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How the narcissist kept you waiting. The narcissist likes to waste peoples time. They like to have people waiting for them. This makes the narcissist feel important. The narcissist is grooming multiple sources of supply at anyone time. These could be friends, colleagues, coworkers, neighbors, romantic relationships, anybody. The narcissist consumes peoples time. When you are waiting for the narcissist, they know this, and they are getting supply from you as well by wasting your time. The narcissist plays so many games on social media and dating apps. Stay away from the narcissist go no contact with these people. Sending you positive positive energy and no more waiting. Namaste

#growth #abundance #healing #narcdaily #selflove #gaslighting #selfawareness
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I stopped waiting for a call,
I stopped waiting for him to come home,
I stopped waiting for a kind word,
a touch,
I stopped waiting for promises to come true,
I stopped....I started living!
Thanks Andrew, have fun in the rain! ⛈❤🤸‍♂️


That’s one place I’ve gotten stuck with the many narcissists, waiting for them to change. When you’ve been conditioned to believe you’re wrong, you try multiple different approaches and styles of communication to try and make things better. It never gets better.


I can assure you . They won’t be waiting for me anymore. If they do they are wasting their time, just like he wasted mine for 8 years . Stay away from these soul suckers guys


In fact, these people give me the creeps and I could never stand being around them again.


I never felt hatred for a person until I met my ex Narc. I has taken extraordinary efforts for me to not feel hatred. This is a journey. Some days are good but some days are horrible. It takes a lot of willpower to come out of darkness


Waiting for them to sign divorce papers, they drag it out


They don’t care, but it’s more. They want to hurt you. They may have everyone over, but not you (me). Never return a phone call, just so you’ll know, they don’t care about you.


Yes, they do want total control of everything!!! And be the center of attention...


I wasted so much time waiting for the narc. Now, that I’m free, I spend my time doing things that make me happy. The narc didn’t like me be happy and free. I couldn’t even read a book without his approval. What a freak! Now, I look forward to dancing, listening to music and being in the sun. Simple things make me happy, smile and enjoy a simple free life.


The Starwars films were a great depiction of reality, of this duelistic universe. The light and dark side of the force, it's very real.

The narcissist has the sad advantage because they died inside when they were young- becoming the false self. They are aware of this at some level.

From then on their course is set- extract everything you can for yourself while trying to hide this fact.

Narcissists and psychopaths make more money and basically rule the world. Not because of talent or intelligence- but because they had a big head start.

It seems unfair. But the bigger picture is that the more difficult life is for us who are trying to be good the better. Suffering brings growth. And earning that knowledge and growth through so much pain while being empathetic is so beautiful. It's the way of the light, it must travel through much darkness.

God bless you all. Keep fighting.


The narcissist always wants to control you. They do it by throwing you breadcrumbs before administering more abuse. You are stuck in the fog of playing the waiting game. Remember the text they first sent you, and remember the text you sent at the end. Dont play the narcissist games and dont ever wait for the Hoover or accept it.


The wait is over... moving on with the wisdom & time healed.
I will never allow a narc to attach themselves to any part of my life.
Thanking God for going through & recognizing the changes I needed to come order to repel those that are narcissistic!
Be Well, Be Wise 🌈🎀😘


Congratulations on the 200k subs, proof that you’re making a difference


They don't respect other people's time. You don't exist except when they need you. Therefore, you have all the time in the world to wait for them, in their opinion. Breaking out of their delusions about you is part of shutting down their narcissistic abuse. The reality is MY TIME IS VALUABLE. And I no longer give my time to narcs, if I can help it. I walk away. Run away if I have to. Eventually, narcs are alone. When everyone gets wise. If they have even ONE person still enabling them, they'll continue to suck suck suck that person's time. If everyone realized what they are.... they would be forced to experience narcissistic collapse. My dad underwent that, because in his narcissism, he couldn't admit that his wife didn't love him, and only wanted his money. So he enabled my mother's financial abuse of me. Until I said, "NO MORE." I needed MY MONEY to take care of MY KIDS. If shunning my mother in order to take care of my kids is a sin, then send me to hell, dammit. I will NOT sacrifice innocent kids for the evil selfish motives of grown adults. My mom and dad already did that to me. I WILL NOT LET THEM DO THAT TO MY KIDS. My dad died alone with his wife. Now, she's trying to hoover me. There's no love. It's just take take take, until their victim is in the streets.


That was me, I did everything that was expected of me from always being available for her, taking care of her kids, fixing her parents house etc etc . She kept me waiting here alone while I gave up everything for her she made no effort and then just walk away.


My narcissistic husband and i were always late for church. It was so embarrassing. He had NO concept of time or didnt care if we were late.
Now im waiting for him to sign divorce papers. He's purposely dragging it out to drain my finances. I cant heal till he is totally out of my life.


This video is 💯. I've blocked these people or don't give my time anymore. I stopped celebrating their birthdays. They have a habit of keeping me waiting and then they cancel plans in the last minute. I don't give them my time and kindness anymore.


Sometimes I don't watch your videos because it reminds me too much of him and to watch them means I'm thinking of him, thank you immensely for your knowledge and wisdom Andrew 😊


When the narcissist calls me they always wait for me to respond but I don't give in


Life changer Andrew🙏 thank you for making sense out of all this for me. I’ve been listening for a year been in it for 18 but I would have gone my entire life thinking something was wrong with me. Seriously, thank you.
