How do you get into reading? #books #40before40?

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I have never been a reader particularly. I don't read for pleasure but as part of my 40 before 40 project, one of my goals is to read a full novel which is at least 300 pages long. But where do you start with reading? Do you just pick a book at random and hope for the best? Do you have a favourite author? Where did you begin your reading journey? Let me know in the comments 👇
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Imagine the bookshop is netflix, try a few things that sound interesting and eventually youll find an author you love and their books that you cant put down. For me it was Sir Terry Pratchett 😊


My best suggestion is to think of the type of stories you enjoy in other mediums, movies, tv shows, video games, etc. Google that genre and "fast paced". Fast paced books tend to get into the action faster and thus take less time and effort to get to the engaging parts. As an adult, I wouldn't recommend below middle grade books as the story isn't as engaging, at least for me. But really, pick a reading level you feel comfortable with.


find a book whose topic appeals to you, there's no wrong way to start or any right way to start, enjoyment is the aim of reading. I love a good book, I hope you manage to find the same.
