Fibromyalgia - A Chronic Pain Disorder (Includes Symptoms, Criteria & Treatment Options)

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A look at fibromyalgia, a common but poorly understood condition causing chronic widespread pain. Includes symptoms of fibromyalgia, as well as how fibromyalgia is diagnosed (with Widespread Pain Index and Symptom Severity Scores!) and fibromyalgia treatment.

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Video Timestamps:
0:00 Fibromyalgia Definition - What is Fibromyalgia?
0:20 Fibromyalgia Epidemiology - How common is Fibromyalgia?
0:43 Fibromyalgia Symptoms
1:33 Cause of Fibromyalgia / Fibromyalgia Pathology
2:25 Fibromyalgia Diagnosis - Tender Points, Widespread Pain Index & Symptom Severity Score
3:56 Fibromyalgia Differential Diagnosis
4:17 Fibromyalgia Subtypes & Controversy
5:18 Fibromyalgia Treatment Options

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Other Questions answered and video tags:
What is fibromyalgia
fibromyalgia symptoms
fibromyalgia treatment
fibromyalgia treatment options
fibromyalgia diagnosis
fibromyalgia criteria
fibromyalgia signs and symptoms
fibromyalgia risk factors
How to treat fibromyalgia
How is fibromyalgia diagnosed
symptoms of fibromyalgia
fibromyalgia pathology
fibromyalgia widespread pain index
fibromyalgia symptom severity score
How common is fibromyalgia
fibromyalgia differential diagnosis

Disclaimer: Please remember this video and all content from Rhesus Medicine is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not a guide to diagnose or to treat any form of condition. The content is not to be used to guide clinical practice and is not medical advice. Please consult a healthcare professional for medical advice.


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For more medicine videos consider subscribing (if you found any of the info useful!):

Video Timestamps:
0:00 Fibromyalgia Definition - What is Fibromyalgia?
0:20 Fibromyalgia Epidemiology - How common is Fibromyalgia?
0:43 Fibromyalgia Symptoms
1:33 Cause of Fibromyalgia / Fibromyalgia Pathology
2:25 Fibromyalgia Diagnosis - Tender Points, Widespread Pain Index & Symptom Severity Score
3:56 Fibromyalgia Differential Diagnosis
4:17 Fibromyalgia Subtypes & Controversy
5:18 Fibromyalgia Treatment Options


I feel that my fibromyalgia is the result of living through several extremely stressful events in my life, which has resulted in my nerves being "burnt out" . Not a medical description I know but I get up, everyday, feeling like I've been run over by a bus. A hot bath helps to get me moving but the pain is constant.


I had fibromyalgia for twenty two years. I felt like I had the flu every day of my life. I was on Tramadol until it was taken off the market. I was taking antidepressants and sleeping meds. Last fall I got fatty liver disease. I had to quite all my meds and go on a strict diet of no carbs and no sugar. Within a month I had no more fibromyalgia symptoms. Now five months later I have lost fifty pounds and feel great!! I not have taken any more medication and have no more liver disease. Best thing to ever happen to me was fatty liver disease and change my diet. I have not missed my old diet because I feel so much better.


It’s amazing how when women experience pain in general in their body that it’s assumed that there has to be some kind of psychological connection. As if to say it’s all in our heads. I’m sure men would not get the same analysis.

Update: I combine Blackseed oil and castor oil (equal amounts) and rub these oils in my problem areas: joints and muscles. Blackseed oil has anti-inflammatory properties. Wonderful for maintaining symptoms and get relief. I discovered this on my own by the way. And THEN did the research to confirm. This isn't health advice so please proceed at your own risk. I do have to add this disclaimer.


The truth is that most if not all illnesses have a psychological component. I was diagnosed with ME/CFS, IBS and fibromyalgia twenty five years ago. Since then I’ve been through periods of being bed bound to being 80% functional, and it can vary. I’ve never thought of myself as depressive, I’ve always been positive and meditative but seven years ago, after the sudden and unpleasant break up of my marriage everything fell apart and I was diagnosed with C-PTSD, a condition dating back to pre-birth in my case. The shock was a revelation, I hadn’t realised how much energy I was pouring in to being a people pleaser problem solver for everyone else and suppressing my own needs and emotions. An essential childhood survival tactic of perfectionism.

It has been a relief, at times a joy, at times unbearably painful letting it all fall apart. I have been curious about my own healing, physical and emotional, and have learned a lot along with way. While once I would have fiercely denied any emotional or psychological component to my illness(es) I found freedom in Bessel van der Kalk’s ‘The Body Keeps the Score’ and other related books. There is always a psychological component that creates a toxic stress that produces chemicals that trigger physical weaknesses or vulnerabilities that we carry. If we address and eliminate these we are part way to understanding ourselves and some of the way towards healing. Add to this being prepared to be curious, to experiment with diet and other therapies (cold water works for me, and meditation on a number of forms including slow walking in nature) we can feel more empowered and less helpless on our bad days or in our bad weeks or months. And I say this from the middle of a not very good phase, where some dietary self sabotage has played a part! 🤦🏼‍♀️😁
Good luck everyone, and take great care of yourselves. At the moment we are the only ones who can.


