10 Elden Ring Locations FREAKIER Than You Thought

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Elden Ring (PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S/One) is filled with tons of creepy locations. Here are some of our favorites.
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Does nobody know about the special torch? Up in the capital outskirts a merchant in the north sells a torch that reveals invisible enemies such as that assassin. It is well worth a trip up there and works even if you don’t have the stats. Just hold it and you see the assassins.


I've put well over 200 hours into this game, and nothing beats the eerie vibe of that windmill village where everyone just dancing around like they're in some kind of a cult. Cults creeps me out man


I don't usually get freaked out or stressed by From Software game locations but for this game it was the Village of the Albinaurics. You ride in dodging giant crabs and all the other monsters from Liurnia of Lakes and you just start seeing piles of bodies. Then you look up and start seeing hanged bodies in the mist filled caverns everywhere. The enemies seem to be harmless at first but then you realise they are only there to ambush once you have rolled into town. The way they all just try to grab you and crawl at you after you have entered and trying to leave. Also you just randomly find one NPC that gives an item straight away and I thought it was some part of elaborate trap as well. Also I got to compliment the whole Volcano Manor area, NPCs and the steps needed to get there. That was a whole different feeling like first making you feel like a hero for being strong and helpful and then realizing you are being turned into an obediant tool and food for the house of the manor.


Has no one found Seluvis’ little “playroom”??? To me that was the most unsettling part of any fromsoft game ever. In the ruins in front of Ranni’s tower there’s a hidden cellar where Seluvis has been turning people into puppets. You walk in and see multiple people on their knees with their head bent back staring upwards. And if you gave the potion to Nepheli Loux like I did, you will find her behind an illusory wall in the same state. I actually yelled “HOLY SH*T!!” out loud and had to stand up.


In the abduction into volcano manor, the route underground and having to fight 2 iron maidens is not the only solution, not even the easiest. You can take another route and find a site of grace.. after that, you are allowed to teleport away from there to any other grace you've discovered so far.


The whole Caelid area is a total freak show. Those giant skulls always have me wonder what the hell are they? Do all the fingers come from them?


It took me a while to realize the sentient balls are actually those Silver Tear mimic lifeforms that took the shape of an iron ball, which is why they drop silver tear stuff and can follow you


#7 the Black Knife Assassins can be seen if you have the Sentry torch equipped. you do not need to hold it, it can be on your back and you still see them. u can buy the torch from a merchant outside of leyendell capital heading towards the windmill village.


The enemies in Volcano Manor that crawl fast on the ground towards you, that scared the crap out of me lol. Not only that but I missed the site of grace in that area and was tensed up the whole time as I was low on flasks. Volcano Manor itself is a very creepy mysterious place. The moment I arrived at the Volcano Manor and heard it's sinister music, I knew it was a place I wasn't supposed to be in. NPC's were talking about hearing slithering through the walls at night, and after investigating you find Volcano Manor's dark secret behind illusory walls and witness Rya's true form as a serpent. The atmosphere of Volcano Manor is so freaky.


The Roundtable Hold, gets even more eerie when you speak to Roderika and she warns us that someone started lurking on the opposite of the roundtable hold
And it was at a point where most of the npc are gone


First time FromSoftware player here. This game is perfect. Now I’m excited to have an entire collection of games to go back and experience. Great content boys.


I am shocked that the valley with all those wormface creatures that make that awful sound didn't make the list. I'm usually not bothered by much in this game but running through that valley, not been able to escape that sound, had my anxiety levels at an all time high.


What I find freaky is the severe lack of mimic chests in a souls game.


there is actually a dungeon like the number ten thing!
it’s in the altus plateau by the capital, down the path to the left of the gate, leading to the runebear.
it has a bunch of teleported chests that seem to send you back to other places in the dungeon that are previously explored already, but that isn’t actually the case


Tip for dealing with the invisible assassins:
Specifically using the weapon known as "Sentry Torch" which is a torch weapon, will completely negate the invisibility of those assassins, turning them from invisible murder death demons, into regular murder death anoyances.


Auriza Side Tomb is another area that messes with you. You move around with teleporter trap chests. Initially I thought it was the same area, but the lever statue seemingly disappeared from the platform where I had previously seen it. That's when I realized it wasn't the same area, but there were two almost identical ones.
Also pick any Hero's Grave area. The chariot traps are horrible.


What about Caelid?
That whole area is scary, red everywhere, poison plants, giant freaky monsters, oh and, swamp, the fricking SWAMP.


Tip: The hand monsters are incredibly weak to fire. Hit them with any fire dmg and they will roll over and start writhing.


In Nokstella I knew I was gonna get a jump scare in that cathedral but I was not expecting that Ball to have shut the doors and be blocking me in. That was way creepier than the one in Nokron…and I still didn’t realize I could damage them at the time so needless to say I was in full on panic mode. That’s creativity at its best right there!


I think one of the most freaky locations in the whole game is the Village of Albinaurics. There's something horrifying about the whole place, the setting, atmosphere and everything else is straight out of a Nightmare and gave me chills when i first visited the location.