If Jesus Is God, Why Didn’t He Know Everything?: The Mark Series pt 56 (13:32-37)

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People have been using this verse of Scripture to deny the deity of Christ for a long time. in reality, it's actually a beautiful way of teaching the deity and humanity of Christ. We will go through it in detail and answer objections while trying to make sure we don't lose the simple and profound teaching of the passage. Jesus didn't know the day or the hour. Why not? Does He know it now? Did the Holy Spirit know it? If Jesus didn't know then how does that bear down on so many today who are trying to figure out the day and hour?

This is part 56 of the Mark Series, going verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark. Today we are in chapter 13:32-37.

Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture.

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Did the Holy Spirit know the day and hour?

Somehow I skipped the portion of my notes where I was going to deal with that question. Here are my thoughts.

My answer is that the Holy Spirit does know. This is for three reasons.
1) the Holt Spirit is expressly said to know what God thinks. “For who knows a person’s thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭2:11‬ ‭ESV‬‬

2) Jesus didn’t mention the Holy Spirit in this passage and it is presumptuous to assume That the Holy Spirit doesn’t know since there are other explanations for why He is not mentioned. Perhaps it has to do with a wedding analogy that is often brought up where a son would build a home and wait for the instruction from his father to go his bride. In the analogy (which could really use a bit more historical support to help strengthen its likelihood since I understand that we are lacking contemporary records of it) the son is purposely kept in the dark about when he will be given permission to go get his bride and start the wedding. This is a beautiful analogy and Jesus does follow up this saying with a parable about a sudden wedding in Matthew 25. Perhaps then the Holy Spirit is not mentioned in order to preserve the analogy and not to suggest the Holy Spirit doesn’t know. A second explanation to consider for why the Holy Spirit is not mentioned is to say that “Only the Father knows” is a qualified “only”. It is “only” in relation to humans, the angels and the Son. It is not “only” in relation to the Holy Spirit.
3) Jesus has a particular reason and way that He can “not know” something. While He is God He is also human. This is not the case with the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit doesn’t know something then I wonder how that can be. It’s a lot to read into the passage when other simpler explanations are there.
Due to the reasons I just outlined I think we should say that the Holy Spirit knows and always knew the time.


I find myself saying more and more "what a big God" "wow what a Savior we have" and man it feels good


Can we all take a moment and thank GOD for Mike?!

What a blessing this here is!


My 11 yo daughter hit me with “Why is Jesus surprised if He knows everything?” in the passage where the gentile tells him not to come to his house to heal his servant. Thx for this, she likes listening to you.


Mike, you really seem to enjoy that meal and it has definitely made me want to enjoy it too. I have learned a lot from you the past few months. Born and raised, returned missionary, disheartened, floundering Mormon here. I feel I’m finally coming to know the real Jesus through your teachings. A little more each day. Thank you.


Bible nerds unite! Haha! Thank you Mike, for being willing to let the Lord work through you.


Thank you Pastor Mike. You played a big part in developing my desire and enjoyment of studying the Bible and apologetics!


You'll probably never see this but I just had to say thank you. Your heartfelt and wise guidance was meant for me 😄✝️🙏💟


Thank you. Colossians 3:23 is a great reminder of our everyday life.


So happy to have discovered you through Allen Parr. Can’t get enough of your teaching, absolutely love your format and process. Every day feeling the need to live for Jesus, the presence of his comfort and direction. I really appreciate you sharing in everyday language.


I love how you love Jesus. It’s contagious for sure.


On the mention of a youth pastor being discouraged about his kids. I remember 30 years ago, when I was in Luthren Confirmation, not paying much attention. We sang songs, studied etc...
30 years later, in times of challenge some of those songs come up in my head encouraging me and giving me strength. When I have not thought of them in years. But spiritual seeds are planted deep.


“Here’s an example from a movie that is not Lord Of The Rings.” 😂 Oh Ps Mike 🧙‍♂️


The church is the bride Jesus is the bridegroom in the first century before a son gets married the father sends him away he doesn't know when he is coming back untill the father sends for him it's a picture of a Jewish wedding


This study keeps me alive Brother Mike. For over a year I have this series playing quietly on shuffle as I go to sleep each night and continue playing until I arrive at work.
Thank you for being submitted enough to the Holy Spirit to be led to teach this deeply and completely.


I love your joy for the Word. It is infectious! Thank you for what you do and may God continue to bless you!


Bill Johnson’s book Heaven Meets Earth sounds Kenosis-y to me lol. Aside from multiple contradictions that purposely muddy the theological waters of his points, he mentions Jesus being God who then in becoming human left His deity behind to show us that what He did on earth was possible for us to do too. Using Philippians 2:7 as a reference, with lots of convenient ellipses.


Here’s a request. How about a teaching on finding the Trinity in the OT. That would be neat. Especially in your ‘indulging’ way that makes us want to do it too! Blessings Pastor Mike and team!


What you said about being faithful in the daily task, and not waiting for 'the big thing' is something I need to be reminded of constantly. I feel called to some things and so I'm constantly struggling to be 'in the moment.' Thank you for reminding me that where I am is where I am and to be faithful there. And thank you for admitting that you struggled too.


This is a critical aspect of the Christian faith that is not emphasized in churches today. Our LORD is truly God and truly Man. He had to be God in order to save humanity, and He had to be human in order to be Our perfect sacrifice to pay for all of the sins of humanity. This amazing! Praise God!