These are facts. I was diagnosed in my 30's. I have always had high tolerance for pain but always in pain which is why it took so long to be diagnosed. It was when I was treated for anxiety when it was discovered that I had Fibromyalgia. I don't wish it on anyone. Awesome and informative video! Thank you!


I’ve had fibromyalgia for for 22 years, everyday is different . Pain varies greatly from day to day . Sometimes I stay in bed or go no further then my recliner. After a while you learn how to deal with it and what you eat can make it worse also . Certain smells, tastes, and definitely sensitive to touch . Every inch of my body is sensitive to touch, I don’t being touched at all most of the time. Wearing clothes is painful especially anything even close to form fitting . Life sucks with this crap . Especially when you add everything else to it that you experience on a daily basis.


I've had pain and symptoms since I was in my late 20's. I always complained to my doctors but not one, and there were many throughout the years, not one ever diagnosed me. "It'll go away" was basically the response. I was finally diagnosed last year. I'm 55 now and it was a relief to be heard. I ache from head to toe but at least I kmow for sure what it is.


Diagnosed with it in 2011. Took meds until 2017 where life hit and took a turn for the better. Painful, but for the better nonetheless. It Took 1 year to clean my system from prescription meds(including prescribed opioids) while doing that I completed the CASAC and switch career to social service field from the business field that it was great money, but I hated it. I am just sharing pieces of my journey in Hopes this can help someone🙏🏽

I am off of meds all together. Got strong Spiritual life, a holistic approach, change in food intake and lifestyle. I praise God for his shaking up to get me to this stage😉


Thank you for this honest medical review giving true insight to this very misunderstood disorder! So helpful.


I'm diagnosed since 2004 as Fibromyalgi patient. Still have pains and fatigue. I have used the Tramadol 100mg when I can't stand and a unable to do something att all. Paroxetin 20mg/day. This combination make me happier and more mobile. Love from Sweden 🇸🇪😍


I've had fibromyalgia since I was very young. I am now 50. I can say with all confidence that if you feel terrible and make yourself do more physically, it will only make you sicker. Pushing yourself really is a bad thing to do.


I also have sensitivity to light, chemicals, smells, sometimes my skin hurts to touch. Stinks


I have lupus and fibromyalgia 😵‍💫 the last 7 months have been hell, I feel like I've been in a very long flare that WON'T stop!


Thank you very much for your video on Fibro.! The simple, to-the-point explanation is a perfect example that I show people when asked what my Fibromyalgia diagnosis really is!


I got my diagnosis about 1 1/2 years ago, after six years of hearing doctors tell me I wasn`t sick. Knowing what it is, sure helps me explain why I can`t do whatever I want. But I still try to improve my health as best I can. I am currently using Sarotex to take the top of the pains, and I am working out with swimming, finding I manage pain and fatigue better in the water than on land.


GOD help us. I have the same plus polymialgia and Chrons disease. It is very hard. Pain all over my body. Start a diet today. Hope works. God bless all of you.


Thank You very much for this intuitive YT Video. 8% of the population may be underestimated bc as you state, many people don't report these conditions to their doctors or the doctors don't UNDERSTAND this conditon. My Pain managment doctor, also a Physiatrist, diagnosed me with FM. I have been suffering with Chronic pains and stiffness stemming from many spinal conditions: Dextroscoliosis of 25 degrees caused by a leg length discrepancy (shorter right leg at 1") as a result of a Femur Fracture in 1966 (age 15 at the time); encroaching Degenerative Disc Disease {DDD}, sites of spinal Stenosis (Lumbar, Thoracic and Cervical), Disc Bulges, and Facet Joint Arthritis with a Spondylioethis at L5-S1. I have Tinnitus, TMJ Syndrome, Occiptal /Neck pains, Military Neck, IBS / GERD for many years; Radiculapathy and Highly sensitized Central Nervous system and pheripheral nerve dmamge. My first cervical MRI in 2012 revealed that I have a More Than Normal Narrow Spinal Canal. I'm no Doctor, however, I have Common Sense and have done Much Research in these matters. One thing not mentioned here is : The Vagus Nerve, the motherlode of the nervous system. It is the largest of the Cranial Nerves that connects vital organs to your Brain. Your Spine is the motherlode of your Well Being. To me, is it No Wonder that with multitude of "squeezes" of my spinal chord is affecting my body and Mind. FTR, I take Gabapentin (trying to wean off of it, bc your body will want more and more - I take 300mg 2X a day form 3X a day. I also take many supplements to address Chronic Pain / Anxiety: Tumeric, Bromelain, Alpha lipoic Acid, Amino acids like NAC, L Arginine, L Theanine, and many others including vital Vitamains D3, K2, C, E, and B Complexes. I hope some of this story helps others. You Must Seek Your Own Answers, the Doctors will not help except to prescibe MEDS from Big Pharma.


I drastically reduced my sugar/sweetener/refined carb intake 7 years ago. My fibromyalgia disappeared. I also do a 3 day water fast a few times a year. It keeps inflammation low in my body.


I was told I had Fibromyalgia for years… Come to find out I had a genetic disease called Hypermobile Ehlors-Danlos Syndrome, Cranialcervical Instability, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and POTS. I say this some that it may also help someone get checked out if they may also have EDS as it also mimic’s the same symptoms .
