Missing 411 David Paulides Presents Several Cases of Children Traveling Extraordinary Distances

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Children are traveling unreal distances.
© 2024 David Paulides NABS LLC
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I'm in your general area, western Montana. About 3 years ago, a neighbor farmer spotted something bobbing uo and down in his field. Found a small boy, brought him to my house, i called 911, police came, then the mother after a couple hours called police, all were united. What a beautiful miracle! We are in the mountains, could have been one of your stories. Thank you Dave for your videos, you are saving lives besides educating us.


Dave, if I were you I would not let the trolls and haters affect me to the point of having to explain my work. Anyone who pays attention and not looking for entertainment understands this odd profile point with children. Keep up the great work!


I was 15 and lost my friend and her mother at an unfamiliar mall. I looked everywhere. Left the store i was in and backtracked thru the whole mall. The more i looked the sicker i became. At least 2 hours later i went back to the last store and there they were in the same area i lost them. I told my friend i looked for hours she said i was there the whole time. As we drove home i became very ill. So sick my Mom took me to the hospital. I stayed one week and was unconscious most of the stay. Drs couldn't diagnose my sickness.


My dad, the ultimate outdoor man, told me when I was very little; “if you get lost in the woods, don’t wander, just stay where you are and someone will find you.”


Dave, you are never boring! I think you can judge a person by how they treat their animals and “two hands” just says it all about what kind of “human doing” you are.
Much love and respect from across the pond 🥰


Your stories make me never want to leave my children out of my eyesite.


Found a lost senior that made it 3 miles in the bush, in about 2 hours. That surprised me.


Big thank you Dave, every time we go away from our home to camp, hike. Ect we attache a locator to all of our kiddos under garments, that way if they get away from their tethers we can locate asap. I never would of thought of this until i found your 411 missing projects. God blesses you all


My Brother and I walked 15 miles when we were teenagers. It took us 6 1/2 hours! We were nuts! We had no water and our feet hurt! My brother convinced me that we could do it! We were sunburned, dehydrated and overwhelmed with soreness! All for a softball game! We walked the back roads to be safe but it was one Mom drove us all the time!


This is why when searching for a missing child the distance should not be limited to 2 miles or so. You never know what could have happened. There are many mysteries we do not understand. Some young children are capable of walking longer than one would think. My son was only 2 years old and walked on a hilly trail with us completely without help. I was amazed. He probably could have kept on going. He wasn't tired at all. Yet my daughter when she was 2 could not walk long at all and had to be carried much of the time whenever we walked on trails. Yet this does not explain the much longer distances some young children have wandered. There is more to this than we know. Whether it's angels, aliens, bigfoot, spirits/guides, fairies etc. I wouldn't rule out any of these. And I also believe some wild animals will not go after a very young child. Some have a knowing not to do that. Many years ago I had a cat that would never bite my very young daughter no matter how much she pulled his tail or whatever. It's like he had a sense not to do that. Yet when my daughter got older he would bite her when she hurt him. Not a hard bite, just a warning bite. So then she knew not to do that anymore.


Dave, I am for one happy to see you discovering parallels in the historical records for these age old phenomena, which present a new face to perplex every age...God bless you and your


I love Huck I live vicariously through you Dave when you give her love ❤️ give her the biggest love from the u.k. and thanks Dave for you hard work .


Dave, my coffee taste so much better while listening to you. God Bless You Dave❤


Good morning everyone. Just wanted to like everyone ahead of me before i listen to this episode after working the graveyard shift. Have a great day to all of us!!


In my travels, I had the great experience to learn many things from different American Natives. One thing that had me scratching my head was the stories from Cherokee and different plains people. They would share stories about the little people and how one should avoid them at all cost. One gentleman of Cheyenne and Comanche back ground was very armament about the little people and the entry to their underworld passages. These passages now sound like portals to me. Listening to you today, I am now wondering if maybe these stories were true, or at least have some validity. One thing is for sure other cultures seem to be very aware of the things that are going on around them, while there are those of us have been kept in the dark about the true world around us.


Fascinating once again! I can’t express how much I appreciate your work! Mind boggling for sure. I saw you in Tempe AZ this last February and hope to see your material again soon! Thank you!


Dave, i have long believed that fairies/goblins/pixies of old, and the perceived aliens of today, are the same things, just reported differently depending on current beliefs. Very interesting. I'm so glad you picked up on the story from Ireland .


Hi again Dave, Huck, and Angie, from Jem & my dog Zahara/Sunshine Coast Qld. I have shared this before but will share again. The year was either 1985 or 6, place West suburbs Townsville Qld Australia - my ex-husband & I were driving down a major road going toward the city. It was a new development area so on each side of the road were no houses/buildings. The nearest residences were a parrallel street over. In front of us we saw cars swerving as if avoiding an animal, but as we got closer we saw it was a baby wearing only a nappy. Townsville is very hot. We were shocked that other people had just done nothing, but anyway, we stopped & picked up the child who was in very good condition, & took to police station about 5-10 minutes away. Later, we learned the mother had put the baby in the cot for a nap, gone to sleep herself (20/30 minutes), then woken to find her baby missing. She hadn't even started to search yet because by then we had found him. That is all the time it took this 3-6 month old child to crawl over 800 metres. Earlier this year, my cleaner was driving & similarly she saw a 3 year old Indian boy running along the busy main road, panicked, near Buderim, Sunshine Coast. She couldn't understand the little boy who was not in good condition (it was middle of the day & about 28 degrees celsius) so she took the boy to Marychoodore Police Station. His parents were fined $800. He had wandered lost about 5 km (less than an hour). In both these cases what was appalling is the people who observed the children & did nothing about them. In my case treating a baby like some wild animal? Also in my case, the baby had gotten out of the cot, climbed downstairs, crossed one road, then crossed a large expanse of dirt terrain, then was crossing the main road where we picked it up. It wasn't even dirty! Then although not a lost story - a story of missing antique watches - I was about 5, my sister 2/3. We were at my grand-parents. We decided to play dress-up & got into the drawers took the watches, went down into the fields, at the bottom where we lived in England. We were found wandering some time later, no watches, & despite hours of searching never found. (Wonder if I & my sister gave them to the 'little folk'?). Apparently we were questioned at great length, but neither of us knew anything. I am telling this story as my nanna told me, but I have & never had any recollection of such an incident, which is strange because this was a big 'event' & I can remember lesser memories at a younger ages. This one though is totally wiped & everytime my nanna brought it up, I was sure it was b.s. because I have no memory of watches or wandering in the fields in England for an hour or so. This hill behind only had green grass, no trees, but I do think a small creek meandered nearby? Anyway, really appreciated another video, the hard work you do. Your kindness, honesty, & humility. Before ending my comment - you are right on the money - these things appear to us to what our psyche thinks. Another true experience - 2001 I was in bed reading about different types of aliens - last one a Praying Mantis. That night something happened. I swear I was abducted by a Praying Mantis (Woden Creek, Canberra). I have a witness. My son saw a blue orb go into my bedroom & our dog sleeping with him went hysterical. But that story for another time. Just agreeing with you. My son has seen greys, not I. These things appear to us to how we think they are & like Dr Karla Turner warns: not to be trusted. Sorry for the long comment. Take care & love, light & blessings. x


I could never in my lifetime walk 2, 5, 10, 15, or 20 miles, through woods or on flat ground. These stories of missing kids are haunting. There is definitely something going on. Thanks, David. Good show.


Man how can kids this young travel so far ? Its mind blowing and a father a scary topic. 😳
