Fibromyalgia | Symptoms, Associated Conditions, Diagnosis, Treatment

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Lesson on Fibromyalgia, pathogenesis, associated conditions, signs & symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Fibromyalgia is the most common chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain syndrome. In this lesson, we discuss theories regarding the cause of this condition, along with associated conditions (depression and anxiety among others), signs & symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

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Fibromyalgia (StatPearls)


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**MEDICAL DISCLAIMER**: JJ Medicine does not provide medical advice, and the information available on this channel does not offer a diagnosis or advice regarding treatment. Information presented in these lessons is for educational purposes ONLY, and information presented here is not to be used as an alternative to a healthcare professional’s diagnosis and treatment of any person/animal.

Only a physician or other licensed healthcare professional are able to determine the requirement for medical assistance to be given to a patient. Please seek the advice of your physician or other licensed healthcare provider if you have any questions regarding a medical condition.


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Рекомендации по теме

I never had a day off work for 12 years. Then 5 years ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Life is crap. I have good days and bad days, but in generally every day is just crap. I am 65 and wouldn’t want anyone to get this. My thoughts are with everyone that is suffering from this weird condition.👍


I was diagnosed with this. It makes life absolutely unlivable. More research needs to be done on this crippling disease- because you literally cannot work (or you often get fired for attendance issues due to flares or brain fog) and you are never approved for any form of disability benefits. It's insane.


I wonder if there has ever been a study of how many people who suffer from this horrible illness have long term issues at home, with a spouse, with parents, with work, extreme stress for a long period of time.


Living with this is he*l... My life feels completely changed...I'm literally 5% of the person I used to be... It's awful...I literally cry daily... Crying brings some relief...but I pray daily for some miracle


After many doctor visits and pain meds, I finally was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I was 48 at the time. I was always very active, loved to dance, clean house and everything. It hit me so hard. I can't remember if it was before or I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia but got restless leg syndrome. Now at the age of 72, I was diagnosed with Peripheral Neuropathy witch is very painful. I am not a diabetic at least not yet. My feet, ankles swell up and do not go down unless I put my feet up but as soon as I get up the swelling is right back. I just try to keep going but it is very difficult for me especially living alone. I even cut my own grass because no one will help me. I miss dancing most of all. I just thank God I have strong arms.


Thank you for going into so much detail about Fibromyalgia. It is such a debilitating illness. I saw one doctor who said it WASNT a serious condition and most people could live quite comfortably with it. I don’t know who his patients are, but I don’t know ONE person with Fibromyalgia who lives comfortably with it. I have had it for over 25 years, have tried every single method, drug and therapy. To try and help myself, to no avail. The only relief I get is when I swim lengths of the pool. The water is so gentle and relaxing. Thank you for giving your advice on this. Really appreciate it.


I had GBS in the 80s, my brother is in a nursing home PLS, and now I have fibro. I truly believe that this is all from early childhood trauma. My pain doc had me read "When the Body Says No" by Dr. Gabor Mate. An incredible book about the physiological implications of chronic stress. Thank you for this video.


OMG! This is so me. I am recently diagnosed but I was misdiagnosed years ago. I actually now think I've had it for 25 years. It is a living nightmare.


Anti-depressants! First thing they always prescribe for something they haven't taken the time to learn anything about.


This is a very good explanation of fibromyalgia& friends & family of patients may learn from this but as a sufferer myself of this condition I must point out that aerobic exercise is not something I or any of my group could possibly do! It's hard enough to walk up the garden path!


I have almost all the common trigger spots...diagnosed 6 months ago. My 1st symptoms was the neck & shoulder pain that didn't have a reason for nor would go away... also a weird soreness on side a risk... but what really was a strange symptoms was the soreness on the inner part of my knees & the issues with sleep 😢 before diagnosis i had a ANA test done aswell as lyme disease test done both negative waiting almost a yr for for rheumatologist app was diagnosed with fibro.I'm currently still going through some of these aswell as new symptoms like ibs. It seems like your damned if you do damned if you don't with fibromyagia... you do light exercise your in pain you do nothing @ all in tons of pain.. I just pray that God sees me through. THANKS for explaining this condition to ppl especially to those that have no idea of what it really is to deal with this horrible condition.


I’m 15 years old and I have just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and IBS and this video helped a lot! I’m still getting tests because they think I have an autoimmune disorder as well. But this explains all my symptoms and helps me to understand my condition better. Thank u <3


Thank you for making this video. I am going to call my doctor today. I am 29 years old. I have had pain in many locations for 10+ years and have tried almost everything. I think this May be my answer. Thanks again!


Getting fibro diagnoses is even harder when you have autisum, and IBS which leads to a b-12 defiency. I struggled with being tooken seriously for 14 years before being told that i had fibro, and that because of my chronic low b12 and my autisum i would suffer more. I started Cymbalta and b12 and d3 suppelments and after 14 years of suffering, and even longer as i the same symptoms as child i finally have relife from most of the pain. I still cant be tickled and scratching a itch is painful and lingers, but atleast now i dont feel 90 at the age of 35. Be your own advocate because no one will do it for you.


For more information on conditions associated with Fibromyalgia, please check out these lessons as well.


Thank you for this video. I just wanted to mention that Endometriosis is also shown to be associated Fibromylagia. I've been on SO MANY muscoskeletal pain relievers. However, the only thing that's helped me Lyrica that's a pregablin which was actually given for me Endometriosis related pain but has helped me with the fibro related pain as well.


Super slow weight lifting does wonders, it’s typically done on Nautilus or Med X (the physical Therapy version of Nautilus) you lift and lower the weights in a super slow method.
This eliminates the acceleration and deceleration that most weights lifting entails.
This eliminates the muscle damage that normally occurs from lifting weights in the “normal fashion”.
By lifting weights you give your body the exercise your body needs and helps support your body so your body does
not atrophy (muscle shrinkage due to inactivity). It slowly gives you more and more tolerance to pain as you get stronger.
There are many, many benefits, physical strength, fat loss, better mental attitude, body shape improves which also makes you feel better and not feel so trapped
In a inflicted body…


I was told for years that it was in my head. But, I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel, Insomnia, depression, anxiety, lack of concentration, sore muscles, migraines .... Then I read something about Fibromyalgia. Moved out of state. Saw a new doctor. She said " Good news! You have Fibromyalgia. It explains ALL of your symptoms!" I still haven't found any medicines that work but Prozac helped the depression. I felt like yelling to my Mother, "SEE ! I TOLD YOU I HURT AND SOMETHING WAS WRONG!!


Very useful at informing people at what fibromyalgia feels like. Thank you. Hope it helps others too.


Kudos to the person who narrated this video. It is simple enough for lay people to understand, yet not condescending to healthcare professionals. That's a difficult target to hit.
