Relax your way to a healthier mindset | Marisa Peer

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If we are what we eat, think and do, then we have a lot more control over our bodies and health than we may initially realise.

You are in control of what you put into your body and mind and you can take positive action to do what’s important to lead a happy, healthy and fulfilled life.

There will be no ads shown throughout this meditation to ensure an uninterrupted experience

Marisa Peer is the author of 'I Am Enough' and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy®️(RTT). Marisa Peer is an English best-selling author, nutritionist, relationship therapist, hypnotherapist trainer, and motivational speaker. She is using hypnosis for anxiety, weight loss, addiction, and overcoming fear.

She has spent over 30 years working with people including royalty, rock stars, actors, professional and Olympic athletes, CEOs and media personalities and has developed her own style that is frequently referred to as "life-changing."

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#guidedmeditation #healthyeating #marisapeeriamenough #iamenough #marisapeer
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Thank you 🙏. I have learned NOT to deny myself any bad foods especially when I begin to obsess. I’ve began eating with purpose and a healthy goal. Occasionally I give in and then bounce right back. Lost 15 pounds after a lifetime of fast food in my car alone. Thank you 🙏


Good day Marisa. I find your work phenomenal. I have a passion for understanding how the mind works and a passion for psychology and helping people feel good about themselves. I have never come across anything like your work before. I am absolutely grateful that I was guided here. I hope we meet one day. It would be very interesting to have a conversation with you. Everyday I set aside ME time and listen to your videos. I look forward to reading your books too. Thank you so much. You definitely have a gift.


Marisa you're doing immense good for the world !! Stay healthy and stay happy always !! 🙏🏽♥️


We become what we eat and what we do! ❤️


Stress is one of the most common issues these days and it can greatly shorten your lifespan.


This is sent from heaven, right on time like asked !


Thank you so much Marissa! I have been listening to this guided meditation for eight days now. I feel so much more in control of my food choices etc. My stomach is actually starting to shrink and I have had four surgeries on my abdomen. I am not very healthy at the moment or well but I feel after finding all of your YouTube postings that I have so much hope and starting to make better choices. Thank you so much. I look forward every evening to listening to the same message until It is in bedded in my mind


Your meditations and talks are the best. They changed my life and I only have a few weeks of listening. I will definitely keep listening. Thank you for making this amazing material free. You truly are the best


Thank you for turning the music down. It's lovely, slightly distracting though.


Absolutely amazing. Just the voice makes me centered💖💖💖


Thank your so much for this guided meditation dear Marisa! 😊🙏 This was much needed 🤗🙏


Hi Maria, thanks for this wonderful meditation. I will continue to meditate to all your videos. I am all into health and wellness. I look at ingredients and not the pictures on the package/box. There are so many chemicals and bad ingredients in our so call food nowadays. I have been a pescaterian for years. I eat a lot of vegetables, grain and fruits. I am in good health. Thanks to you on a hypnosis vedio you did, I can say no to sugar. Ice cream and cookies was my thing and now I can say No to sugar. You are so amazing in many ways.. Thanks for being you. Much love for you.🙏💞


I was just listening to a podcast you were in. Now this! Delightful!


Thank you so much Marisa! I've been wondering if you would ever do (or have done?) a video about overcoming burn-outs? Mine wasn't per se because I overworked myself, but more about believing in convictions certain people were always against me and fear of losing what little I had so I kinda...yeah. I kinda broke down in March. Just a tiny request for perhaps the future. :)


Lovely Marisa, would you please make a similar video to healthy excercise with the same vibes as here? I would honestly record it myself if I had your amazing voice. You have so much POWER! I would so appreciate it. Thankyou for your consideration💕


Incredible with words and depth of understanding of the human psyche. Marissa Peers I am a fan.


Hey Marissa, thank you a lot for this beautiful and precious meditation session.
I'm wondering if you could maybe make a guided meditation for exam anxiety ! Would be very much appreciated. Thanks.


I am working on self development, which is impossible to achieve without healthy eating habits. This is wonderful, i never knew of this sort of meditation, Thankyou Marissa


Hello Marisa, you are absolutely amazing <3. Could you create a meditation session like this about "quit smoking"?


Beautiful. I feel sooo empowered! Thank you Marisa.
