm graceful enough to live a long good life a helping hand would be there for me...❤


As a German living in Japan this episode resonates with me.


My heart breaks for parents of missing children. Thank you for all you do.


Kids? Never out of sight, let alone earshot; only time I ever panicked in my life is when my eldest daughter disappeared, briefly. We were lucky; some are not. Much love....cheers.


I can’t imagine the pain and can feel their intense fear of not finding their little girl . 😢
No matter what my mood is when I go to work in a store I am kind, kind to all and smile as it may be the only one they get all day !!!!


I am working my way back through all of the older videos 😊


You ask why she would walk away from her mom and sister. I can answer that. When I was about 3 or 4 years old I wandered away from our camp at Kennedy Meadows. I climbed a small granite “cliff” and when I reached the top of the ledge, I came face to face with a huge buck. My dad was a hunter so I knew what I was looking at. Beyond the animal was vast, high elevation wilderness, and I was drawn to follow the buck but it moved faster than I could. I don’t remember how or when I made it back to camp, but my dad believed everything I told him. There is just something about certain places that draw you in.


Seeing Huck at the beginning of these videos always makes my day.


Sending A Big 👋 Too You Dave ❤❤ And Too All The Friendly Villagers Friend's ❤❤Hope You Have A Wonderful Day God Bless You 🙏 All KINDNESS COST NOTHING Greetings From A ⛅GREAT BRITAIN 🇬🇧


Hi there! I'm 50% German. My mother and all her family were German. My grandfather was one of the smart ones. He could speak 6 languages and led a very interesting life. He's passed on now, but I wish I could speak six languages but can't, and feel safer since I'm not a PHD. 😆 Thanks for the videos. Love them all!


I just got my kids and I a dog. She's a 4 yr old golden doodle. We couldn't be happier!


Seems that some entity needs these smart people for a mission that we have no clue to what's going on! Or that amnesia is taking place in these places, kinda like a amnesia portal, then off they go walking blindly very far away before the search even begins! Who knows, being a witness to a huge craft coming out of the Mississippi River and only recalling it years later in such great detail! Anything seems possible these days!
Thank You Dave, Angie and Huck!


Thank you Dave for mentioning that we could find your movies on Tubi, which is free.

I have watched 2 and enjoyed them very much. I was amazed to see you in my hometown of Chilliwack. I moved here from the city in 2018.

Lovely to see that you and your Son Ben worked on these together.

My condolences and much love to you and your family ❤


Hello Mr. Paulides,

reminds me of a case here in Germany from September 2020. A 52 year old phyisician went missing on a sunday morning Mountainbike Trip on a long but narrow forested mountain range just 3 km from my Home. His wife reported him missing on the same day. Officials just located his Mountainbike, flask and helmet on a trail. K9s couldnt pick any scent and searchers found no clue. A large area hast been searched and they found nothing.
4 days later he knocked on a door of a strangers home and asked for help. 40 km away from his Mountainbike!! He had no clue how he got there and lost his complete memory..

Let me know If you want more information about that case.

It took place in a city called Porta Westfalica in North Rhine-Westphalia

Thank you for your work!


It is sad how we lose such gifted individuals.😌
