Missing 411 David Paulides Presents Two Cases from British Columbia, One Day and 140 Miles Apart

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Sam Bernastick
Jim Barnes
© 2024 David Paulides NABS LLC
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Hello Friends and Villagers!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here!!
We are presenting two very unusual cases that are close in time and geography, very odd!!

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Jim is my halfbrother. He was 29 when he went missing and would have turned 30 on November 4th, 2024. ❤ He got lost near Chetwynd. Thank you for sharing his story.


Missing backpacker Sam has been found alive. He's in hospital in Fort Nelson BC. Just read update in our area in the North Peace region. Such amazing news! Can't wait for more information


Sam was found yesterday after 50 days of being missing.


Sam from Fort St. John has been found safe after 50+ days missing in the redfern provincial park!! Amazing!!! 🙏🏼 it’s been very cold the last couple days in the peace region!!


Dave, my dad was a paramedic. Everything you said about them is 100% true. Anytime he saw someone in distress, he’d jump to help. I remember lots of times he’d pull over on the side of the road or highway and jump out with his emergency kit and be there before the paramedics on duty were. I’ll share this video with him, they’re totally undervalued and not honoured enough


I live in Chetwynd. The afternoon he was reported missing and search and rescue responded we had a freak snowstorm and over 6 inches fell in about an hour. That amount of snow will change the landscape/landmarks completely and cover any sign. For the week after he went missing we had constant howling wind and cool damp temperatures. So windy that hearing anything was almost impossible. That area you have marked on the map is near the main highway. Where he actually went missing was farther south and closer to the Murray River. It is a remote area that is GroundBirch pasture grazing lease that borders up to Puggins Mountain. Thanks for bringing this story up to everyone!!


Missed this vid when it posted found it tonight.
Sad stories, such young and good men.


I live in Dawson Creek. With 6” of heavy snowfall and temperatures below zero the day Jim was reported missing it would have made it very difficult to find anything. Large bear tracks in the area were scattered throughout the woods where SAR were. 2 separate search dogs went out and neither dog found any sign of Jim or Murphy. Prayers to the families of both missing men.


Recently an older couple went missing. The trail they were on was right in their backyard.They have lived there for 10 years.Had their dog with
them.They just went for their daily walk.He fell and couldn't walk.She goes to get help and gets lost!!!On the second a neighbor realized they were missing.They found her alive with the dog who's heat kept her alive .Her husband was sadly deceased.Just went out for a walk in the woods that they do all the time.


Dave, as a SAR member in Canada I'll remind you that most of us are volunteers with full time jobs to support our family. Unfortunately, the funding isn't there to search for one person for months at a time. Sometimes we get multiple calls in a day. Love your content. Just wanted to shed light on that factor and search logistics.


❤thank you, Dave…have followed since first stories on C2C. The Entertainment Store here in Cd’A ID claimed your books were O. P. last yr….(haha‼️😉)


Born in Fort St. John. Living in Grande Prairie now. Where is Jim and Murphy? This is crazy. He’s my friends daughters room mate.
Sam where are you? Where’s the dirt bike. As soon as I heard of both these men I thought immediately of missing 411. I hope to the good Lord above they are found. All these family members and friends need closure and answers


So true Dave i was recently in a car accident and the paramedics were amazing. So kind and explained what was going to happen. Just started to walk again . Very thankful


Sam Benastick, who spent more 50 days in the remote wilderness, is being treated in a Fort Nelson, B.C., hospital. The 20-year-old was reported missing on Oct. 17, after he failed to return from a 10-day fishing trip. CBC NEWS


I am a retired nurse...I have great respect for paramedics! ❤ I have seen those things...horrible what can happen to people. I had to put myself through nursing school...expensive and I had to work while going to school...tough. Those paramedics need to make more money...I don't think they make what an RN in the US makes 😢


Sam has just been found walking along a dirt road. News report said he stayed in his car the first few nights. No bike?
No explanation why he was lost or why he could not be found.


You're the man David. Thank you for all that you do


Dave, THEY FOUND SAM, ALIVE! Check out any Canada news feed


I live in Dawson Creek, we have a lot of people missing here. The "5th Estate" just did a story about Dawson Creek.
